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Creating a Television News Package. What is a News Package?. A News Package is a news story done by a reporter that includes the reporter’s narrative, on-camera interviews, and footage that puts the story in context. It is a self-contained unit capable of standing on its own.
What is a News Package? A News Package is a news story done by a reporter that includes the reporter’s narrative, on-camera interviews, and footage that puts the story in context. It is a self-contained unit capable of standing on its own.
Here are some examples: Click here for a student news package from a High School in Chicago Click on this Black Box for another local package Click on the Black Box for one local package …and one last example of a local news story
What does a News Package Include? • A well-written news story • On-camera reporter stand-ups • Visually appealing and relevant footage that helps tell the story • On-camera interviews with primary or secondary sources
How do you put one together? First, choose a topic, just like you would for any news story. Then, decide what your focus will be. What do you want to know? What do you want to tell your audience? Do research. Set up, conduct and tape interviews. Tape b-roll footage. Edit the interviews and b-roll. Tape your stand-ups. Finish editing and view your final product for fine-tuning.
Choosing Your Topic • Is topic appropriate for your viewing audience? • Does topic have good opportunities for B-Roll? *B-Roll=visually appealing footage that can be used to help tell your story.
Choosing Your Topiccontinued • Is there a beginning, middle and end to your story? • Are there opportunities for Primary Source interviews? • Are there Secondary Sources available to comment on the topic?
Pre-production planning • Research your topic (newspaper and/or magazine articles, internet, other resources) • Develop a list of interview questions for primary and secondary sources (5W + H) • Make appointments to conduct your interview.
Production Steps • Tape your interviews • Tape your B-roll • Tape your stand-up (the ONE time the reporter appears ON camera)
Post-Production Steps Tell your story aurally (for the ears) Transcribe your interviews OR log interview comments with in-cues and out-cues. Yes, this means you must write or type what your source has said. This is a really reliable way to assure that you get the best sound bites possible. Play your video and close your eyes. Listen to the interviews for good sound bites.
Post-Production StepsContinued Edit interviews Use the best 10-15 seconds of the interview. Or use multiple 10-15 second sound bites of the interview if there is more than one useful bite.
Post-Production Stepscontinued • Write, record and edit bridges (your voice-over that connects the interviews together) • Write, record and edit your stand-ups
Post-Production StepsContinued Tell your story visually Watch your package from beginning to end. If there are edits that need to be covered (jump cuts,) use transitions or cover with b-roll. If someone says something with a lot of emotion, leave their headshot in and do not cover with b-roll.
Finish Your Package • Add names and titles for primary sources. • Add your name and title and name of news station during your stand-up. • Watch your package one last time and fix any mistakes before submitting it. Have you told a great story?