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Taking Stock for MRV in Central Africa

This presentation outlines the background and importance of forest management and REDD+ in Central Africa, as well as previous MRV-related activities. It highlights the challenges and provides conclusions for implementing MRV in the region.

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Taking Stock for MRV in Central Africa

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  1. Taking Stock for MRV in Central Africa Denis J. Sonwa , Robert Nasi, Richard Eba’a Atyi Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) REDD After Cancun: Moving from Negotiation to Implementation 10-12 May 2011, Douala, Cameroon

  2. Outline • Background: Geographical context & importance of forest • Some previous MRV-related activities • REDD MRV realities in Central Africa • Challenges & conclusions

  3. Background: Geographical context For the climate change convention in the region, emphasis is mainly put on REDD+ with the perspective of promoting sustainable forest management in the Congo Basin * EDF 2008

  4. Background: Importance of the logging sector • 41% of export revenues in CAR • Second employer in CAR & Gabon • 13 000 formal &150 000 Informal jobs in Cameroon

  5. Background: Forest & Livelihood Animal protein, NTFP, Fuelwood, Agriculture lands, etc & related chain values Production cyle at the forest fringe in Southern Cameroon* * ASB, Cameroon report, 2002

  6. Background: Sustainable Management* Other efforts toward sustainable management: • SFM practices (e.g., forest law & ITTO guidelines) and certification gradually implemented • FLEGT/AFLEGT processes • Harmonization of efforts at the regional level * EDF 2008

  7. Background: The main land uses in Congo Basin • Logging (concessions); 595.380 km²; • Conservation (Protected area): 444.970 km² • Slash and Burn Agriculture: 438.801 km²

  8. Previous “MRV” related activities Agriculture: • Export crops • Cash crop Logging: • Wood production • Export Biodiversity: • Protected area • Threatened species * EDF 2008

  9. MRV in REDD: The information needed • Carbon pools: soil, dead organic matter, aboveground and belowground biomass • Land cover and related carbon stocks • Land-use changes and related carbon losses

  10. MRV in REDD: Available or missing • Available: • Land cover and land-use changes • Generic allometric equation for aboveground biomass • Missing: • Agreed vegetation typology • Soil and belowground carbon • Dead organic matter • Specific allometric equations for the region

  11. MRV in REDD: Land cover classes Main forest land cover classes estimation in Central Africa* * EDF 2008

  12. MRV in REDD: Carbon stock Carbon stock estimation in the Congo Basin

  13. MRV in REDD: Main land uses changes • Deforestation: Conversion of forest land to long-term or permanent non forest uses/stand • Anthropogenic origin • Canopy cover reduction under certain threshold (e.g., 30%) • Examples: conversion of forest land to agricultural land, meadows and villages • Degradation: Carbon stock reduction « Forest land remaining forest land » • Phenomenon both quantitative (carbon) and qualitative (biodiversity) • Example: selective logging

  14. MRV in REDD: Land use land cover change Dynamics of above ground biomass* * EDF 2008

  15. MRV in REDD: Deforestation & degradation Changes between 1990 and 2000 in Central Africa* *EDF 2008

  16. Conclusion & Challenges for MRV-REDD in Central African Forest • Take into consideration the main land uses: • Logging (concessions); 595.380 km²; • Conservation (Protected area): 444.970 km² • Slash and Burn Agriculture: 438.801 km² • Emphasis on capacity building for MRV & others aspects of Climate Change Convention • Concerted and coherent efforts at the national & regional level • Established and updated data base of basic information need in REDD ( map, allelometric equation, carbon stock, etc..)

  17. www.cifor.cgiar.org

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