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2011 Compliance Webinar JAG, Recovery-JAG, State Recovery-JAG, MJCCG

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CRIMINAL JUSTICE/LAW ENFORCEMENT UNIT. Eric Shepherd, Program Manager(573) 751-5997eric.shepherd@dps.mo.govHeather Haslag, Program Specialist(573) 751-1318heather.haslag@dps.mo.govSarah Verhoff, Program Representative(573) 526-1928sarah.verhoff@dps.mo.govJoan

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2011 Compliance Webinar JAG, Recovery-JAG, State Recovery-JAG, MJCCG

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    1. 2011 Compliance Webinar JAG, Recovery-JAG, State Recovery-JAG, & MJCCG July 14, 2011 MO Department of Public Safety

    2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CRIMINAL JUSTICE/LAW ENFORCEMENT UNIT Eric Shepherd, Program Manager (573) 751-5997 eric.shepherd@dps.mo.gov Heather Haslag, Program Specialist (573) 751-1318 heather.haslag@dps.mo.gov Sarah Verhoff, Program Representative (573) 526-1928 sarah.verhoff@dps.mo.gov Joan Dudenhoeffer, Clerical Support (part-time) (573) 522-1800 joan.dudenhoeffer@dps.mo.gov

    3. OUTLINE FOR TODAY General Grant Information Budget Costs Administrative & Financial Guidelines Civil Rights Compliance Reporting Requirements Monitoring WebGrants Questions?


    5. BACKGROUND Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) authorized by 42 U.S.C. 3751(a) awarded to Missouri by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides federal criminal justice funding streamlined the Byrne and LLEBG grant programs Funding made available by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the JAG Program created the: Recovery Act – Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Recovery-JAG) Recovery Act – Multi-Jurisdictional Cyber Crime Grant (MJCCG)

    6. FUNDING

    7. FUNDING cont’d


    9. SOURCE OF INFORMATION DPS Website: www.dps.mo.gov Solicitation WebGrants Grantee Manual Financial & Administrative Guidelines Radio Interoperability Guidelines Travel Policy WebGrants: https://dpswebgrants.dps.mo.gov Opportunity (Funding Opportunity) WebGrants Grantee Manual Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/financialguide/index.htm Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_default Missouri State Statutes: http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutesearch/


    11. ALLOWABLE & UNALLOWABLE COSTS Allowable costs = those included within your approved application Eligible costs = those allowed under the grant program purpose area Unallowable costs = listed in the grant solicitation OJP Financial Guide and OMB Circulars A-87 & A-122 outline allowable and unallowable cost items for DPS

    12. PERSONNEL COSTS Personnel costs must be supported with official payroll records and time/attendance reports. DPS will no longer accept “cover letters” to solely support expenses from member agencies Agency should obtain documents to support all fringe benefits claimed for reimbursement and maintain such documents in the grant files If personnel costs (i.e. overtime) are paid from multiple funding sources, be sure to report hours clearly. Section 285.530.1 RSMo indicates that an agency will not knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien to perform work within the State of Missouri Federal law requires every employer hiring an individual for employment in the United States to verify his or her identity and employment authorization through completion of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis

    13. PERSONNEL COSTS cont’d Recovery Act Grant-specific guidelines: Grants funded with Recovery Act funds for personnel costs must submit records to support hours paid with each monthly claim report Record must correspond to the payroll period being claimed Payroll sheet can substitute for timesheet if hours paid are clearly displayed Timesheet must clearly identify all hours worked and must be signed by the approving authority Help DPS identify the number of hours to report on the Detail Sheet (use straight time hours rather than time and a half hours) Wage Rate Requirement (Section 1606 of the Recovery Act) All laborers and mechanics employed funded with Recovery Act funds shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a character similar in the locality http://www.wdol.gov/

    14. TRAVEL/TRAINING COSTS Funds will not be reimbursed prior to the actual travel. Must submit a copy of the training certificate for travel/training costs to be reimbursed. If a training certificate is not provided, must create a memo. Should have pre-budgeted for travel expenses based on the location of the travel/training. Either: Submit a budget revision prior to travel if you foresee incurring an expense that isn’t approved in the budget Don’t claim an expense that isn’t approved in the budget Some travel costs may be unpredictable – use “Miscellaneous” as a line item for shuttles, taxis, parking, toll bridges, etc. Must be tied to a specific training! Travel must be by the most practical and direct route! All costs should be reasonable and prudence should be used when making travel arrangements!

