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Graffiti management is the process of containing and controlling vandalism in a given area. Graffiti can be a menace if left un-managed<br><br>
GraffitiRemoval andManagement Graffiti management is the process of containing and controllingvandalism in agivenarea. Graffiti can beamenaceif left un-managed. For instance, if therewerenolaws governing graffiti in ourstreet, ourstreetswould bemessyand dirty. Agood impression of atown canalso vanish whengraffiti is everywhere; this is becausegraffiti is associatedwith gangsand violence. It is the business ofthe authorities and the companyto comeupwith thebest strategyto keep graffiti from public areas. Reporting Vandalism Theauthorityandgraffitiremoversgreatlydependon reports ofvandalism. Also,you are advised to call the authorities onceyou seeaperson breakingthelawin which graffiti is included. Thereforefor thebest results, strategies havebeendevised to identifyand removegraffiti in the street. ReactiveStrategy Thesestrategies entirelydepend on the reports ofvandalism. As a result, the companyor the government waits for calls from the communitytoinform them about graffiti. Awareness is being campaigned ongraffiti vandalism. Hencepeople that persist and usetheir voiceusually help the removal to be doneon time. Surprisinglythereareareaswherepeople do not report the cases andgraffiti ends up all over thestreet. ProactiveStrategy Thesemethods highlydepend on the availabilityof resources. Additionallyit requires a team to scout around and identifythe graffiti and theculprits. Consequentlyit is oneof thebest strategies in themanagement ofgraffiti. Major cities ofthe most developed nations use this method which works effectivelybecause of available resources. Predictive Strategy Finallywehavethe predictive strategy, which usesthe available databaseof thecity.This method also requiresan authoritythat has resources at its disposal.In addition this method can best help allocateresources to areathatgraffiti appears frequently. Ingeneral, predictive strategyinvolves thecollection ofinformation, developingapattern and identifyingthe areas that where graffiti is proneto appear.
Conclusion In order to havethe beststrategythat works foryou,you must be well organized with the right information. Furthermore,you canuseall the strategies to arrive at thebestresult that will fit yourbusiness. Graffiti removal is amajorstakeholderin keepingthe streets and cities clear and clean. Thegovernment should also provide places where graffiti can bepracticedas an art.This will reducethe animosityin the atmospherebetween the artists andthe authorities. Management of the graffiti removal business is the right wayto goabout this. ArticleSource:http://www.theapartmenta.com/graffiti-removal-and-management/