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60 Second Macbeth. The Objective…. You will tell “the story” of the play Macbeth using only quotes that contain your assigned word. Your performance must be 60 seconds . Everyone in your group must play a part, even if that means doubling up on roles. Cont ….
The Objective… • You will tell “the story” of the play Macbeth using only quotes that contain your assigned word. • Your performance must be 60 seconds. • Everyone in your group must play a part, even if that means doubling up on roles.
Cont… • Your skit must include only quotes from the play. • You cannot add any “extra words or phrases”. • Props are required. • Costumes are… simple.
Costumes • Choose a color to represent the significance behind your word. Everyone in the group must at least wear a shirt of that color, but you are encouraged to dress head to toe in your color. • You may want to provide labels for characters to prevent confusion.
Yes, lines must be memorized… but, again, it’s only 60 seconds.
Setting the Scene… • Your group will design & create one backdrop that highlights the symbolic significance of your word. You will be given a piece of butcher paper and some class time to design your backdrop. • You will hang your backdrop on the board before starting your scene.
Some Particulars • Yes, you may repeat some lines, but everyone in your group must recite at least two “original” lines. Try to make it fair. • Everyone must use at least one prop. • Use the stage to your advantage & move around!
Scoring—One Group Score • 5 pts: Time (+/- 5 sec) • 10 pts: Creativity • 10 pts: Props/Scenery • 5 pts: Effective Overview of Play • 10 pts: Memorization • 5 pts: Costume • 5 pts: Blocking • 50 points TOTAL