    15. TRAVEL/TRAINING COSTS cont’d Airfare/Baggage reimbursable costs include the airline ticket, baggage fees, and travel agency processing fees other applicable fees are subject to review does not allow for airport parking or transportation to/from the airport Rental Car reimbursable for the cost of the rental car Fuel reimbursable for the fuel for a rental car and/or fuel for a vehicle to and from the airport or training location

    16. TRAVEL/TRAINING COSTS cont’d Mileage reimbursable based on the state’s mileage allowance http://oa.mo.gov/acct/mileage/index.htm Personal Vehicle: $0.37 per mile Fleet Vehicle: $0.26 per mile rate based on cost to operate the vehicle based on fuel and wear and tear (cannot request fuel and mileage reimbursement) Lodging reimbursable based on the federal GSA rates as determined for the destination http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287 the GSA rate is for the base nightly rate (not inclusive of taxes) where possible should request the hotel to honor the GSA rate since travel is federally funded does not allow for hotel parking, room service, internet, telephone calls, maid tips, etc.

    17. TRAVEL/TRAINING COSTS cont’d Meals reimbursable at a flat rate based on the state CONUS rates as determined for the destination http://oa.mo.gov/acct/MealPerDiem.htm Note #1: Incidentals are not allowed Note #2: The M&IE Rate does not equal the amount allowed per meal Note #3: The Out of State Per Diem Rates are labeled as being effective from November 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011 but are still effective Note #4: The Out of State Per Diem Rates have a column labeled “Season End Date” which doesn’t correspond to the effective dates of the list receipts are no longer required (unless required by your local travel policy); still need to maintain record of meals being requested for audit/monitoring purposes Should only request reimbursement for the meal expenses incurred Example #1: If your normal working day begins at 8:00 a.m. and you eat breakfast at home before leaving your house for the airport at 9:00 a.m., shouldn’t request reimbursement for breakfast Example #2: If the training event provides lunch, shouldn’t request reimbursement for lunch Example #3: If on the return travel day, you arrive in your official domicile around 3:00 p.m. and are at home to eat dinner, shouldn’t request reimbursement for dinner

    18. TRAVEL COSTS - DTFs Fuel reimbursable for the cost of fuel for fleet/department vehicles supported by fuel card invoices/statements, individual receipts from the gas station, logs of department usage from gas tank, etc. pre-paid gas cards are not allowable due to the restriction to obligate the funds within the contract period Mileage reimbursable for the number of miles incurred reimbursable at the state mileage allowance of $0.37 per mile supported by mileage logs Vehicle Maintenance (clarified for 2011-2012) reimbursable for the cost of maintenance and upkeep of fleet/department vehicles includes such costs as oil changes, filters, brakes, tires, engine fluids, belts, fuses, windshield wipers, car washes, collision repair does not include window tinting, equipment for vehicle, towing

    19. EQUIPMENT COSTS Equipment is generally defined as a non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more per unit All equipment must be compatible with the current statewide system Communication devices must adhere to the state’s interoperability plan Portable radios, repeaters, and base stations have no specifications Mobile radios must be P25 compliant and operate in the trunked mode at the time of purchase Equipment must be tagged (where feasible) Must maintain an inventory control listing

    20. SUPPLIES/OPERATIONS COSTS Includes expendable property and operating costs Costs must be directly attributable to the approved project All software must be compatible with the current statewide system MJCCG recipients should refer to the solicitation for specifics of eligible and ineligible cost items Contact MSHP if you are looking to change your records management systemContact MSHP if you are looking to change your records management system

