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SOPRAN S urface O cean Pr ocesses in the An thropocene

SOPRAN S urface O cean Pr ocesses in the An thropocene. Johanna Schietke WDC-MARE/PANGAEA University of Bremen, Germany. 11 Institutes:. Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften at the University of Kiel

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SOPRAN S urface O cean Pr ocesses in the An thropocene

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  1. SOPRANSurface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene Johanna Schietke WDC-MARE/PANGAEA University of Bremen, Germany

  2. 11 Institutes: Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften at the University of Kiel • H. Bange, P. Brandt, C. Eden, A. Körtzinger, J. LaRoche, K. Lochte, U. Riebesell, D. Wallace (Coordinator) University of Heidelberg • C. Garbe, B. Jähne, U. Platt, R. VonGlasow University of Hamburg • M. Gade, R. Kaese, W. Michaelis, G. Peters, R. Seifert, D. Stammer University of Bremen • W. Balzer, M. Rhein Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig • H. Herrmann, I. Tegen, A. Wiedensohler Leibniz-Insitut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde • K. Jürgens, M. Nausch, F. Pollehne, H. Siegel, D. Schulz-Bull, M. Voss Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz • J. Williams Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg • E. Maier-Reimer Max-Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Jena • M. Heimann Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven • C. Völker, A. Engel, D. Wolf-Gladrow GKSS Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht • M. Schartau, K. Wirtz

  3. Theme 1: The oceanic response to atmospheric dust

  4. Theme 2: Effect of high CO2 on marine ecosystems and sea-to-air gas fluxes in situ CO2 perturbation experiments with mesocosms in off shore waters

  5. Theme 3: Production / emission of radiatively and chemically active gases in the Tropical Oceans

  6. Theme 4: Inter-Phase Transfer at the Sea Surface

  7. Areas in the Baltic Sea for Theme 2 and 4: Blue Line: Volunteer Observing Ship (VOS) line Red circle (SW): FINO-2 wind-energy research platform Red circle (NE): location for mesocosm deployments Theme 1 and 3: Tropical eastern Atlantic, Cap Verde- Area

  8. Expected Data: Cruise-derived data sets: • Vertical profiles CTD/ bottle/ other profiler data structures - large data quantities, consistent formats. Simple metadata. • Underway data; sediment-trap data, etc. -Relatively large data quantities with consistent parameters, formats and structures. Simple metadata. • Experimental data: - tabular data structures of variable form. Relatively small data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. Time-Series data (e.g. from Cape Verde): Atmospheric Site: • Atmospheric data at relatively high frequency. Similar to Underway data but with more complex and extensive metadata. UK-SOLAS will handle and process these data via the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Atmospheric Data Centre. Water-column data from measurements off Cape Verde: • Profile data of limited amount and according to standard parameters. • Experimental data from Cape Verde site: similar to cruise data discussed above. • Mooring data.

  9. Data from mesocosm experiments: • • Mesocosm study data: • Tabular data structures of variable form. Wide range of small to medium data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. • • Lab-Experimental data: • Tabular data structures of variable form. Relatively small data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. • Data from gas exchange studies • Experimental data of unique design. • Tabular data structures of variable form. • Relatively large data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. • Complex metadata. The data will be archived at the WDC-MARE and will be available via www.pangaea.de and the dataportal http://solas.dataportal.wdc-mare.org/

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