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14. Externalities. Varian, Chapter 33. Types of externalities. Consumption externalities Consumption of a good by agent A has a direct impact on agent B ’s utility E.g., smoking, loud music, tidy garden, etc. Production externalities
14. Externalities Varian, Chapter 33
Types of externalities • Consumption externalities • Consumption of a good by agent A has a direct impact on agent B’s utility • E.g., smoking, loud music, tidy garden, etc. • Production externalities • Actions by agent A have a direct impact on agent B’s production possibilities • E.g., bee-keeper and apple orchard, polluting firm and fisherman, etc.
Missing markets Person B wBx The endowment point is not Pareto efficient. Allowing trade permits a Pareto improvement y wBy Contract curve Endowment wAy x Person A wAx
Room-mates • 2 agents A and B • There are two “goods”: • Stuff – i.e., money: mA and mB : Endowments = $100 • Smoke – concentration: 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 • A is a smoker: uA(mA,s) • B is a non-smoker: uB(mB,t), where t = 1-s • Note: s + t = 1
Edgeworth box Person B B’s money s Smoke m Person A A’s money
Rights and endowments Person B B’s money s If B has the right to a smoke-free environment, endowment is at Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
Smokers’ rights Person B B’s money s If A has the right to smoke as much as he wants, endowment is at Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
Neither endowment is necessarily Pareto efficient Person B B’s money s Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
Paying to smoke Person B B’s money s Allow trade, or make A pay B per unit of smoke Contract curve Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
Paying for clean air Person B B’s money s Contract curve Allow trade, or make B pay A per unit of smoke reduction Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
A and B care about who gets the property rights! Person B B’s money s Pareto set Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
Quasi-linear preferences Person B B’s money s s* Pareto set Smoke m Person A A’s money $100
The Coase Theorem • Coase Theorem: If • property rights are well-defined, • bargaining over the externality is possible • with sufficiently low transaction costs • the outcome will be efficient • When preferences are quasi-linear, the allocation of property rights has no impact on the equilibrium quantity of smoke (s*)
Using demand curves • Let’s assume quasi-linear preferences • A’s utility: uA(m,s) = mA + v(s) • A’s marginal benefit from smoke is v’(s) • B’s utility: uB(mB,t) = mB + w(t) • B’s marginal benefit of less smoke is w’(t)
Example: smoking • A’s utility: uA(m,s) = mA + ln(s) • mA = 50 • B’s utility: uB(mB,t) = mB + 2ln(t) • mB= 150 • What are equilibrium s, t, mA, and mB if A has the right to smoke as much as he wants? • What if B has the right to clean air?
Agent A Agent B w(t) v(s) Slope = marginal utility of less smoky air Slope = marginal utility of smoky air t s w’(t) v’(s) t s
Marginal costs and benefits • Pareto efficiency requires v’(s) = w’(t) A’s marginal benefit Looks like a demand curve B’s marginal cost of smoke Looks like a supply curve Pigouvian tax on smokers 0 1 s s* 1-s=t
Pigouvian tax • Definition: A tax on activities with negative externalities • Double benefit • Reduce harm from negative externalities • Fund useful government spending • Especially beneficial when Coase theorem does not apply
Example: smoking • A’s utility: uA(m,s) = mA + ln(s) • mA = 50 • B’s utility: uB(mB,t) = mB + 2ln(t) • mB= 150 • ‘what sort of government tax on smoking x would lead to an efficient outcome? • What are mA and mB in this outcome?
Allocating pollution amongst firms • Suppose one unit of pollution is to be allocated between two firms Firm A’s marginal benefit Firm B’s marginal benefit Pigouvian tax on pollution 0 1 s s* 1-s
Pollution permits • If A has all the permits, it sells 1-s* to B, at price p* • If B has all the permits, it sells s* to A, at p* • Only difference is which firm earns the profits from permit sales Firm A’s marginal benefit Firm B’s marginal benefit p* 0 1 s s* 1-s
Why don’t people cooperate? • Two firms could merge so as to internalize the costs they impose on each other • Room-mates can agree on smoking limits, or switch partners • But there may be transactions costs that limit agents’ ability to trade • E.g., if the market is one-sided – one polluter and many pollutees