    21. CONTRACTUAL COSTS Includes contractual expenses and consultant fees All contractual and consultant services shall be supported by written contracts stating the services to be performed, rate of compensation, and length of time over which the services will be performed, as applicable Any contract or agreement for services of $3,000 or more, which is not entered into as a result of competitive bidding procedures (or if only one bid is received), must receive prior approval from DPS Copy of all written contracts must be made available to DPS staff Agencies should attempt to enter into contracts that occur within the grant’s contract period, where possible


    23. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STATUS If a project is not operational within 60 days of the contract start date, the Contractor must report to DPS, via the Correspondence module of WebGrants, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for delay, and the expected start date. If a project is not operational within 90 days of the contract start date, the Contractor must submit a second statement to DPS, via the Correspondence module of WebGrants, explaining the implementation delay. Upon receipt of the second statement, DPS may decide whether to continue with the project or to terminate the contract.

    24. FUNDS Contractors must verify, on a monthly basis, actual cash expenditures and request reimbursement Request for reimbursement will be handled via a Claim Report Funds must be obligated within the contract period and expended within 60 days following the contract period end date Funds are obligated when a legal liability to pay a determinable sum for services or goods is incurred and will require payment during the same or future period When a purchase order is issued, funds are considered obligated Travel expenses will only be allowed for events, training, and other activities held during the contract period Funds are expended when payment is made.

    25. PROCUREMENT 28 CFR, Part 66: Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments OMB Circular A-110: All procurement transactions whether negotiated or competitively bid and without regard to dollar value shall be conducted in a manner so as to provide maximum open and free competition. All quotations and the rationale behind the selection of a source of supply must be retained, attached to the purchase order copy, and placed in the accounting files When only one bid or positive proposal is received, it is deemed to be sole source procurement. Sole source procurement on amounts of $3,000 and over require prior approval from DPS Sole source procurement on amounts of $100,000 and over require prior approval from the U.S. Department of Justice (which will be obtained by DPS upon request) Items costing less than $3,000 may be purchased with prudence on the open market Items costing between $3,000 but less than $25,000 must be competitively bid, but need not be solicited by mail or advertisement. Items costing $25,000 or over shall be advertised for bid in at least two daily newspapers of general circulation in such places as are most likely to reach prospective bidders at least five days before bids for such purchases are to be opened.

    26. CONTRACT RECORDS Establish and maintain accurate financial records and an adequate accounting system Records must be retained for a period of 3 years starting from the date of submission of the final Claim Report or from the date of submission of the audit for the contract period covered, whichever comes later. Records must be retained beyond a 3 year period if an audit is in progress and/or the findings of a completed audit have not been resolved. Must adhere to local policy if local retention period is longer than those stated herein. Financial records must be kept in an orderly manner and be available for audit purposes Responsible for protecting records against fire, theft, or other possible damages.

    27. PROPERTY RECORDS & DISPOSITION Required to maintain property management records Records shall contain copies of the purchase order and invoice Control system shall be in effect to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft to the property. Any loss, damage, or theft of non-expendable property shall be investigated, fully documented, and made part of the grant file. Adequate maintenance procedures shall be established to keep the property in good condition. May dispose of the personal non-expendable property when original or replacement equipment acquired under an award is no longer needed for the original project Items with a current per unit fair market value of less than $5,000 may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to DPS Items with a current per unit fair market value in excess of $5,000 may be retained or sold but the DPS shall have a right to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from the sale by DPS’ share of the equipment Records for non-expendable property acquired with grant funds shall be retained for 3 years after final disposition of property.

    28. AUDIT REQUIREMENTS Comply with OMB Circular A-133 “Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Institutions” Audit is required if the agency expends $500,000 or more in federal funds within the organization’s fiscal year from any federal source Audit must be performed organization-wide by an independent firm Audit must be conducted with reasonable frequency, usually annually, but not less frequently than every two years Doesn’t mean that the audit can include every other year though! Must submit a copy of such audit to DPS via the Attachment component of WebGrants, where possible

