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FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS REMINDERS • Only individuals specifically authorized in writing may classify documents. • Only individuals with the appropriate security clearance may classify derivatively. • There are three levels of classification, TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL. • Do no use other terms such as “Official Use Only” or “Administratively • Confidential” to identify classified national security information. • Information shall not be classified for any reason unrelated to the protection of • the national security. • Classifiers are responsible for assuring that information is appropriately classified • and properly marked. • Access to classified information requires a security clearance at an appropriate • level, a signed nondisclosure agreement, and a “need-to-know.” • Information that is inappropriately classified or unclassified should be be • brought to the attention of responsible officials. • “X1 through X8” are not approved markings under EO 12958, as amended, and • should not be contained in any originally classified documents on or after • September 22, 2003. • “OADR” is not and approved marking under EO 12958, as amended, and should • not be contained in any originally classified documents after October 14, 1995.
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 November 1, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (S) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. 3. (C) This is paragraph 3 and contains “Confidential” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “C” in parentheses. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Office of Administration Reason: 1.4(a) and (d) Declassify on: December 31, 20019 SECRET Marking Originally Classified Documents • Document contains essential markings • required by E.O. 12958: • Portion markings • Overall classification • “Classified by” line • Name • Position • Agency or office of origin • Reason for classification • “Declassify on” line • Date or event less than 10 ears from date of document or if unable to identify date or event: • Date 10 years from date of document or • Date greater than 10 and less than 25 years from date of the document or • Date 25 years from the date of the document
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 November 1, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (S) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. 3. (C) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Confidential” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “C” in parentheses. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Office of Administration Reason: 1.4(a) and (d) Declassify on: December 31, 20019 SECRET Portion Markings • Portion: ordinarily defined as a paragraph • but also includes charts, tables, pictures, • and illustrations. Consists of: • “(U)” – Unclassified • “(C)” – Confidential • “(S)” – Secret • “(TS)” – Top Secret • The abbreviations may be placed before • or after the portion to which they apply.
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 November 1, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (S) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. 3. (C) This is paragraph 3 and contains “Confidential” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “C” in parentheses. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Office of Administration Reason: 1.4(a) and (d) Declassify on: December 31, 20019 Overall Classification Marking Overall classification is the highest Classification level of information Contained in the document Overall classification is SECRET Conspicuously place the overall classification At the top and bottom of the page. SECRET
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET Front Cover SECRET Title Page SECRET Back Cover First Page SECRET SECRET Overall Classification Markings (continued)
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS UNCLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 Chapter 2-Funding (U) MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (U) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Unclassified” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. Chapter 1-Funding (U) 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (S) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. -8- -3- UNCLASSIFIED SECRET Overall Classification (continued)
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS “Classified by” Line Identify the classification authority on the “Classified by” line by name or personal identifier and position. If the identification of the originating agency or office is not apparent on the face of the document, place it below the “Classified by” line. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 OR Classified by: ID#MNo1, Chief Division 5 Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Office of Administration
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Reason for Classification Line • Use a brief reference to the classification category(ies), or the number 1.4 • plus the letter(s) that correspond to the classification category in section 1.4 • of E.O. 12958, as amended. • Categories: • Military plans, weapons systems, or operations. • Foreign government information. • Intelligence activities (including special activities, intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology. • Foreign relations or foreign activities of the U.S., including confidential sources. • Scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the national security, which includes defense against transnational terrorism. • U.S. Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities. • Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to the national security, which includes defense against transnational terrorism. • Weapons of mass destruction. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Reason: Military Plans; Foreign Relations OR Reason: 1.4(a) and (d) Cal
