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European Commission External Cooperation Programmes. Global View Europeaid. The European Union, composed of the Member States and the European Commission, is the world’s biggest aid donor.
Global ViewEuropeaid • The European Union, composed of the Member States and the European Commission, is the world’s biggest aid donor. • EUROPEAIDThe Directorate-General of the European Commission that is the responsible for implementing aid programmes and projects across the world. • It works closely with EU neighbouring countries: • Russia • African regions • Caribbean regions • Pacific (ACP) regions • Latin America • Asia.
SOME EXAMPLES OF OTHER EU PROJECTS: 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME R&D : • FP7-NMP-2007-LARGE-1: MESSIB - Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings • FP6-2004-NMP-NI-4: ISSB - The INTELLIGENT SAFE & SECURE BUILT CONCEPT EUREKA • PROJECT: BESTPRODUCT TENEEST: OPTIMIZACIÓN DE PRODUCTOS MEDIANTE UN RED EUROPEA DE INGENIERÍA (E!3517) • UMBRELLA EUREKABUILD (E!3790) LEONARDO DA VINCI EUROENEFF: Development of Guide for Energy efficiency renovation of buildings CEMTINET: Cement training Institutions: A new approach to mobility LIFE+ • ECO-STONE: Sustainable system implementation for natural stone production and use. • ECO-VITRUM: Modelo de gestión integral de los vidrios de Tubos Rayos Catódicos: Cerrando el círculo de recuperación, reciclaje y reutilización de RAEE'S“ COST COMPOSITES WITH NOVEL FUNCTIONAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES BY NANOSCALE MATERIALS (NANO COMPOSITE MATERIALS - NCM)
Global viewEuropeaidThe European Commission broke a record in 2008 administering € 55.560 millions of euros.
2. Europeaid’s geographical ProgrammesBudget for year 2007-2013 (millions of €)
Search of opportunitieshttps://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome Make possible to delimit your search. Closed: Short-lists and Awards are published Open: Tender Notices are published. Forecast: 1st tender announcement is published Type of contracts Regional programmes Thematic programmes Other programmes
4. How to apply?(1) Registration in Padorhttp://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/onlineservices/pador/index_en.htm Data provided by organisations in PADOR is used by the EC for checking the eligibility of the organisations that participate in calls for proposals
5. NEW BUSINESS OPORTUNITIES BETWEEN RUSSIA & UEhttps://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&orderby=upd&orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=AS&pgm=&ZGEO=35589&debpub=&finpub=&aoet=36538&aoet=36539
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER? 1- Daily search of opportunities, as explained in section 3. Example of the desired features of a search: Services and work tenders. Forecast status (so that we have enough time to create a consortium) Any country We are not specially interested in the date when the forecast announcement was published. If you are not interested in a specific country, you can leave this field as shown above. If you are not interested in a specific date, you can leave this field in blank
HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Forecast projects The firm can check the projects that best suit its competences and take note of the reference number of all the interesting projects. When the status is “Forecast”, the available information is published through Pre-information notices (see example in next page).
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Forecast projects: Pre-information Notice EXAMPLE OF A PRE - INFORMATION NOTICE INDIVIDUAL SERVICE CONTRACT FORECAST Contract title: Follow-up initiatives in the context of the EU-Africa energy partnership in AfricaLocation – Africa 1. Publication reference EuropeAid/127182/C/SER/Multi 2. Procedure Restricted 3. Programme The Thematic Strategy Paper for the "Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy" (ENRTP[1]) for the period 2007-2010. 4. Financing Budget line 21 04 01. 5. Contracting Authority European Community, represented by the European Commission on behalf of and for the account of the beneficiary country/countries. 6. Nature of contract Fee-based.