    29. WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION Section 1553 of the Recovery Act (ARRA) Agency assures that it will assure that its employees will not be discharged, demoted, or otherwise discriminated against as a reprisal for disclosing to the federal government or any representative of the State of Missouri, to a person with supervisory authority over the employee, or to a court or grand jury, any information that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of: Gross mismanagement of a contract or grant relating to ARRA Gross waste of ARRA funds Substantial and specific danger to public health or safety related to the implementation or use of ARRA funds Abuse of authority related to the implementation or use of ARRA funds Violation of law, rule, or regulation related to your ARRA grant (including the competition or negotiation of a contract) Agency must post notice of the rights and remedies provided in ARRA, Section 1553

    30. INTERNAL CONTROLS Agency must track, account for, and report on all funds separately from all other funds Grant funds may be used in conjunction with other funding as necessary to complete projects but tracking and reporting must be separate Agency should ensure appropriate internal controls exist for the programmatic and financial aspects of the project

    31. PRINTING AND PUBLICITY BJA and DPS encourage recipients of federal funding to share success stories of their project Award of funding Major cases/investigations Improvements in services provided as a result of equipment purchases Educational training Agencies are required to disclose of the source of their funding with language such: Funding for this project made available by the Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance and the State of Missouri, Department of Public Safety


    33. CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d) Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § § 1681, 1683, and 1685-86) Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § § 6101-07) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § § 12131-34) U.S. Department of Justice Regulations – Non-Discrimination; Equal Employment Opportunity; Policies and Procedures (28 C.F.R. pt 42) U.S. Department of Justice Regulations – Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations (28 C.F.R. pt 38) Executive Order 13279 (equal protection of the laws for faith-based and community organizations) Section 213.055 RSMo – Unlawful Employment Practices Section 213.065 RSMo – Discrimination in Public Accommodations

    34. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PLAN (EEOP) A workforce report completed to ensure recipients of federal funding are providing equal employment opportunities to men and women regardless of sex, race, or national origin. Includes data relating to recruitment, applicant screening, hiring, promotion, termination, transfer, and discipline Effective for a 2-year period, commencing with the date of the approval letter from the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Should be prepared by the recipient of the federal funding (applicant agency: county, city, state department) http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr

    35. EEOP cont’d

    36. NON-DISCRIMINATION Contractor may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability in its employment practices or in the delivery of services Contractor must have written policies or procedures in place to notify program participants and employees on how to file complaints alleging discrimination Contractor must designate a person(s) to coordinate complaints alleging discrimination

    37. FINDINGS OF DISCRIMINATION Contractor must notify OCR and DPS of any findings of discrimination within 30 days Complete and submit a Complaint Verification Form and Identify Release Statement form, which can be found at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr Include a cover letter with these forms, which identifies your DPS-assigned contract number, as indicated on the Award of Contract

    38. LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (LEP) Contractor must take steps to provide meaningful access to its programs and activities to persons with LEP Recommended (but not required by any federal or state law) that the Contractor develop a written policy on providing language access services to LEP persons


    40. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #1 - CLAIM Due the 10th of each month (even if no expenditures to report) – subject to change if the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday First report due no later than August 10, 2011 JAG, Recovery-JAG, and MJCCG: Funds must be expended no later than August 28, 2012 Final report due no later than September 10, 2012 State Recovery-JAG: Funds must be expended no later than April 29, 2013 Final report due no later than May 10, 2013 Claim Report consists of 5 components: Reporting Period Reimbursement Detail of Expenditure Program Income Other Attachments

    41. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #1 – CLAIM cont’d Must report actual expenditures! Cannot just divide your total budget by 12 months and claim the same amount each month Doesn’t represent actual expenditures May be affected by personnel and/or rate changes Can claim an amount over the total budgeted line item Allowed a 10% increase without a budget revision Exceeding the 10% increase will be subject to review by DPS You will not receive additional monies…but rather are “borrowing” it from elsewhere in your budget Whether you expend the funds quicker than expected or make the funds last for the duration of the contract period, you’ll still receive the same amount and will still have to pay the same amount from local funds Payments will be made around the 25th of each month via EFT

    42. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #2 – STATUS REPORTS Recipients must report activities, successes, obstacles, and statistical information

    43. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #2 – STATUS REPORTS cont’d Drug Task Forces Report specific to drug task force activities Cyber Task Forces Report specific to cyber task force activities DARE/SRO Projects Report specific to education and prevention activities All Other Projects Narrative report that outlines any outcomes, statistics, successes that occurred during the reporting period as well as to address the status of the project to meet the goals and objectives by the end of the contract period

