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Success Criteria : An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms

Learning Objectives : To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions. Relationships revision. Areas you need to have a secure knowledge of for your exam

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Success Criteria : An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms

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  1. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Relationships revision Areas you need to have a secure knowledge of for your exam -Commitments and responsibilities -Types of love -Religious attitudes to sex -Religious marriage ceremonies -Religious attitudes to sex outside of marriage -Religious attitudes to divorce Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  2. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Responsibilities and commitments Making and keeping a promise Something you choose to do for a person Being devoted to someone or something Duties you should carry out Something you do out of a sense of duty What you are expected to take care of Commitment Responsibility Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  3. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Responsibilities and commitments Exam question Explain the meaning of ‘commitment’ when used about a relationship (2) Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  4. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Different types of love Storge Affection for things and animals (Sentimental love) Agape Unconditional love, given freely Eros Sexual love Philia Love of friends and family (a strong bond between people) Exam question The word love means many things. Describe two different kinds of love (4) Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  5. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Attitudes to Sex Christians and Muslims have similar attitudes to sex Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  6. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Contraception Contraception is anything that aims to prevent a woman becoming pregnant Contraception can be temporary (condoms, the pill) or permanent (sterilization) Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  7. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Reasons for marriage The reasons/purpose of a Christian marriage are: · To live together in love · Have lawful sex · Have comfort and companionship . To start a family • The reasons/purposes of a Muslim marriage are: • To follow Muhammad’s example • To share a life of love • To have legal sex • To have Children and raise them as good Muslims Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  8. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Christianity and marriage A Christian wedding has Legal, Social, and Religious features Wedding vows: For better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  9. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Islam and marriage Practicing Muslims generally want their children to marry other Muslims. Islam affects a Muslim’s whole life, and being married to a non-Muslim could create tension, especially with bringing up children Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  10. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Adultery Adultery- Having sex with someone other than your marriage partner Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  11. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Happily ever after CONFLICT Confrontation between people Disagreements and quarrels Breakdowns of relationships Pressures on a marriage Lack of communication Children/Lack of children In laws Money Work or career Sexual problems Affairs Religious differences Unemployment Different interests • When things go wrong • The religious leader can offer help and advice to the couple • The community can offer marriage guidance counseling or therapy sessions • Prayers can be offered for or with the couple • A pre-marriage course could be offered for all intending to get married • Family members could offer help and advice RECONCILIATION Apologizing and becoming friends again Making up Saying sorry and having it accepted Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  12. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Christianity and divorce Is divorce acceptable? Depending on individual circumstances It is not believed to be God’s intention It is breaking promises made before God Maybe No • Roman Catholics • Do not recognise divorce • Marriage is a sacrament that cannot be dissolved • Some marriages can be annulled (only if certain requirements are met) • Roman Catholics • Accept divorce • Discourage re-marriage in a church Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question

  13. Learning Objectives: To be able to recall information for this topic To be able to successfully answer practice exam questions Islam and divorce Is divorce acceptable? As a last resort. The prophet Muhammad said: “Of all things which have been permitted divorce is the most hated by Allah” It is expected that the family will try to help the couple to be reconciled. If the couple do decide to divorce then: The husband must state in front of witnesses on 3 separate occasions that the marriage is over . A period of three months begins (Iddah). The couple will stay in the same house but not sleep together Sometimes Success Criteria: An ok lesson: Able to recall and explain key terms A good lesson: Able to compare different religious viewpoints An excellent lesson: Able to successfully answer a practice exam question If the couple finally decide to divorce, then the wife is given the final part of her dowry. Both parties should act toward each other with kindness

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