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Magnetic & Optical Properties of Fe-Doped Titania Nanotubes Laura H. Lewis, Northeastern University, DMR 0906608.
Magnetic & Optical Properties of Fe-Doped Titania NanotubesLaura H. Lewis, Northeastern University, DMR 0906608 Iron-incorporated titania nanotubes hold potential as novel multifunc-tional materials with simultaneous magnetic, semiconducting and catalytic properties1. It is antici-pated that these dilute magnetic semiconductors may exhibit enhanced magnetocatalytic activity. Fe-containing titania nanotubes have been successfully fabricated by anodization of Ti(Fe) films pro-duced by co-sputtering (Figs 1 – 3). Very low levels of ferromagnetism in the nanostructures have been verified (Fig. 4). Analysis of the Fe incorporation form (structural or precipitate) is underway. Fig. 1. Scanning electron micro-scopy (SEM) image of iron-incorporated titanium films as precursors for nanotube synthe-sis, verified to contain iron. Fig. 4. SEM images of iron-incorporated titania nanotubes. Fig. 4. Representative mag-netic behavior of iron-incorporated titania nanotubes, with 5.4 at.% Fe. Fig. 3. Typical EDS spectrum for iron-incorporated titania nanotubes, showing 5.4 at.% of iron. 1 Ding, Y., Han, W.-Q. and Lewis, L. H., ”Enhanced Magnetism in Fe-doped TiO2 Anatase Nanorods”, J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007) 123902.
Magnetic & Optical Properties of Fe-Doped Titania Nanotubes Laura H. Lewis, Northeastern University, DMR 0906608 • Broader impacts of this grant: • Formation of the Northeastern University Interdisciplinary Nano-science Group (Fig. 5) that holds weekly pizza lunch meetings during the year to discuss nanoscience research issues and to share lessons learned in the lab. • Poster presentations by project Ph.D. student Ms. Pegah Hosseinpour at international scientific meetings.1,2,3 Maybe a picture of our equipments orlab or nanogroup? Fig 5. The 2010 Northeastern University Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Group (PIs Lewis, Menon and Heiman). 1 Pegah M. Hosseinpour, Eugen Panaitescu, Don Heiman, Latika Menon & L. H. Lewis, ” Towards Fe-doped Titania Nanotubes for Multifunctional Applications”, poster presentation, Gordon Research Conference - Magnetic Nanostructures Meeting, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA, Aug. 8th-13th,2010. 2 Pegah M. Hosseinpour, Eugen Panaitescu, Latika Menon, L. H. Lewis & Don Heiman,”Magnetic and Morphological Properties of Iron-incorporated Titania Nanotube Arrays”, poster presentation (accepted), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 29th-Dec. 3rd 2010. 3 Eugen Panaitescu, James Maniscalco, Pegah Hosseinpour, Laura H. Lewis & Latika Menon, ”Iron Decorated Titanium Oxide Nanotubes Arrays Synthesized by Electrochemical Anodization/Deposition”, poster presentation (accepted), Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Nanostructures meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 29th-Dec. 3rd 2010.