    44. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #2 – STATUS REPORTS cont’d Reminder alerts will be sent from WebGrants Reports must be submitted via WebGrants Reviewed by Sarah Verhoff (despite grant point-of-contact) Compiled by MSHP for publications and federal & state reporting purposes

    45. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #3 – PMT REPORTS Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) system was implemented by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Collects financial and statistical data as a means to present to Congress each year when fiscal year monies are requested Required for JAG sub-awards (grants with contract numbers of 2009 and beyond) and Recovery-JAG sub-awards (to include State Recovery-JAG and MJCCG) Must pro-rate outcome data where applicable so not to double-count statistics

    46. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #3 – PMT REPORTS cont’d Due by the 15th of each quarter Submitted at www.bjaperformancetools.org Instructions available at http://www.dps.mo.gov/dir/programs/cjle/ Each agency has been or will be provided a User ID and Password that applies to all users from the said agency Reminder alerts will be sent from WebGrants Will be reviewed by Heather Haslag (despite grant point-of-contact)

    47. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #4 – DTF TRAINING Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) requires law enforcement task forces who are a recipient of JAG to complete training through the Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership (CTFLI) Training intended for: Task force commander Agency executive (project director, board president, etc) Task force officers Other task force members of equivalent rank Training includes 4 curriculum: Executive Leadership Task Force Commander Leadership and Management Safeguarding Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties in Task Force Operations Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies Individuals must complete ALL 4 curriculum even if not applicable

    48. REPORTING REQUIREMENT #4 – DTF TRAINING cont’d If DPS already has the training certificates on file from the 2010-2011 grant, individuals have satisfied this requirement for a 4-year period and do not need to retake such training until the 2014-2015 JAG contract period. If at any time during the contract period, however, a new commander, agency executive, or grant-funded officer is added to the task force, the individual will be required to complete the training within 30 days of hire date or 30 days of the change. New grant-funded personnel New pass-thru agencies Training certificates should be submitted via WebGrants under the Correspondence component


    50. MONITORING Each grant will be assigned for oversight to a staff member of the Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement (CJ/LE) Unit Point of Contact List emailed from WebGrants on 7/1/11 CJ/LE will conduct monitoring of the project to ensure compliance with state laws, regulations, and guidelines Desk Monitoring – tracking telephone and email communication, as well as reviewing all grant documents and correspondence Site Monitoring – a visit the agency’s office(s) to review policies, receipts, and other records CJ/LE will take appropriate action if determined the Contractor is acting inappropriately, misusing money, and/or not meeting reporting requirements Such action may result in delay of reimbursement of funds and/or cancellation of the contract

    51. MONITORING CHECKLIST - FISCAL PERSONNEL official payroll records to support salary and fringe benefits time and attendance records (may be submitted with claim report) TRAVEL/TRAINING receipts and travel vouchers EQUIPMENT invoices from vendor (submitted with claim report) bid records and/or sole source letters, where applicable inventory control listing tags/labels on equipment SUPPLIES/OPERATIONS receipts/invoices CONTRACTUAL receipts/invoices contractual agreements, where applicable

    52. MONITORING CHECKLIST – CIVIL RIGHTS EEOP Is your agency required to prepare an EEOP? If your agency is not required to prepare an EEOP, has your agency submitted Section A of the Certification Form? If your agency is required to prepare an EEOP, has your agency prepared an EEOP Short Form? Has your agency submitted the EEOP Short Form to OCR if required? If not required to submit the EEOP Short Form to OCR, has your agency submitted Section B of the Certification Form? Non-Discrimination Policies and Procedures How does your agency notify program beneficiaries that it will not discriminate in the delivery of services? How does your agency notify employees that it will not discriminate in employment? Does your agency have written policies and procedures informing program beneficiaries and employees how to file a complaint if they feel like they’ve been discriminated against? Has your agency designated a person(s) to coordinate complaints of discrimination? Forwarding of Findings of Discrimination Has your agency compiled with the requirement to forward findings of discrimination to OCR and DPS, if applicable?

