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Professor Eric Sampson ERTICO & Newcastle University

Briefing for Helsinki app contestants 1 April 2014, ERTICO, Brussels. Professor Eric Sampson ERTICO & Newcastle University. What is ITS ? – words.

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Professor Eric Sampson ERTICO & Newcastle University

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  1. Briefing for Helsinki app contestants 1 April 2014, ERTICO, Brussels Professor Eric Sampson ERTICO& Newcastle University

  2. What is ITS ? – words “ITS” is the term used to describe combinations of sensors, telecoms, information processing, maps and location referencing to deliver improved transport systems, services and safety. ITS enable infrastructure owners and operators to improve the quality of transport services while also helping drivers, hauliers, transport operators and authorities to make better informed, more ‘intelligent’ journey decisions. ITS can improve efficiency through smarter network management and enhance road safety through in-vehicle systems to support drivers – or ultimately ensure collision avoidance.

  3. What is ITS ? – pictures 1

  4. What is ITS ? – pictures 1 am Station, offices pm Middle of day: Shops, car parks

  5. What is ITS ? – pictures 2

  6. Our toolbox Policies Processes Tools • Vehicle / road comms • Cellular telephony • Microwave comms • Data modelling/processing • SatNav, Route Guidance • Digital mapping • Position location & GPS • Electronic vehicle ID • Electric & Hybrid vehicles • e-commerce, e-purses • Biometrics and ID • Image processing, ANPR • Transponder design • Human Factors • Real-time Information • Cost - benefit and evaluation • Risk Assessment • Architecture & standards • Business models • IT and power computing • Data Privacy System capacity Improved safety Better public transport Demand management Reduced environmental impact Costs attribution More efficient logistics Reduced congestion User behaviour/response Traveller Information E-Safety (ADAS, ISA, ) Location-based Services Road User Charging Deployment Issues Connected Vehicles & Infrastructure E-ticketing, E-payment Smart cards Traffic control & management Vehicle engineering Infrastructure engineering

  7. Our problems 1 Throughput Safety Environmental impact

  8. Our problems 2 Throughput Safety Environmental Impact Accessibility & Inclusion Integration Privacy Security Societal acceptability Cost

  9. How well are we doing? Nottoobad Must do better Traveller Information  Managed higher capacity  E-Safety (ADAS, ISA, ) 1/2 Location-based Services  Road User Charging  Reactive traffic mgt Active traffic management  V ‒ I linking 1/2 V ‒ V linking 1/2 Open Data 1/2 E-Ticketing  E-Payment / ID  Primary vehicle safety  Energy storage 1/2 Intelligent Vehicles 1/2 Intelligent Infrastructure 1/2 Smart multimodal travel information Location-based ideas and links Changing traveller behaviour Child & pedX safety in cities Better public transport Joined-up public transport Smarter cities Avoiding congestion Smart network management Reduced environmental impact Seamless journeys Through ticketing More efficient logistics Energy storage Connected vehicles Autonomous vehicles Use of social media Intelligent drivers 0

  10. ‘Now’ = yesterday: the ITS market Radio broadcasting RDS TMC TPEG Cooperative services Probe data Static navigation Connected navigation Predictive navigation Dynamic navigation Multi-modal navigation ADAS for Preventative safety Passive safety Cooperative ADAS ADAS for Active safety Map based ADAS Pan-EU eCall Eco driving Eco navigation Eco traffic management ITS for FEV Tracking & tracing eFreight Urban logistics Truck navigation Cooperative traffic management VMS & traffic control centre Incident detection & management Free flow tolling & road user charging On board variable message signs DATEX II E-ticketing Connected traveller Multimodal traffic & traveller information 1990 1995 2010 2015 2020 2025 ( Source ERTICO 2012)

  11. UK household take-up of digital devices Digital TV DVD player Games console DVR Smartphone ■ MP3 player DAB radio Tablet E-reader 3D TV Smart TV ( Source OfCom )

  12. The mega-trends • Everythingis becominginstrumented • Everything/everyone is becoming interconnected • Open Data is transforming transport markets • Consequently everything is becoming intelligent • Everything is interacting/intersecting (esp. in cities) • Huge increase in smartphone ownership • Huge increase in use of social media • The physical domain is becoming increasingly digital • This facilitates sharing and cross-over apps • Dgitaltransport domain becoming part of retailing • Owning infrastructure is becoming less valuable • Buying/using data opens many new options

  13. Where do I think we’re going ? • Many EVs or hybrids using sustainable power • Cities rather than urban settlements • Pay-as-you drive on roads linked to carbon prices • Connected vehicles and infrastructure • External control for crash-proof vehicles • In-vehicle ‘black boxes’ for insurance and monitoring • Highly personalised information markets • Personal travel ‘shoppers’ and ‘tutors’ • Reduced customer ‘lock-in’ by operators / manufacturers • Payment service providers / brokers • Permanently connected travellers via smartphones • Mobility rather than transport • The John Lewis/Virgin/M&S/TESCO mobility retailer The ‘killer service’ will be an app store

  14. What are the opportunities for you ? Traveller apps Nottoobad Must do better Smart multimodal travel information Location-based ideas and links Changing traveller behaviour Child & pedX safety in cities Better public transport Joined-up public transport Smarter cities Avoiding congestion Smart network management Reduced environmental impact Seamless journeys Through ticketing More efficient logistics Energy storage Connected vehicles Autonomous vehicles Traveller Information  Managed higher capacity  E-Safety (ADAS, ISA, ) 1/2 Location-based Services  Road User Charging  Reactive traffic mgt Active traffic management V ‒ I linking 1/2 V ‒ V linking 1/2 Open Data 1/2 E-Ticketing  E-Payment / ID  Primary vehicle safety  Energy storage 1/2 Intelligent Vehicles 1/2 Intelligent Infrastructure 1/2 City apps Network apps Use of social media Integrated apps

  15. Briefing for Helsinki app contestants Time for questions either e-mailed or “live” now

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