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Structure of the session. Overview and timelinesCurriculum design and current stage of developmentDiscussion workshops. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Responsible for:national curriculumnational assessment a national data collection and reporting program. Nat
1. National Curriculum Briefing
2 July 2009
2. Structure of the session Overview and timelines
Curriculum design and current stage of development
Discussion workshops
3. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Responsible for:
national curriculum
national assessment
a national data collection and reporting program
4. National curriculum -recent developments ACARA commenced operation this month; assumed responsibility for national curriculum work
Induction of writers and advisory group members; writing has commenced for learning areas in the first phase
The Arts are now in the second phase with Geography and Languages
Curriculum secretariat arrangements
5. Curriculum development process A process of curriculum development in each learning area that:
provides opportunities for consultation
establishes achievable timelines
ensures high quality curriculum documents.
The proposed process involves four phases:
I. Curriculum framing
II. Curriculum writing
III. Implementation
IV. Curriculum evaluation and review
6. Timeline - Phase 1
7. Timeline - Phase 2NB: The Arts (TBC)
8. Other learning areas ACARA to report to MCEETYA in October 2009 on
“the approach that will be taken to health and physical education, ICT, design and technology, economics, business and civics and citizenship”
9. Curriculum design Rationale
Aims of the learning area
Organisation of the learning area curriculum
Achievement standards
General capabilities
Cross-curriculum dimensions
Links to other learning areas
10. Curriculum design considerations The nature of the learner and learning.
The whole curriculum and how national curriculum learning areas relate to it.
Structural matters, including commencement and completion of school and transition points.
Inclusivity and how the national curriculum will provide for the educational needs of every child.
General capabilities, describing how the national curriculum will attend to general capabilities learning.
Cross-curriculum dimensions, describing perspectives that should be included in each learning area.
11. Content
The content descriptions are being written first
Will explicitly incorporate ICT, literacy, numeracy, thinking skills, creativity
Other capabilities and perspectives will be evident in each learning area, in ways appropriate to that area
12. What does the national curriculum look like? By year
13. Writers and advisory panels