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一汽 - 大众售后服务技术培训 培训员:张 颖 欢迎您!. The Caddy 2004. Heating/Ventilation/Air-conditioning 加热/通风/空调. Heating 供暖. Table of Contents 目录. Climatic, operation 空调操纵装置. Air flow, cooling circuit 空气流动,冷却循环. Sensors/actuators 传感器/执行元件. CAN system network 网络. Tools 工具.
一汽-大众售后服务技术培训 培训员:张 颖 欢迎您!
The Caddy 2004 Heating/Ventilation/Air-conditioning 加热/通风/空调
Heating供暖 Table of Contents目录 Climatic, operation空调操纵装置 Air flow, cooling circuit空气流动,冷却循环 Sensors/actuators传感器/执行元件 CAN system network网络 Tools工具
Heating加热 Control unit with seat heater带座椅加热的控制单元
Heating加热 Control unit with seat and parking heater带座椅加热和停车加热的控制单元
Heating/Climatic加热/空调 Control unit控制单元 Floating arrangement 不固定的排列 • There are 6 types of heating and 6 types of climatic control六种类型: • With and without instant heat button for parking heater带和不带停车加热键 • With and without potentiometer for • seat heater带和不带座椅加热旋钮 • With and without rear windscreen heater带和不带后风档加热 New! Tell-tale lights新型提示灯
ECON Climatic空调 Control unit with seatand parking heater带座椅加热和停车加热的控制单元
ECON Climatic空调 Internal temperature sensor 内部温度传感器 New !
ECON Climatic空调 Internal temperature sensor内部温度传感器 Integrated thermal/visual sensor 整合的温度和光照强度传感元件 优点:无杂质通过鼓风机、低成本、无机械旋转部件
Air flow空气流动 Pollen filter花粉滤清器
Air flow空气流动 Pollen filter花粉滤清器 -活性炭过滤器
Climatic空调 Air flow空气流动 • -前部圆形出风口 • 风窗出风口 • 脚坑出风口 • 前排乘员脚坑出风口 • 后排乘员左侧出风口 • 前 排乘员中央副仪表板处出风口 • 后排乘员出风口
Air flow不同空气流动 With rear air outlet带后出气口 If rear outlet is absent, blind caps are fitted不带后出气口安装堵盖 Right and left air outlets in footwell左、右脚窝出口 Blind caps Air outlet in centre console肘托出口 Air outlet in rear footwell后脚窝出口
Cooling circuit制冷循环 G65 System overview系统概述 Dryer干燥器 Expansion valve 膨胀阀 G263
Cooling circuit制冷循环 Evaporator蒸发器 System overview系统概述 Expansion valve膨胀阀 High pressure sensor 高压传感器G65 Dryer干燥器
Cooling circuit制冷环路 - Individual block connections特殊连接, no quick-release couplings无卸压阀 - Condenser with dryer冷凝器带干燥器 (as Touran/Golf 5) - Expansion valve in centre of engine compartment膨胀阀在发动机舱中央 - Pressure sensor for coolant pressure on compressor压力传感器G65在高压侧 - One temperature sensor down stream of evaporator 温度传感器G263在蒸发器下侧 - Filling quantity 制冷剂填充量R134a: 525 +/- 25 grams克 Expansion valve膨胀阀
J131 J132 Sensors/Actuators传感器/执行元件 J519 V113 Z1 J65 (Heater加热器) T.30, T.31, T.15, T.75, T.58d J162 System overview系统概述 V2 N24
M Sensors/Actuators传感器/执行元件 Input and output signals输入输出信号 Circulating/fresh airvalve 内外循环转换阀V 113 J132right J131left A15 A11 A6 A3 J 65 Heater C3 C2 C1 C4 C5 A16 A18 A20 A19 A 5 A8 T.75/5A T.75/40A T.15 T.30/10A Earth
M M Sensors/Actuators传感器/执行元件 Input signals输入信号 Circulating/fresh air valveV113 内外循环转换阀 Sensor for air outlet temp. body vents G191外部温度 Sensor for air outlet temp. Evaporator G263蒸发器温度 Sensor for airoutlet temp.footwell G192脚窝温度 Temperature valve V68/G92 温度调节电机及传感器 Earth 1 2 3 5 Volt A3 A18 B2 B4 B8 B7 B5 B1 B11 B9 B10 B7 (5 Volt ) B8 (Earth) Climatic J 301 A5 A15 A19A20 A8 A7 Low High T.75/5A Seat heater T.31 T.30/10A T.15A 5A T.31 高压传感器G 65 High pressure sensor Comfort CAN
Sensors/Actuators传感器/执行元件 Output signals输出信号 BLOWER SWITCH 鼓风机开关 J301Climatic 400 Hz-PWM A16 A13 A12 C3 C2 C1 C4 C5 T.75A J 131 left J 132 right 3 2 4 Parking heater 停车加热 N280 1 T.31 N24 V2
CAN system network控制单元局域网 ECON Load负荷 Reversing switch Wiper雨刮 Heated rear 后窗windscreen加热 Speed 速度 PSCU能源控制单元 ECU 控制单元 PARKING HEATE停车加热 Gateway 网关 Cooling water temperature 冷却液温度 COMBI
散热器温度传感器短路 外部温度传感器断路 01-08-137(BRY) 08-03 空调高压传感器压力与占空比
all control units have been read: Press “Go to” button. Select “Function/component selection”. Select “Body”. “Heating, ventilation, air conditioning Select “On Board Diagnostic (OBD) capable systems”. Select “Climatronic”. Select “Functions”. “Basic setting.” “Coding Climatronic control unit” “Checking cooling output” “Read measured value block” guided fault finding
Tools工具 Supply package 1 x test cable 57-pin1 x cover plate Manufacturer Car tool, Ingolstadt ASE 441 024 00 000 V.A.G 1598/42 V.A.G 1598/47
驻车加热系统 Caddy选装Thermo V Top驻车加热系统。 -驻车加热控制单元集成在加 热单元里 -燃烧空气的电子开关直 接安装在控制单元上 -驻车加热在加热单元里安装 了第二个NTC温度传感器, 能够提高冷却液温度的监控 和调节效果。 -通过真空喷射器,将燃油喷 出,并与燃气混合。