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Authentication. Topics today. Background: Hash Functions Password Graphical passwords Challenge-Response Biometrics. Hash Functions. Hash Functions: Main Idea. Hash function H is a lossy compression function H(x ) should look “random” Every bit (almost) equally likely to be 0 or 1.
Topics today • Background: Hash Functions • Password • Graphical passwords • Challenge-Response • Biometrics
Hash Functions: Main Idea • Hash function H is a lossy compression function • H(x) should look “random” • Every bit (almost) equally likely to be 0 or 1 hash function H . message “message digest” x . y . . . x’’ y’ x’ bit strings of any length n-bit bit strings
Collisions • Collision: H(x)=H(x’) for some inputs x≠x’ • Collisions must happen • Length of x unlimited, length of H(x) is n-bits ! • Even if length of x is bounded |x| = b, and b > n, there will be collisions • “Pigeonhole principle” "עקרון שובך היונים" • A hash function cannot be 1-to-1 • Cryptographic hash function must have certain properties
Property 1: One-Way • Intuition: hash should be hard to invert • “Preimage resistance” • Given random y, it should be “hard” to find any x such that h(x)=y • How hard? • Brute-force: try every possible x, see if h(x)=y • SHA-1 (common hash function) has 160-bit output • Suppose have hardware that’ll do 230 trials a pop • Assuming 234 trials per second, can do 289 trials per year • Will take 271 years to invert SHA-1 on a random image
Probability background: “Birthday Paradox” • How likely is it that some people have the same birthday in a class of T students? • If there are T=366 people in class then • Prob(not all different birthdays | T people) = 0 • How big should T be so • Prob(not all different birthdays | T people) >= ½ ?? • Let’s experiment !
“Birthday Paradox” analysis • How many possibilities that are all different? • (K)T = K(K-1)…(K-T+1) - samples without replacement • Probability of no repetition?
Birthday Paradox continued • Bottom line: For k=365, t=23 suffices • In general suffices
Property 2: Collision Resistance • Hard to find somex≠x’ such that h(x)=h(x’) • Brute-force collision search is O(2n/2), not O(2n) • n = number of bits in the output of hash function • For SHA-1, this means O(280) vs. O(2160) • Reason: birthday paradox • Let T be the number of values x1, x2, x3, … we need to look at before finding the first pair xi≠xjs.t.h(xi)=h(xj) • Assuming h is random, how big should T be so the probability of finding a repetition >= ½ ? • Total number of possible values? • Conclusion: K=2n T 2n/2
Property 3: Weak Collision Resistance • Given a randomly chosen x, hard to find x’ such that h(x)=h(x’) • Attacker must find collision for a specific x… • by contrast, to break collision resistance, enough to find any collision • Brute-force attack requires O(2n) time • Weak collision resistance does not imply collision resistance (why?)
Hashing vs. Encryption • Hashing is one-way. There is no “uh-hashing”! • In contrast, encryption is two-way: can decrypt a ciphertext with the decryption key • Hashes have no equivalent of “decryption” • Hash(x) looks “random”… but can be compared for equality with Hash(x’) • Hashes are also known as “cryptographic checksums”
Application: Password Hashing • Instead of user password, store H(password) • When user enters password, compute its hash and compare with entry in password file • System does not store actual passwords! • Difficult to go from hash to password! • System cannot “restore” your password!
