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Joseph Rudyard Kipling. Joseph Rudyard Kipling. (December 30, 1865 in Mumbai, died. January 18, 1936 in London) - English novelist and poet, born in India. Nobel Prize laureate (1907).
Joseph Rudyard Kipling • (December 30, 1865 in Mumbai, died. January 18, 1936 in London) - English novelist and poet, born in India. Nobel Prize laureate (1907). • Mainly famous for the lines: Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890) and If-(1910) and works targeted at children and adolescents: The Jungle Book (1894), Such a bajeczkami (1902) and Pukke with Pukowej Hills (1906), and a novel Kim (1901). It is also the author of many short stories such as The Man Who Would Be King (1888) and collections Life's Handicap (1891), The Day's Work (1898) and Gawędy from the Himalayas (1888). Kipling considered a great "innovator in the art of short stories". His books for children etched into the canon of children's literature and his works are praised for their diverse style and fluency.
Kipling in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was one of the most popular British writers, both novelists and poets. In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, becoming the first so honored writer of English language, there is still the youngest of the winners. Among many honors, Kiplingowi offered the title several times, court poet and a knighthood, but refused to adopt these awards . Kipling was considered later, as he said about him, George Orwell, is also a "prophet of British imperialism." In his works perceived prejudices and beliefs of militarism, and the resulting controversy lasted through much of the twentieth century. According to critic Douglas Kerr "is still the author who can inspire fierce disputes, and its position in the history of literature and culture is far from fixed. But with the era of the outgoing European powers is regarded as an incomparable portraitist colonial empires of the world. This fact, combined with growing recognition of his extraordinary gift narratorskiego makes it passes for a clear-founder, has to be counted ".
Childhood • Rudyard Kipling was born on 30 December 1865 in Bombay, British India. His parents were Alice Kipling (née MacDonald) and John Lockwood Kipling. Father, a sculptor and pottery designer, held the position of dean of the newly formed School of Fine Arts named Sir Jamsetji Jejeebhoyata in Mumbai, in which the inter-relationships taught sculpture and architecture. Alice Kipling was one of four Victorian sisters exceptional , but Miss MacDonald came from very wealthy provincial family, your life tied up with famous men: Kipling's aunts husband, Georgy was the painter Edward Burne-Jones, another aunt, Agnes - painter Edward Poynter, and a third son, Stanley Baldwin, was three times prime minister of Great Britain on behalf of the Conservative Party . This woman full of life the future viceroy of India, characterized by the words: "Boredom and Mrs. Kipling can not stay in the same room" . Kipling's name comes from Rudyard Lake in rural Staffordshire region of England, his parents lived on the lake in times przedmałżeńskich and, charmed by its beauty, so they named their first child.
Early travels • "Civil and Military Gazette" w Lahaur, którą Kipling zwykł nazywać "pierwszą panią i prawdziwą miłością", ukazywała się sześć dni w tygodniu przez cały rok z wyjątkiem jednodniowych przerw na Boże Narodzenie i Wielkanoc. Kipling ciężko pracował wraz z wydawcą, Stephenem Wheelerem, lecz jego potrzeba pisania nadal była niezaspokojona. W 1886 roku opublikował swój pierwszy zbiór wierszy, Departmental Ditties. W tym samym roku zmienili się wydawcy gazety. Kay Robinson, nowy wydawca, pozwolił mu na większą swobodę twórczą i zlecił pisanie opowiadań. • Tymczasem, latem 1883 roku, Kipling odwiedził po raz pierwszy Shimlę, letnią stolicę Indii Brytyjskich. W tym czasie było już utrwaloną praktyką wicekróla Indii i rządu, by przenosić się tam na sześć miesięcy. Miasto stawało się wtedy "centrum władzy, a także przyjemności". Rodzina pisarza gościła już wcześniej w Shimli, a Lockwood Kipling dostał zlecenie zaprojektowania fresków w tamtejszym Kościele Chrystusa. Kipling powracał do Shimli na swoje coroczne wakacje w latach 1885-1888, a miasto stało się scenerią wielu opowiadań, które napisał dla "Gazette".
