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Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto INFORMÁTICA DE TRADUÇÃO FALL SEMESTER 2008 Lesson 22 16 December 2009 Teacher: Elena Zagar Galvão egalvao@netvisao.pt egalvao@letras.up.pt Webpage: web.letras.up.pt/egalvao. A quick introduction to Machine Translation (MT).
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto INFORMÁTICA DE TRADUÇÃO FALL SEMESTER 2008 Lesson 22 16 December 2009 Teacher: Elena Zagar Galvão egalvao@netvisao.pt egalvao@letras.up.pt Webpage: web.letras.up.pt/egalvao FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
A quick introduction to Machine Translation(MT) FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
MT and computational linguistics • Computational linguistics • MT: sub-field of computational linguistics that investigates the use of computer software to translate text or speech from one natural language to another. (Wikipedia) FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
Brief history Arnold et al. Machine Translation, An Introductory Guide, Manchester & Oxford, NCC Blackwell, 1994, p. 15 FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
Intro and overview • See Arnod et alii : http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/MTbook/HTML/node3.html • http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/MTbook/HTML/node6.html#SECTION00330000000000000000 (Some popular misconceptions and Some facts) FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
Question Why doesn’t MT work better? OR “Why can’t a computer translate more like a person?” Melby, Alan K. 1995: http://www.ttt.org/theory/barker.html ) FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão
Bibliography • Frank Austermühl’s chapter on MT (in our book) • Arnold, D. et al. Machine Translation – An Introductory Guide. Blackwell. Oxford.1994 http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/MTbook/ • Austermühl, F. Electronic tools for Translators. Manchester/Northampton: St Jerome Publishing. 2001 (chapter 10) (available at FLUP’s Library) • Melby, A. “Why can’t a computer translate more like a person?” The 1995 Barker Lecture at http://www.ttt.org/theory/barker.html • Melby, A. The Possibility of Language: a Discussion of the Nature of Language, with implications for Human and Machine Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub.Co. 1995 (available at FLUP’s Library) • Wikipedia FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão