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19-4 Earth’s Moon. Earth’s moon. No atmosphere Temperatures range from 100 degrees celsius to -170 degrees celsius. Gravity is 1/6 th that of Earth. Contains 1/8 the mass of Earth, but the density is the same throughout No internal heat.
Earth’s moon • No atmosphere • Temperatures range from 100 degrees celsius to -170 degrees celsius. • Gravity is 1/6th that of Earth. • Contains 1/8 the mass of Earth, but the density is the same throughout • No internal heat
Formation of the moon • Several theories • Collision theory where Mars sized object skimmed off young Earth, materials from outer layers were thrown into space and combined with an asteroid to form the moon. http://www.newsday.com/media/thumbnails /graphic/2007-11/33979611-27102328.jpg
Features of the moon • Galileo an Italian astronomer invented the telescope. He saw three types of features. • Craters – vary in size, circular, caused by meteoroid impacts, there is no erosion on the moon. • Highlands – mountains that cast long shadows • Maria – thought to be seas, but really ancient lava flows – flat dark areas
http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ZAsGDKe2oQ5lvM:http: //media.skyandtelescope.com/images/Moon-So-Highlands.jpg http://sos.noaa.gov/images/Solar_System/moon.jpg Highlands are bright pink areas in image on left. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Moon_Crescent_-_ False_Color_Mosaic.jpg/260px-Moon_Crescent_-_False_Color_Mosaic.jpg
Missions to the moon • 1961 NASA was launched • 1964-1972 Space race, Soviets and USA • Surveyor (US) was the first to land • Surface of the moon is solid, but covered in a layer of fine dust. Footprints remain forever. No weathering and erosion.
Moon landings • July 1969, US landed Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin were in a tiny lunar lander named Eagle. • “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Image from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3MWI6ELXNLE/SZ1pKqYMMgI /AAAAAAAAGd8/d74ROwygXl4/s400/Apollo+11+-+Footprint+left+by+astronaut+on+lunar+soi l+during+Apollo+11+lunar+mission+in+which+astronauts+Neil+Armstrong+ %26+Buzz+Aldrin+took+walk+on+moon%27s+surface+%28July+1969%29.jpg
Moon rocks • Everything we know about the moon was found out from the moon rocks brought back from the moon landings. • Almost all of the moon rocks were formed by cooling of molten material. (volcano) • The surface of the moon was once very hot. • Also evidence of meteor bombardment.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/fts/images/houston_spacejunk_05.jpghttp://www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/fts/images/houston_spacejunk_05.jpg Moon rock in image on left Lunar Seismometer http://www.popastro.com/moonwatch/ moon _guide/as16-113-18359.jpg
Instruments left on the moon • Instruments left on the moon show that the interior has cooled. • There is no seismic (earthquakes) activity except from meteors. • The entire surface of the moon has been photographed. • There is evidence of frozen water at the poles. • The far side of the moon (the one we don’t see) is much rougher than the side we see.
Uhh Buzz Lightyear- he didn’t Buzz Aldrin- Apollo 11 astronaut, he walked on the moon http://diggpoint.com/wp-content/images/2008/12/aldrin.jpg http://www.vam.ac.uk/images/image/24412-large.gif