Application: Software Integrity VIRUS badFile goodFile The Times hash(goodFile) BigFirm™ User Software manufacturer wants to ensure that the executable file is received by users without modification… Sends out the file to users and publishes its hash in the NY Times The goal is integrity, not secrecy Idea: given goodFile and hash(goodFile), very hard to find badFile such that hash(goodFile)=hash(badFile)
Which Property Do We Need? • UNIX passwords stored as hash(password) • One-wayness: hard to recover entire password • Are passwords random? • Integrity of software distribution • Weak collision resistance • But software images are not really random… maybe need full collision resistance
Common Hash Functions • MD5 • 128-bit output • Still used very widely • Completely broken by now • RIPEMD-160 • 160-bit variant of MD-5 • SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) • 160-bit output • US government (NIST) standard as of 1993-95 • Also the hash algorithm for Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
M1 M2 M3 M4 IHV0 Com-press Com-press Com-press Com-press IHV4 Overview of MD5 • Designed in 1991 by Ron Rivest • Iterative design using compression function
History of MD5 Collisions • 2004: first collision attack • Only difference between colliding messages is 128 random-looking bytes • 2007: chosen-prefix collisions • For any prefix, can find colliding messages have this prefixand differ up to 716 random-looking bytes • 2008: rogue certificates • End of MD5 • Talk about this in more detail when discussing PKI
Basic Structure of SHA-1 Against padding attacks Split message into 512-bit blocks Compression function • Applied to each 512-bit block and current 160-bit buffer • This is the heart of SHA-1 160-bit buffer (5 registers) initialized with magic values
How Strong Is SHA-1? • Every bit of output depends on every bit of input • Very important property for collision-resistance • Brute-force inversion requires 2160 ops, birthday attack on collision resistance requires 280 ops • Some recent weaknesses (2005) • Collisions can be found in 263 ops
Basic Problem ? How do you prove to someone that you are who you claim to be? Any system with access control must solve this problem
Many Ways to Prove Who You Are • What you know • Passwords • Answers to questions that only you know • Where you are • IP address • What you are • Biometrics • What you have • Secure tokens
Password-Based Authentication User has a secret password. System checks it to authenticate the user. • How is the password communicated? • Eavesdropping risk • How is the password stored? • In the clear? Encrypted? Hashed? • How does the system check the password? • How easy is it to guess the password? • Easy-to-remember passwords tend to be easy to guess • Password file is difficult to keep secret
Passwords and Computer Security • Physical intrusion: install sniffer or keylogger to steal passwords • Run cracking tools on password files • Cracking needed because modern systems usually do not store passwords in the clear (how are they stored?) • In Mitnick’s “Art of Intrusion”, 8 out of 9 exploits involve password stealing and/or cracking
Default Passwords • Pennsylvania ice cream shop phone scam • Voicemail PIN defaults to last 4 digits of phone number; criminals change message to “I accept collect call”, make $8600 on a 35-hour call to Saudi Arabia • Examples from Mitnick’s “Art of Intrusion” • U.S. District Courthouse server: “public” / “public” • NY Times employee database: pwd = last 4 SSN digits • “Dixie bank”: break into router (pwd=“administrator”), then into IBM AS/400 server (pwd=“administrator”), install keylogger to snarf other passwords • “99% of people there used ‘password123’ as their password”
Storing Passwords “cypherpunk” user system password file t4h97t4m43 fa6326b1c2 N53uhjr438 Hgg658n53 … hash function
Password Hashing • Instead of user password, store Hash(password) • When user enters password, compute its hash and compare with entry in password file • System does not store actual passwords! • Difficult to go from hash from password! • Hash function H must have some properties • Given H(password), hard to find string X such that H(X)=H(password) - why?
UNIX Password System • Uses DES encryption as if it were a hash function • Encrypt NULL string using password as the key • Truncates passwords to 8 characters! • Artificial slowdown: run DES 25 times (why?) • Can instruct modern UNIXes to use MD5 hash function • Problem: passwords are not truly random • With 52 upper- and lower-case letters, 10 digits and 32 punctuation symbols, there are 948 6 quadrillion possible 8-character passwords • Humans like to use dictionary words, human and pet names 1 million common passwords
Dictionary Attack • Password file /etc/passwd is world-readable • Contains user IDs and group IDs which are used by many system programs • Dictionary attack is possible because many passwords come from a small dictionary • Attacker can pre-compute H(word) for every word in the dictionary – this only needs to be done once!! • This is an offline attack • Once password file is obtained, cracking is instantaneous • With 1,000,000-word dictionary and assuming 10 guesses per second, brute-force online attack takes 50,000 seconds (14 hours) on average
Old Password Surveys • Klein (1990) and Spafford (1992) • 2.7% guessed in 15 minutes, 21% in a week • Much more computing power is available now! • U. of Michigan: 5% of passwords were “goblue” • (cheer for their football team) • Zviranand Haga (1999) • Password usage at a DoD facility in California • 80% of passwords were 4-7 characters in length, 80% used alphabetic characters only, 80% of the users had never changed their password