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Forecast projects: Pre-information Notice 7. Contract description Follow-up initiatives in the context of the EU-Africa energy partnership in Africa. The proposed action will focus to the whole Africa continent. A service supplier will assist to (i) provide institutional and technical support for the establishment of an effective strategic dialogue and (ii) prepare the setting up of an ambitious Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Cooperation Programme as envisaged in the Lisbon Action Plan taking into account and building on existing bilateral and regional activities in the field, including possibly twinning arrangements. Expected results are to strengthen the EU-Africa dialogue on access to energy and energy security and scale up investment in renewable energies in Africa. 8. Indicative budget EUR 1 000 000 9. Intended timing of publication of the procurement notice August 2008 10. Additional information Website of the European Commission, Directorate-General Transport and Energy[2] SEC(2007) 12, COM(2007) 1 final, Energy Policy for Europe[3] European Council -Conclusions of May 2007- Commission Joint Background Paper on energy cooperation between Africa and Europe[4] SEC(2007) 856, COM(2007) 357 final, Commission/Council Secretariat Joint Paper "Beyond Lisbon-Making the EU-Africa Strategic Partnership work"[5] Joint Africa-EU Strategy (December 2007)[6] First Africa-EU Energy Action Plan (2008-2010)[7] EC Communication on the establishment of the Africa-EU infrastructure partnership[8] 11. Legal basis Regulation (EC) N° 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation[9] (also called the DCI Regulation), in particular Article 13 thereof
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Forecast projects: Monitoring of tenders 2. Monitoring of Tenders The monitoring of tenders in not less important that their initial search. Thanks to the reference number it is easy to control when exactly the status of a tender turns to Open status:
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Forecast projects: Monitoring of tenders Another way of monitoring tenders
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Search of Partners - Consortium 3 - Search of partners Once the forecast tender has been found, it is necessary to check it every day so that we are aware of the Procurement Notice publication. After that, there will be about 30 days in order to submit our Prequalification Form. In the meantime, firms have to look for partners. HOW? Search of closed projects Search of shortlists Select the country that suits your project.
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Search of Partners - Consortium Most of the closed announcements contain a document which shows the short-listed companies for such project. Then you can assure to contact expertised firms in Europeaid and try to collaborate with them. Short-list example: Sometimes it is also possible to get the Award Document, and find the name of the awarded company. SERVICE CONTRACT SHORTLIST NOTICE Health and High Risk Insurance – Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Instrument for Stability Names of short-listed Candidates 1. GMC SERVICES 2. MARSH SA in consortium with ACE European Group Ltd., Allianz Worldwide Care Ltd., Chubb Insurance Company of Europe SA and Hiscox Syndicate at Lloyds 3. UNIQA VERSICHERUNGEN AG 4. VANBREDA INTERNATIONAL NV
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Procurement Notice – Application Form 4. Publication of the Procurement Notice ¿What is the difference between the Pre-information notice and the Procurement notice? • The pre-information notice is the first announcement and there is very little information. • The importance of the procurement notice is that it shows the deadline of the submission of the prequalification documents. There is a bit more of information, but still very little. • Once the procurement notice is published, the project turns into an Opened Project. • Then, the leader of the consortium shall manage the project and will coordinate the fulfilment of the application form. • The procurement notice must not be understood as the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the project.
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Procurement Notice – Application Form 5. Submission of the APPLICATION FORM Requested information: the procedure is always the same. 1 - ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Procurement Notice – Application Form 2 - STAFF RESOURCES
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Procurement Notice – Application Form 3- EXPERIENCE / CAPABILITY STATEMENTS Capability statements show the experience of the firm. It is highly recommended that companies elaborate their capability statements before this stage, so that they can send them to their possible partners when creating the consortium.
6. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?Prequalification - FAQ • How long should I wait till we are confirmed if we are short-listed? It depends on the number of EoIs that the Evaluation Committee receives. Nevertheless, the committee shall contact the leader of each consortium and will inform he/she about the results. • The procurement notice does not offer much information. Maybe after the reception of the Terms of Reference we realise that we are not prepared to take part in this project. What would happen then? Nothing would happen. Only the short-listed firms receive the terms of reference. Once they are aware of the full terms, they can freely decide whether they want to take part or not in the project (if they were eventually selected as the awarded consortium). • How many capability statements can I include in my Application Form? There is a maximum of 15 capability statements per application form. A strategically selection of the capabilities is very important. • The European Commission is multi-lingual, can I write my application form in any other language different from English? Unless specified, all application forms must be written in English. • Should I include any CVs in my Application Form? The prequalification phase does not require any CVs, only financial information and expertise related to the applied project. • Should I bear in mind that applying for a tender with Europeaid is hard and risky? Not at all. The process is always the same. The firm only has to elaborate its capability statements and fulfil the mentioned tables containing its financial data and its staff resources. As for the risks, the prequalification phase does not involve any risks.
7. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?AIDICO’S EXPERIENCE – EXAMPLEPre-information Notice (continuation)
7. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?AIDICO’S EXPERIENCE – EXAMPLESearch of partners – Closed project Documents published in one of the closed projects for Eritrea at Europeaid data base:
7. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?AIDICO’S EXPERIENCE – EXAMPLEConsortium LEADER: Louis Berger – Nationality: French http://www.louisberger.com/ MEMBER 1: AIDICO – Technological Institute of Construction – Nationality: Spanish www.aidico.es MEMBER 2: Enrico Realacci Architectures – Nationality: Italian http://www.architectures.it/
7. HOW TO APPLY FOR A TENDER?AIDICO’S EXPERIENCE – EXAMPLEApplication Form, E.O.I., Sworn Declaration …..
Licitaciones Internacionales • Ref: Europeaid/128287 CONERGY (Support to Partnership Actions “Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work”). País: Turquía Tareas de AIDICO: • Aportar la experiencia de AIDICO en eficiencia energética. • Proporcionar información necesaria sobre los métodos. • Participar en las diferentes reuniones del proyecto. • Destinar un experto a tiempo parcial. • Analizar las necesidades de los grupos locales que son objetivos para el proyecto. • Ref: Europeaid/128087 Energy Saving Initiative in the Building Sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. País: Europa del este y Asia central. Tareas de AIDICO: • Asistencia en el marco legislativo y adaptación a la normativa europea. • Auditorías energéticas. • Acreditaciones necesarias para apoyar los esquemas europeos de la eficiencia energética en la edificación.
Licitaciones Internacionales • Referencia: Europeaid/128041 • Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector • País: Egipto • Tareas de AIDICO: • Mejorar el uso eficiente de las energías renovables en el sector de la construcción. • Fomentar la entrada del país de servicios, tecnologías y medidas en el área de la eficiencia energética y las energías renovables en el sector de la construcción.
Otras licitaciones • BID/ VE-L1030 • Programa Sectorial de Saneamiento Fase I - Segunda Generación País: Perú Tareas de AIDICO: • Organizar las comunidades de poblaciones menores a 5000 habitantes para que autogestionen la administración, operación y mantenimiento de los sistemas de agua y saneamiento, así como también rehabilitarlos y ampliarlos en caso de ser necesario. • BID / CH-L1032 VALPARAISO - Programa de Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio País: Chile Tareas de AIDICO: • Incorporar, con la participación de los Gobiernos Regionales (GOREs) la protección y puesta en valor del patrimonio como una componente del proceso de desarrollo de las regiones. • Proteger y poner en valor bienes patrimoniales Inmuebles que contribuyan al desarrollo socio-económico. • Fomentar el conocimiento y valoración por parte de las comunidades del patrimonio del país y de las acciones de puesta en valor patrimonial del Programa.
Otras licitaciones • PNUD CRO/00/G31/A/1G/99 Removing Barriers to Improving Energy Efficiency of the Residential and Service Sectors. País: Croacia Tareas de AIDICO: • Auditorías energéticas en diferentes edificios, viviendas residenciales y hoteles. • Desarrollar estudios de viabilidad • CONGO Proyecto de apoyo a la formación y a la reinserción socioprofesional en el ámbito de la construcción en la República del Congo. Tareas de AIDICO: • Ofrecer a los jóvenes congoleños una formación cualificada para obtener empleo duradero. • Integrar y reintegrara a las minorías desfavorecidas.
Thank you very much for your attention! Ignacio Trigo Head of the International Development Area AIDICO – Technological Institute of Construction www.aidico.es