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Explore high school students' views on EdukasiNet as a tool for enhancing English education, focusing on its role, features, and impact, with suggestions for improvement and integration strategies.
ABDUR ROSYID, 2201405046STUDENTS PERCEPTION ON EDUKASINET FOR SUPPORTING ENGLISH LEARNING (The Case of Nasima Senior High School in the Academic Year 2008/2009)
Identitas Mahasiswa • - NAMA : ABDUR ROSYID - NIM : 2201405046 - PRODI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris - JURUSAN : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS - FAKULTAS : Bahasa dan Seni - EMAIL : masiid_2409 pada domain yahoo.com - PEMBIMBING 1 : Rohani, S.Pd., M.A - PEMBIMBING 2 : Widhiyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. - TGL UJIAN : 2009-09-11
Judul • STUDENTS PERCEPTION ON EDUKASINET FOR SUPPORTING ENGLISH LEARNING (The Case of Nasima Senior High School in the Academic Year 2008/2009)
Abstrak • This paper discusses EdukasiNet, students’ perception on EdukasiNet for supporting English learning, and their perception on EdukasiNet features for supporting their English skills. The discussion is divided into two parts, firstly describing EdukasiNet and secondly describing how the students perceive EdukasiNet in supporting their English learning. The data were collected from documents, questionnaires and focus group discussions. In this research, the questionnaires and focus group discussion were analyzed qualitatively. The data were collected from sixteen students. Then the data were analyzed using the steps of data identification, data classification, and data analysis. There were some findings of the research. EdukasiNet is the ICT based education which is integrated in the national education network. The education portal is aimed to support teaching and learning process for formal and informal education. Some of the students noted that e-learning supported classroom learning although they did not want it to alter classroom meeting. Some of them stated that e-learning had no significant effect and only few of them said that they prefer classroom learning. Some of the students also stated that EdukasiNet was useful for their English learning. The other found that EdukasiNet was sometimes useful and few of them agreed that it did not support their English. Most of the students found a barrier in accessing EdukasiNet since they sometimes needed high speed access to open the site, especially VOD feature. It is recommended that the students use EdukasiNet to support their English learning. It is also suggested to the teacher to integrate EdukasiNet with classroom learning and supervise the students when they open the website. Website designer is hoped to update the content periodically and promote EdukasiNet more.
Kata Kunci • EdukasiNet, distance learning, e-learning, blended learning, ICT
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