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Constructing a Framework for National Drought Policy : The Way Forward in Mexico David Korenfeld Federman (General Director of the National Water Commission of Mexico). High-level Meeting on National Drought Policy ( HMNDP ) Towards More Drought Resilient Societies
Constructinga Framework forNationalDroughtPolicy: TheWayForward in Mexico David KorenfeldFederman (General Director of the National Water Commission of Mexico) High-level Meeting on National Drought Policy (HMNDP) Towards More Drought Resilient Societies 13 March 2013Geneva, Switzerland
Mexico´s North latitude Sahara desert Arabiandesert Tropic of Cancer Mexico´s South latitude Tropicof Mexico: vulnerable todroughtsduetoitsgeographiclocation David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
SeverityIndex Meteorologicdrought Light Intense Very intense Severe Verysevere Extremelysevere Tropic of Cancer Mexico has anarea of 1 964 375 km²; 105 millioninhabitants; and 66% of itsterritoryisdesertorsemidesert. David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
Percentage of surfaceaffectedbydrought in Mexico % D0 AbnormallyDry D1 Drought-Moderate D2 Drought-Severe D3 Drought-Extreme D4 Drought-Exceptional Duringlastdecadedroughtshavebeenrecurrent, and in thelasttwoyearstheyhaveintensified David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
North American Drought Monitor Simbology Statelimit lines of impact David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
2011-2012:themostseveredrought since 1941 in the North and center of Mexico Reactive approach Traditionally Mexico has acted with emergency assistance programs after drought: • water or food supply, • financing and indemnification, • projects or infrastructure for relief, etc. David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
January, 2012. ThePresident of Mexico orderedtheformulation of theNationalDroughtProgram. TheNationalWaterCommission (Conagua) willdesign and conductthisProgram (PRONACOSE). David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
“A … measure I want to announce here in Zacatecas, is the creation of a National Drought Program, whose main component is, first, the early warning, …, and second, to provide for early action, so to forecast, prevent and respond promptly to any weather contingencies that will affect the population or farm productivity. For this purpose, … the National Water Commission, in coordinationwith other agencies of the Government of the Republic will fix very clear which are the preventive actions that will allow timely decisions to prevent and to mitigatethe effects of drought. … Conagua to agree with local authorities the needed programs and actions to meet specific conditions in each State of the country.” Speech by the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, in Zacatecas on January 10, 2013 David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
Mexico´sNationalDroughtProgram for 2013-2018 has a comprehensiveapproach in severalways: David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
1) TheNationalDroughtProgramincludesboth: David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
2) TheNationalDroughtProgramenhances: David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
3) TheNationalDroughtProgramexhorts: • Federal, Stateand Municipal coordination (jointprograms and resources) • Waterusersinvolvement (information, voluntaryreduction, efficiencies) David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
4) TheNationalDroughtProgrampromotes: • A drought plan foreach of the 26 basincouncils throughoutthecountry (+designed and implementatedbythem: authorities and users +based on local specificities of each region) • PlansformajorWaterUsers (specificactionsfor: waterutilities, irrigationdistricts, industrial parks) David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
5) TheNationalDroughtProgram islocallyimplemented: Waterusers and authoritieswithineachbasincouncilwill define triggers and characteristics of agreedactions, basedonConagua´sinformationaboutdroughtevolution. At thebegining, a rangeormenuof severalvoluntarymeasuresare expectedtobringmajorvolumeeconomies,buteventuallymandatorymeasurescould be neccesary, withthecolaboration of society. David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
6) TheNationalDroughtProgram, whose monitor and followup isthrough: • An Interagency Commission* and • a Committee of Experts in charge of review, inform, enrich, and support. --------- *A total of 12 Federal Agencies: Presidency, Conagua, Minitry of the Interior, Foresty, FarmProduction and Rural Development, Economy, Energy, Health, NationalDefense, Education, Social Development, Tourism. David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
BASIN COUNCILS PLANS FOR DROUGHT Stakeholderswilltogether: David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
Challenges • The water users and government agencies adoption of a new water culture and strategy which comprises the prevention, planning and evaluation of the drought plans as the main asset to face a recurrent natural phenomena. • Alignment of the federal, state and local fund programs to the directives of the drought plans. In a climate change scenario should be the baseline for the National Development Plan and the framework for a new National Civil Protection System. • The funding of Mexico´s vulnerability reduction to drought. An option is to access the world Climate Change Adaptation Funds. • A drought communication strategy from the beginning is also critical for the acceptance of the drought measures and for the real evaluation of the success or failure of the Program David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
Themaininterest of Mexico: • To guarantee the permanency of the drought planning and implementation for the future. • To manage real social involvement in the development and implementation of the drought measures on a permanent basis. • The reduction of drought vulnerability as one cornerstone of the Mexican strategy for climate change adaptation in compliance with the Climate Change General Law and the National Water Law.
2018 forward suggestions 2013 first planning phase of the Program should be completed 2014 - 2016 implementation evaluation 2017 another planning exercise and the issuing of new developed and improved basin and major water users plans for 2018 and onwards. With a strong governance support: a new National Civil Protection System and with the Climate Change and Water Laws mechanisms and instruments. David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México
Thankyouallforyourkindinterest david.korenfeld@conagua.gob.mx David Korenfeld, Comisión Nacional del Agua, México