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Field Research: Conducting an Interview. A workshop brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab. How to Conduct an Interview. Making contact with your interviewee Preparing for the interview Coming up with Questions Meeting with your interviewee Following up on your interview.
Field Research: Conducting an Interview A workshop brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab Purdue University Writing Lab
How to Conduct an Interview • Making contact with your interviewee • Preparing for the interview • Coming up with Questions • Meeting with your interviewee • Following up on your interview Purdue University Writing Lab
Setting up the Interview • Contact the potential interviewee in advance • Be sure that you ask for the interview. This person is doing you a favor • Arrange a specific time and place, and let the interviewee know how much time it will take • Identify the topic that you will be discussing during the interview Purdue University Writing Lab
Preparing for the interview • Be sure to write out a list of questions in advance • Find out whatever information you can about the person you’re interviewing • Decide which questions are highest priority if time runs short • Decide what your goals are for the interview Purdue University Writing Lab
Coming up with Questions • Ask yourself: “What is it that I need to know? • Write down a list of things that you are hoping to find out • Write a list of questions that you think will lead to these answers • Check the questions carefully to see if the wording could be offensive to your interviewee Purdue University Writing Lab
Meeting the Interviewee • Always bring a stiff-backed notebook and several trustworthy writing instruments • If you wish to tape-record your interview, always ask before doing so • Keep notes on the interview, but make sure that you are still talking to the interviewee, not just scribbling Purdue University Writing Lab
Meeting the Interviewee(cont.) • Be sure that you come to the interview with a prepared list of questions (more than you think you’ll need!) • Try to stick to the topic at hand, but be ready to be flexible if your interviewee brings up unexpected but valuable information. Purdue University Writing Lab
Online Interviewing • If you need to interview via email, don’t forget to ask permission for the interview • Make sure that you establish the scope of the interview and the amount of time the interviewee is committing to. • Remember that the same rules of courtesy still apply Purdue University Writing Lab
Following up the Interview • Always be sure to thank your interviewee, orally and in writing • Once you have written up your results, let your interviewee see the results, in order to confirm that you’ve represented him/her accurately • Write up your results soon after the interview while they’re fresh in your mind Purdue University Writing Lab
Conducting an Interview • Remember, conducting a successful interview involves attention to each of the following steps: • Making contact • Preparing for the interview • Meeting the interviewee • Following up on the interview Purdue University Writing Lab
Where can you go for more help with field research? • The Writing Lab Heavilon Hall Room 226 494-3723 http://owl.english.purdue.edu Or email owl@owl.english.purdue.edu with brief questions. Purdue University Writing Lab