Lets put our heads together! www.thinkout.co
Lets put our heads together! The Problem • Puzzled in hurry burry.
Lets put our heads together! The Solution • Decisions made easy with a million minds.
Lets put our heads together! The Market • Smartphone users around the globe.
Lets put our heads together! • Collective mind is better than one which makes a better prospective for the task. • All of them can mark their opinions and find a better way of solving task. • We can prioritize each task and list them so that the most important matter is dealt first.
Lets put our heads together! Features • Setting tasks and duration of each task.Time remaining to complete a given task is available so that the task's dead lines are met. • Completely Gesture Driven.
Lets put our heads together! • Invite - Add your trusted friends from the contact list to attain the task. Add the friends who can help you to achieve your goal by discussing about it.
Lets put our heads together! • Encouraging opinions- each invitee can put in their views about how to tackle the given task at hand.
Lets put our heads together! • Setting priorities- a level can be assigned to each tasks which refers to the importance which should be given to the task.
Lets put our heads together! Our Team • Arjun Odukathil • Gokul G R • Nikhil Shankar • Vivek Madhavan Unni
Contact Us www.thinkout.co founders@thinkout.co https://twitter.com/ThinkOutapp www.angel.co/thinkout Lets put our heads together!