Effects of World War I • Kipling was compared with an expansive and conservative attitude of European civilization, the late nineteenth century, so the decline of his popularity during World War I was inevitable. Then also experienced personal tragedy: his only son, John, died in 1915 in the Battle of Loos-en-Gohelle. Couplets death of his son commented: "If you ask why the death of us already owns, / Reply: Because their fathers were liars." Probably these words conceal the guilt of the writer who put his son through the patronage of the Irish Guards, despite his considerable short-sightedness. Probably as a result of this tragedy, Kipling joined the organization that cares about British cemeteries, which still can be found along the former Western Front and in all places, where British soldiers were killed. This Kipling chose the biblical phrase "Their Name Liveth For Evermore" (Their name lives forever "), located on the commemorative plaques at the graves of the fallen. Also wrote a two-volume history of the Irish Guards, issued in 1923, and his moving story The Gardener (Gardener) presents details of war cemeteries.
Death and legacy • Kipling wrote, until the early thirties, but much slower and longer without much success. He died as a result of bleeding duodenal ulcer perforation after January 18, 1936, two days before his friend George V, at the age of 70 years. (The writer's death prematurely reported one newspaper, which Kipling wrote: "I've just read that I am dead. Do not forget to delete me from your list of subscribers"). Rudyard Kipling's ashes were buried in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey parts, where buried and commemorated many writers. • After the death of Kipling's work gradually fell into oblivion. The new poetry is often rejected rhyme and regular meter, and with the collapse of European colonial empires, Kipling's works have lost their usefulness. Many critics consider that, despite the undisputed artistry of the writer, his works were merely an illustration of obsolete views. They point to the image of the Indian characters as seen through the eyes of colonists and the only suggestion that the peoples of the colonies fail to survive without the help of Europeans. However, the constant popular songs Kipling for children and adolescents. • Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting, used many themes from the Book of the jungle, and Kim, creating a movement for the youngest - "Wilczęta. The very name is an allusion to their adopted wolf family Mowgliego, also bears the name of the chief adult helpers, as leader of the Seoni Packs. • In modern India, is treated reluctant writer thanks to strong imperialistic tone of his works, especially arising from the First World War. His books - with the exception of short stories for children - are often conspicuously ignored in the curriculum of English literature in schools and universities. Some critics who defend Kipling stress that racism evident in his works exhibit fictional characters, and not himself, allowing for more precise characterization of the characters ( "Gunga Din").
Mother of Cities to me,For I was born in her gate,Between the palms and the sea,Where the world-end steamers wait. Dla mnie to Matka Miast,Gdyż urodziłem się za jej bramą,Między palmami a morzem,Gdzie parowce z krańca świata czekają. The Bombay, his home town of Kipling wrote
In London, a lot of stories of Kipling were admitted to printing by different publishers. There he found the house where he spent the next two years: • Meanwhile, I found a flat near the Strand, in Villiers Street, which 46 years ago through its customs and people of the place was simple and spontaneous. My rooms were small, very clean and maintained an average, but sitting at my desk I could look out the window at the entrance to the Gatti's Music Hall across the street, and I could almost see the scene. Trains to Charing Cross station dudniły on one side, and the sound of the Strand to preach the opposite, while the windows, the Shot Tower, the Thames flowed.
Marriage and honeymoon • January 18, 1892 roku Carrie Balestier, having then 29 years old, and 26-year-old Rudyard Kipling were married in London, "the peak of an influenza epidemic, when business missed the funeral of black horses and the dead had to be content gniadymi" . The ceremony was held at All Souls Church and the bride led to marriage Henry James. Newlyweds began a honeymoon trip to the United States, including visiting Carrie Balestier family estate near Brattleboro in Vermont, then went to Japan . When they came to Yokohama, they learned that their bank, the New Oriental Banking Corporation, went bankrupt.
Selected works Selected works • * The Story Of The Gadsbys (1888) * Plain Tales from the Hills, 1888 * The Phantom Rickshaw and other Eerie Tales (1888) * The Light That Failed, 1890, Polish edition in 1922, * Barrack-Room Ballads (1890, a small selection of different sets available in the third volume anthology of English poets; * The Jungle Book, 1894, Polish edition, translated by Francis Mirandola 1922, * The Second Jungle Book, 1895, Captains Courageous *, 1897, * The Day's Work (1898) * Stalky & Co.., 1899,) * Kim (1901, Polish edition, 1926) * Just So Stories, 1902, Polish edition in 1919, the set includes, inter alia, The cat's story, who trod their own paths * Puck of Pook's Hill, 1906, Polish edition 1936, translation: Jozef Birkenmajer) * Rewards and Fairies, 1910) * Life's Handicap (1915) * Souvenirs of France (1933)
The work prepared by a student of Class II Ti in Witkowio. • Paweł Majchrzak