    53. MONITORING CHECKLIST – CIVIL RIGHTS cont’d Access to services for LEP individuals How does your agency make meaningful access to persons with limited English proficiency? Does your agency have written policies or procedures on LEP services? Civil Rights Training Does your agency provide civil rights training to its employees? How often does your agency provide civil rights training to its employees? Section 213.055 RSMo – Unlawful Employment Practices How does your agency ensure it does not discriminate in employment practices as it relates to color, race, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, age, or disability? Section 213.065 RSMo – Non-Discrimination in Public Accommodations How does your agency ensure it does not discriminate in public accommodations as it relates to accommodations, advantages, facilities, services, or privileges made available in place of public accommodations?

    54. WEBGRANTS http://www.dpsgrants.dps.mo.gov

    55. REGISTERED USERS My Profile: Maintain profile and contact information Notify DPS only if you have a change to your email address so that we can update our distribution list (does not automatically update) Maintain organization’s information CCR Registration must be active for duration of contract period for all Recovery Act recipients Add additional registered users Add only if individual is not already a user Notify DPS to add if individual is already a user associated with a different grant Notify DPS if you add a new individual or else the person will not receive alerts WebGrants Alerts: Add dpswebgrants@dps.mo.gov to safe sender list All registered users associated with a grant (and selected as an internal grant contact) will receive automated alerts

    56. STATUS OVERVIEW My Applications: Submitted – application has been submitted to the grantor Under Review – application has been assigned by the grantor to a reviewer Approved – application has been approved, pending revisions if necessary Correcting – application is being edited by the grantee Awarded – award of contract documents being signed by grantee and grantor My Grants: Underway – application officially becomes a grant Suspended – grant has been “frozen” due to delinquent reporting and/or inappropriate activities My Applications – Archived Applications: Closed/Archived – project period has lapsed and the grant has been closed


    58. COMPONENT #1 - GENERAL INFORMATION Contains information relating to your contract Grant Title (Project Title) Grant Status Grantee Organization Grantee Contact (Primary Contact) Additional Contacts (Additional Grant Contacts) Program Officer Additional Internal (DPS) Contact Program Area Contract Number Award Year Project Dates (Contract Period)

    59. COMPONENT #2 – CONTACT INFORMATION Copy of the Contact Information Form completed during the application process If changes need to be made to this form at any time during the contract period, need to submit an email to your Grant Point of Contact via the Correspondence module and include in your message the applicable changes to: Name Agency Address (both mailing and street address) Email Phone and Extension Fax Also indicate the effective date of the change! DPS will make the changes based on your email and let you know when such has been completed.

    60. COMPONENT #3 - BUDGET Copy of the Budget Form completed during the application process If changes need to be made to this form at any time during the contract period, need to submit a request via the Contract Adjustment module

    61. COMPONENT #4 – AWARD DOCUMENTS Copy of the final signed Award of Contract documents are available for your records and/or for auditors upon request

    62. COMPONENT #5 - CLAIMS Must submit a claim report for each month of the contract period until your grant is closed Claim reports can be negotiated by DPS if determined revisions are necessary or if DPS adjusts the claim a comment will be displayed in the Feedback feature If you determine that revisions are necessary once the report has been submitted, contact your grant point-of-contact to unlock the specified report Must pro-rate your expenditures where necessary and the billing period extends outside the contract period