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS “Declassify on” Line Event less than 10 years: Document dated November 1, 2003 and the information’s national security sensitivity will lapse 15 days after Admiral West completes his trip. Classified by: David Smith, Branch Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Reason: 1.4(g) Declassify on: 15 days after Admiral West completes travel to Europe Date less 10 than years: Document is dated November 1, 2003, and the information’s national security sensitivity will lapse in eight years. Classified by: David Smith, Branch Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Reason: 1.4(g) Declassify on: November 1, 2011
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS “Declassify on” Line (continued) Date that is 10 years from the date of original classification: Document is dated November 1, 2003, and the information’s national security sensitivity will lapse in ten years. Classified by: David Smith, Branch Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Reason: 1.4(g) Declassify on: November 1. 2013 Date that is greater than 10 years, but less than 25 years from the date of original classification: Document is dated November 1, 2003 and the information’s national security sensitivity will lapse in 16 years. Classified by: David Smith, Branch Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Reason: 1.4(g) Declassify on: November 1, 2019
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS “Declassify on” Line (continued) Date that is 25 years from the date of original classification: Document dated November 1, 2003 and the information’s national security sensitivity will lapse in 25 years. Classified by: David Smith, Branch Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Reason: 1.4(g) Declassify on: November 1, 2028 Note: The identity of a confidential human source or a human intelligence source is not subject to automatic declassification. The marking for the exemption of this specific information is: Declassify on: 25X1-human
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 November 1, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (S) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. 3. (C) This is paragraph 3 and contains “Confidential” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “C” in parentheses. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Office of Administration Reason: 1.4(a) and (d) Declassify on: November 1, 20019 SECRET Example of a Properly Marked Originally Classified Document
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Marking Derivatively Classified Documents DEFINTION: Derivative classification is the act of incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating in new form information that is already classified, and marking the newly developed material consistent with markings of the source document. • Source information may consist of a classified document or documents, or a classification guide issued by an original classification authority. • Markings from a source document determine the markings on the derivative document. • The “Reason” line from the source document is not required to be transferred to the derivative document.
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 December 1, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (U) This is paragraph 1 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. 2. (S) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. 3. (C) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Confidential” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “C” in parentheses. Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Office of Administration Reason: 1.4(a) and (d) Declassify on: January 31, 2008 January 1, 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR: David Smith Division 5 From: Susan Goode, Director Subject: (U) Recommendations for Resolving Funding Problems 1. (S) This is paragraph 1 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “S” in parentheses. 2. (U) This is paragraph 2 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “U” in parentheses. 3. (U) This is paragraph 3 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “U” in parentheses. Derived from: Memorandum dated 12/1/03 Subject: Funding Problems Department of Good Works Declassify on: January 31, 2008 SECRET SECRET Marking Derivatively Classified Documents (continued) Source Document Derivative Document
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Classified by: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Declassify on: OADR Derived from: Document dated 10/05/93 Subject: IT Developments Department of Good Works Declassify on: Source marked OADR Date of Source: 10/05/93 Source Document with “OADR” Declassification Instructions Source Document Derivative Document
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Classified by: Mary Jones Director of Security Reason: 1.4(g) Declassify on: X4 Derived from: Department of Good Works Dated 12/02/00 Subject: Security Equipment Procurement Declassify on: Source Marked X4 Date of Source 12/02/00 Source Document with “X1” Through “X8” Declassification Instructions Source Document Derivative Document
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS CONFIDENTIAL (C)………………………………………………………………………… SECRET Title (U) (S)………………………………………………………………………… SECRET (S)………………………………………………………………………… Derived from: Multiple Sources Source 2 CONFIDENTIAL Derivative Source 1 SECRET SECRET Derivatively Classifying From Multiple Sources NOTE: Maintain a list of all classified sources with the file or record copy of the derivative document. If practical, include the list with all copies of the derivative document.
