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Theorists “Swat the Spot” Game. On board write: (spread these words out so students don’t hit one another!!!)
Theorists “Swat the Spot” Game On board write: (spread these words out so students don’t hit one another!!!) Maria Montessori; Arnold Gessell; B. F. Skinner; Jean Piaget; Lev Vygotsky; Albert Bandura; Erik Erkison; UrieBronfenbrenner; Lawrence Kohlberg; Robert Coles; Howard Gardner; Sigmund Freud
Swat the Spot Rules: Students form 2 teams for relay. Each team gets a fly swatter. As they see “characteristics” displayed for various theorists, the first to SWAT the correct answer wins the point. Fly swatter is passed to the next person in line. Clue or characteristic will be given first with correct theorist name on the following slide.
Children should have many opportunities for social interaction to develop intellectually
Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Existential, Moral
Children learn through senses • They need objects to manipulate • Founder of “Montessori” schools
Personality develops in stages.TrustGuiltHard workTaking care of others
Children learn by modeling. • Parents and caregivers must provide good examples.
Developed basic information about sequence and rate of child development.
Environmentalist Theory: Microsystem-daily environment of child Mesosystem-connections between home & school Exosystem-outside environment-parent workplace Macrosystem-larger environment such as country
Effects of positive and negative reinforcement • (Rewards and punishments)
3 levels of moral development: • Child follows rules because of authority figure. • Adult abides rules because society expects it. • Adults make moral choices because they care about others-some never reach this level!