    63. COMPONENT #5 – CLAIMS cont’d PRO-RATING EXAMPLES Example 1: John Smith’s salary of $1,200 is for the payroll period of 6/22/11 – 7/4/11 ($1200/14 days) x 10 days = $857.14 must be claimed to the 2010 JAG grant ($1200/14 days) x 4 days = $342.86 must be claimed to the 2011 JAG grant Example 2: Telephone bill to AT&T totaled $100 but includes the monthly service plan for 6/25/11 to 7/24/11 for $75 and long distance charges for 5/25/11 to 6/24/11 for $25 ($75/30 days) x 6 days = $15.00 must be claimed to the 2010 JAG grant ($75/30 days) x 24 days = $60.00 must be claimed to the 2011 JAG grant The $25 for long distance charges must entirely be claimed to the 2010 JAG grant Example 3: Fuel card statement totaled $1,000 for the billing period of 6/4/11 to 7/3/11 but only included 2 transactions dated in July 2011 The 2 transactions dated in July must be claimed to the 2011 JAG grant The remaining portion of the bill must be claimed to the 2010 grant NOTE: USE THE NUMBER OF DAYS IN THE PAYROLL OR BILLING PERIOD RATHER THAN THE NUMBER OF WORKING DAYS! BUT IN SITUATIONS WHERE THE EXPENSE HAS AN EXACT TRANSACTION DATE, THE COSTS SHOULD BE REPORTED ACCORDINGLY.

    64. COMPONENT #5 – CLAIMS cont’d

    65. COMPONENT #5 – CLAIMS – REPORTING PERIOD Claim Type – indicate “Monthly” or “Final” Report Period – indicate the first through the end of the month Invoice Number – indicate the state invoice number (only applicable to state agencies)


    67. COMPONENT #5 – CLAIMS – DETAIL OF EXPENDITURE Pay Date: enter the date of expenditure Check #: enter the check number, where available. If payroll is direct deposited, enter DD. If the expenditure is paid via electronic transfer, enter EFT. Payee: enter to whom the check was paid or the expenditure made Description: enter a brief description of the expenditure “Payroll for 6/1/11 – 6/30/11” “FICA/Medicare” “Unemployment Comp – 2nd Qtr” “100 miles at $0.37/mile” “2 Computers” “Conference Registration – 2 people” Gross Pay/Actual Amount: enter the full total of the expense % of Funding Requested: enter the percentage of funding for which reimbursement is requested Budget Categories: enter the amount to be claimed under the appropriate budget category

    68. COMPONENT #5 – CLAIMS - PROGRAM INCOME Earned – program income earned during the reporting period (or interest earned on program income in an account) Expended – program income (or interest earned) spent during the reporting period


    70. COMPONENT #6 – STATUS REPORTS Must submit a status report for each quarter of the contract period until your grant is closed Status reports can be negotiated by DPS if determined revisions are necessary If you determine that revisions are necessary once the report has been submitted, contact Sarah Verhoff to unlock the specified report




    74. COMPONENT #7 – CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS This component is available for submitting: Program Revisions Change in your applicant agency (pass-thru agency) Change in the scope of your project Change in project site or service area Other changes that may affect the approved program Budget Revisions Need to add a line item that doesn’t exist in your current budget Want to purchase a larger quantity of an item than what is approved in your current budget Exceeded a line item budget total by 10% or more Need to move money from one line item to another line item You will complete the Contract Adjustment and submit to DPS DPS will review and unlock the Budget if the change seems appropriate Once notified, you will then need to log in to WebGrants and make the necessary changes to your budget and submit the revised Budget form to DPS for final approval DPS will then review the entire revision, generate a Contract Adjustment Notice, and submit to the Director of DPS for final approval


    76. COMPONENT #8 – CONTRACT ADJUSTMENT NOTICES Final signed Contract Adjustment Notices will be uploaded here for your grant records

    77. COMPONENT #9 – SITE VISITS Monitoring information and checklists will be displayed via this component Note: This component is still under development.

    78. COMPONENT #10 - CORRESPONDENCE For use in communicating to DPS matters of: Changes to the Contact Information form Changes to grant-funded personnel as listed in the Budget Requesting sole source procurement approval Requesting approval to changes in your budget that would not require a revision Change in location of a training Change in the source of bid of an equipment item Have the ability to attach files to Correspondence: Task Force training certificates when notifying of a change in staff


    80. COMPONENT #11 - ATTACHMENTS Can upload files pertaining to: A-133 Audit Inventory Control Listing Revised MOA Annual Reports Press Releases Other documents applicable to your grant

    81. COMPONENT #12 - OPPORTUNITY Copy of the funding opportunity as posted in WebGrants

    82. COMPONENT #13 - APPLICATION Copy of the approved application

    83. QUESTIONS?

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