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Derivatively Classifying From Multiple Sources (continued) Official File Copy Derived from: Multiple Sources Source 1: Memo of May 5, 2004 David Smith, Chief Division 5 Office of Admin. Department of Good Works Source 2: Report of Oct. 20, 1996 Lief Erikson, Head Good Mgmt. Branch Department of Trees
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 October 4, 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: Bob Jones, Division 2 Subject: (U) Project Funding 1. (S) This is paragraph 1 and contains “Secret” information taken from paragraph 1 of the document used as a source. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. Derived from: Memo dated 10/10/03 Chief Division 5 Department of Good Works Subject: Funding Problems Declassify on: 0514/2020 October 10, 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR From: David Smith, Chief Division 5 Subject: (U) Funding Problems 1. (S) This is paragraph 1 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “S” in parentheses. 2. (C) This is paragraph 2 and contains “Confidential” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “C” in parentheses. Derived from: Multiple Sources Declassify on: 05/14/2020 SECRET SECRET Source Document Marked “Multiple Sources” Derivative Document Used as a Source Derivative Document
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Source 2 Derivative Source 1 Dated: January 1, 2003 Dated: January 1, 2004 Declassify on: Source Marked X-U.S. Military Plans, Date of Source: 01/01/03 Declassify on: X-U.S. Military Plans Declassify on: January 1, 2010 “Declassify on” Line – Multiple Sources
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Derivatively Classifying From a ClassificationGuide Page from a sample guide • September 30, 2000 • Classification Guide No. 128 • Subject Classification Instructions • LevelReasonDuration • 1. Program Planning U • 2. Program Progress U • 3. Technical Scope of • A.B.C. C 1.4(a) 4/15/10 • 4. Vulnerability S 1.4(g) 6/23/19 • 5. Limitations U DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Security Classification Guide No. 128 September 30, 2000
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS • September 30, 2000 • Classification Guide No. 128 • Subject Classification Instructions • LevelReasonDuration • 1. Program Planning U • 2. Program Progress U • 3. Technical Scope of • A.B.C. C 1.4(a) 4/15/10 • 4. Vulnerability S 1.4(g) 6/23/19 • 5. Limitations U Derivatively Classifying From a Classification Guide CONFIDENTIAL (U) Title (C) This paragraph includes information about the technical scope of A.B.C. (U) This paragraph includes information on program planning. (U) This paragraph includes information on program progress. Derived from: Department of Good Works Classification Guide No. 128 dated September 30, 2008 Declassify on: April 15, 2010 CONFIDENTIAL
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 January 1, 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR: David Smith Division 5 From: Susan Goode, Director Subject: (U) Recommendations for Resolving Funding Problems 1. (S) This is paragraph 1 and contains “Secret” information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “S” in parentheses. 2. (U) This is paragraph 2 and contains unclassified information. Therefore, this portion will be marked with designation “U” in parentheses. Derived from: Memorandum dated 12/1/03 Subject: Funding Problems Department of Good Works Declassify on: January 31, 2008 Classification extended on 01/01/03 until 01/01/06 by David Smith, Chief, Division 5 SECRET Classification Extensions • Only an original classification authority with jurisdiction over the information may extend the duration of classification for up to 25 years. • The “Declassify on” line must be revised with the new declassification instructions to include the identity of the person authorizing the extension and the date of the action. • Reasonable attempts should be made to notify all holders of a classification extension. • As appropriate, classification guides shall be updated to reflect the extensions.
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Foreign Government Information • Mark documents containing classified foreign government information with: This Document Contains (Country of Origin) Information. • Mark the portions to indicate the country of origin and the classification level. • Substitute FGI if the identity of the country must be concealed. • If the fact that foreign government information is contained in a document must be concealed, mark the document as if it were wholly of U.S. origin. • Foreign government information must be marked with a declassification date of up to 25 years unless there is an international agreement or treaty that allows classification beyond 25 years. SECRET DEPARTMENT OF GOOD WORKS Washington, D.C. 2006 January 1, 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR: David Smith Division 5 From: Susan Goode, Director Subject: (U) Recommendations for Resolving Funding Problems 1. (C) This is paragraph 1 and contains “Confidential” information from a U.S. source document. . Therefore, this portion will be marked with the designation “S” in parentheses. 2. (Country of Origin-S) This is paragraph 2 and contains classified information marked “Secret” by the country of origin. Therefore, this portion will be to indicate the country of origin and level of classification Derived from: Multiple Sources Declassify on: January 1, 2029 SECRET THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS (COUNTRY OF ORIGIN) INFORMATION
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Nuclear Weapons and Materials Information • Consult 10 CFR 1045 , Nuclear Classification and Declassification, for instructions on marking and handling documents containing Restricted Data (RD) and Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). • E.O. 12958, as amended, does not apply to RD or FRD. • Special training and authorization is required before derivatively applying these markings to a document.
FSO WORKSHOP-MARKING REQUIREMENTS Letters of Transmittal • Mark unclassified transmittal documents with the highest classification level of any information transmitted by it. • Also mark the unclassified transmittal document with appropriate instructions indicating that it is unclassified when separated from classified enclosures. • Mark the top and bottom of classified transmittal documents with the highest classification level of any information contained in the transmittal document or its enclosures. • Mark the classified transmittal document with appropriate instructions indicating its overall classification level when separated from its enclosures.