Password Guessing Techniques • Dictionary with words spelled backwards • First and last names, streets, cities • Same with upper-case initials • All valid license plate numbers in your state • Room numbers, telephone numbers, etc. • Letter substitutions and other tricks • If you can think of it, attacker will, too
Storing Passwords : Salt • Users with the same password have different entries in the password file • Offline dictionary attack becomes much harder shmat:fURxfg,4hLBX:14510:30:Vitaly:/u/shmat:/bin/csh /etc/passwd entry salt (chosen randomly when password is first set) Password hash(salt,pwd)
Advantages of Salting • Without salt, attacker can pre-compute hashes of all dictionary words once for all password entries • Same hash function on all UNIX machines; identical passwords hash to identical values • One table of hash values works for all password files • With salt, attacker must compute hashes of all dictionary words once for each combination of salt value and password • With 12-bit random salt, same password can hash to 4096 different hash values
Shadow Passwords • Store hashed passwords in /etc/shadow file which is only readable by system administrator (root) • Add expiration dates for passwords • Early Shadow implementations on Linux called the login program which had a buffer overflow! shmat:x:14510:30:Vitaly:/u/shmat:/bin/csh /etc/passwd entry Hashed password is not stored in a world-readable file
How People Use Passwords • Write them down • Use a single password at multiple sites • Do you use the same password for Amazon and your bank account? Do you remember them all? • Forget them… many services use “security questions” to reset passwords • “What is your favorite pet’s name?” • Paris Hilton’s T-Mobile cellphone hack
Problems with Security Questions [Rabkin, “Security questions in the era of Facebook”] • Inapplicable • What high school did your spouse attend? • Not memorable • Name of kindergarten teacher? Price of your first car? • Ambiguous • Name of college you applied to but did not attend? • Easily guessable • Age when you married? Year you met your spouse? Favorite president? Favorite color? • Automatically attackable (using public records!)
Answers Are Easy to Find Out… • Make of your first car? • Until 1998, Ford had >25% of market • First name of your best friend? • 10% of males: James/Jim, John, Robert/Bob/Rob • Name of your first / favorite pet? • Max, Jake, Buddy, Bear… • Top 500 (covers 65% of names) available online • Information available from Facebook, etc. • Where you went to school, college athletic rivals, favorite book/movie/pastime, high school mascot
Graphical Passwords • Images are easy for humans to remember • Especially if you invent a memorable story to go along with the images • Dictionary attacks on graphical passwords are believed to be difficult • Images are very “random” (is this true?) • Still not a perfect solution • Need infrastructure for displaying and storing images • Shoulder surfing
How Passfaces Works Library of Faces User Interface Users Are Assigned a Set of 5* Passfaces * Typical implementation – 3 to 7 possible as standard
How Passfaces Works • 5 Passfaces are Associated with 40 associated decoys • Passfaces are presented in five 3 by 3 matrices each having 1 Passface and 8 decoys
Empirical Results • Experimental study of 154 computer science students at Johns Hopkins and Carnegie Mellon • Conclusions: • “… faces chosen by users are highly affected by the race of the user… the gender and attractiveness of the faces bias password choice… In the case of male users, we found this bias so severe that we do not believe it possible to make this scheme secure against an online attack…” • 2 guesses enough for 10% of male users • 8 guesses enough for 25% of male users
User Quotes • “I chose the images of the ladies which appealed the most” • “I simply picked the best looking girl on each page” • “I picked her because she was female and Asian and being female and Asian, I thought I could remember that” • “I started by deciding to choose faces of people in my own race…” • “… Plus he is African-American like me”
Security Against Eavesdropping • Idea: use a shared secret to derive a one-time password • If the attacker eavesdrops on the network, he’ll learn this password but it will be useless for future logins
Challenge-Response Why is this better than the password over a network? secret secret user system challenge value f(secret,challenge)
Challenge-Response Authentication • User and system share a secret (key or password) • Challenge: system presents user with some string • Response: user computes response based on the secret and the challenge • Secrecy: difficult to recover key from response • One-way hashing or symmetric encryption work well • Freshness: if challenge is fresh, attacker on the network cannot replay an old response • For example, use a fresh random number for each challenge • Good for systems with pre-installed secret keys • Car keys; military friend-or-foe identification
SecurID Setup: generate random key • Advancing the counter • Time-based (60 seconds) or every button press • Allow for skew in the counter value • RSA SecurID: 5-minute clock skew by default KEY KEY Counter: 0 1 … Counter: v= F(KEY, 0) 0 1 … ? Verifies v=F(KEY,0) v= F(KEY, 1) ? Verifies v=F(KEY,1) Alice Bob … RSA uses a custom function Input: 64-bit key, 24-bit ctr Output: 6-digit value