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The History of Emotions in music

The History of Emotions in music. Eóin Rock Fiachradh McDermott Bronwyn Henebury 03-04-2014. Topics. The Greeks – the seven modes The Renaissance –Monteverdi’s madrigals and operas 18th century – Wagner’s ‘Parsifal’. The Greeks. Musical modes and emotions. Aristotle.

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The History of Emotions in music

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  1. The History of Emotions in music Eóin Rock Fiachradh McDermott Bronwyn Henebury 03-04-2014

  2. Topics • The Greeks – the seven modes • The Renaissance –Monteverdi’s madrigals and operas • 18th century – Wagner’s ‘Parsifal’

  3. The Greeks • Musical modes and emotions

  4. Aristotle • But it is clear that we are affected in a certain manner, both by many other kinds of music and not least by the melodies of Olympus, for these admittedly make our souls enthusiastic, and enthusiasm is an affection of the character of the soul. - Aristotle, Politics, Book 8, 1340a. (350 B.C.E)

  5. The seven modes • Ionian (Major scale)      C D E F G A B C       TTSTTTS • Dorian                              D E F G A B C D       TSTTTST • Phrygian                           E F G A B C D E        STTTSTT • Lydian                               F G A B C D E F        TTTSTTS • Mixolydian                        G A B C D E F G       TTSTTST • Aeolian (Minor scale)     A B C D E F G A       TSTTSTT • Locrian                              B C D E F G A B       STTSTTT • T=Tone S=Semi-tone

  6. Pity Indignation Envy Emulation Contempt The Ancient Greeks and Emotions • Aristotle's Rhetoric Book 2 • Anger • Mildness • Enmity • Fear • Confidence • Shame • Shamelessness • Benevolence

  7. Ionian mode • Ionian (Major scale) C D E F G A B C    TTSTTTS • Along with the Lydian mode it was considered a 'soft/relaxing' melody for drinking.   • 'And which are the soft or drinking harmonies? The Ionian, he replied, and the Lydian; they are termed 'relaxed.'' - Plato's Republic Book 3 • Examples: Frosty the snowman

  8. Dorian Mode • Dorian            D E F G A B C D       TSTTTST • Manly, Brave, warlike. Plato recognised it as being useful. • 'I want to have one warlike, to sound the note or accent which a brave man utters in the hour of danger and stern resolve' -Plato's Republic Book 3 • Examples: Drunken Sailor, 'Smoke on the water' Deep Purple

  9. Phrygian Mode • Phrygian             E F G A B C D E        STTTSTT • Makes one's character peaceful. • 'and another to be used by him in times of peace and freedom of action, when there is no pressure of necessity' - Plato's Republic Book 3 • Examples: 'Adagio for Strings' by Samuel Barber

  10. Lydian Mode • Lydian                                 F G A B C D E F        TTTSTTS • Like the Ionian mode considered to create a 'soft' 'drinking' melody. Plato saw these modes as useless and indeed harmful to the character of men and women in a civilised society.  • 'These then, I said, must be banished; even to women who have a character to maintain they are of no use, and much less to men.' - Plato's Republic Book 3 • Examples: 'The Simpsons' theme by Danny Elfman

  11. Mixolydian Mode • Mixolydian     G A B C D E F G       TTSTTST • Had a sad and mournful effect on one's character. • 'but listen to some in a more mournful and restrained state, for instance the mode called Mixolydian' - Aristotle's Politics Book 8 • Examples: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skynard

  12. Why did Aristotle and Plato exclude the Aeolian and Locrian mode? • Possibly they were out of fashion at that stage as theorised by David Binning Monro in 'The Modes of Ancient Greek music' (London, 1894). • Maybe they were just not considered to have a considerable or definable moral influence on one's character like the other modes.  • The Greek philosophers were hardly musicians themselves so possibly were just unfamiliar with them. 

  13. Mixolydian Mode analysed • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cyokaj3BJU • Mixolydian                        G A B C D E F G       TTSTTST • Is a very major sounding scale. The intervals of the major scale are very similar.  • TTSTTTS • The only difference being the intervals between the last two notes. • This would contradict Aristotle's assessment of the mixolydian being a sad and 'mournful' piece. If anything we would associate this assessment to a more minor sounding mode like the dorian, phyrigian or aeolian mode. • However Plutarch a much later Greek philosopher agreed wholeheartedly with Plato's and Aristotle's assessments of the modes suggesting that certainly some notable people agreed. • Evidence for social-constructionism or proof that the modes the Greeks used were indeed interpreted wrongly by the medieval theorists?

  14. Claudio Monteverdi1567 – 1643Italian composer, gambist, singer and RC priest.Renaissance music

  15. Madrigal • A secular, polyphonic vocal music composition • 1605, the 5th book of Madrigals: Cruda Amarilli • Shift from prima pratica to seconda pratica

  16. From the preface to Monteverdi’s ‘Scherzi Musicali,’ 1607

  17. Cruda Amarilli

  18. Opera • musical drama • 1607 ‘L’Orfeo’ • Greek legend of Orpheus • Orpheus descends to Hades to bring his dead bride Eurydice back to the living world, but does not succeed... • Tu se morta – you are dead...

  19. Word painting in Tu se’ mortaDeath = slow and somber notesto the deepest abysses = descending melodyto see the stars again = ascending melody Tu se' morta, se morta, mia vita ed io respiro, tu se' da me partita, se' da me partita per mai piu, mai piu' non tornare, ed io rimango- no, no, che se i versi alcuna cosa ponno, n'andra sicuro a' piu profondi abissi, e, intenerito il cor del re de l'ombre, meco trarotti a riverder le stelle, o se cia negherammi empio destino, rimarro teco in compagnia di morte. Addio terra, addio cielo, e sole, addio

  20. Wagner • Born 1813, died 1883. • German composer, theatre director, and conductor. • Known for his operas. • Called operas "music dramas".

  21. Works included: • Der Ring des Nibelung • Tristan • Parsifal

  22. Parsifal • Parsifal himself • Amfortas • Kundry • Klingsor

  23. Themes • Blood • Sexuality • The Grail • Religion

  24. Kundry's entry • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8668wDE9N3g • 36:40

  25. Questions? • Thanks for your attention!

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