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Amaze Showcase Review - What is Amaze Showcase? Amaze Showcase plugin is not only can do the responsive test easily and quickly - since all device dimensions are inside one browser window - but it's also featured with powerful analytics. And the purpose of using it is also vary. Including but not limited to: showcase WordPress Themes or Other Web Designs & Templates as an affiliate. So this product allows you to make money by monetizing the call to action link on theshowcase.
Amaze Showcase Review - Amaze ShowcaseFeatures: • It's simply the product that you will LOVE, because it's going to save your time andmoney • in doing the responsivetest. • Simple and Easy to Use - 100% Newbie Friendly • One-Click ResponsiveTester • Impress AnyClients • Make Money by Promoting Affiliate Product of WordPress Themes or Other Web Designs &Templates • Showcase DemoSite • Never Again Jumping on Multiple Devices to Do ResponsiveTest • No More Paying The Expensive Responsive TesterSoftware • PowerfulAnalytics • And MANYMore... • If you'd picked up Amaze Showcase when it first came out, you've probably amazed because it simply can do the responsive withEASE. • If you haven't picked it up, or if you haven't even view the demo and all of the features... then you'll want to do itsoon. • Imagine, how much TIME and MONEY you canSAVE! • NO more hassle to make sure your website is fully responsive ornot. • NO More Jumping on MultipleDevices • NO More Manually Resize Your BrowserDimension. • And NO More Paying The Expensive Fee for Responsive TesterSoftware. • In fact, this is the EASIEST & FASTEST way to do the responsivetest! • With this Amaze Showcase plugin, you'll have ability to impress your clients, and at the same time make money usingit! • One-Click Responsive Test: With just one-click you can do responsive test on desktop, laptop, tablet andmobile. • Add Your Own Logo & Favicon: Simply upload your own logo and favicon through the pluginsetting. • Fully Customizable Color: Customize the color as you like: main color, bar background, text color, and manymore. • Social Media Profiles: Connect with your visitors and allow them to follow or like your social mediaprofiles. • Analytics and Retargeting Script: It has Header and Footer script area, that allows you to paste your analytics and retargetingscript. • Social Sharing Buttons: Get free viral traffic through social mediawebsites. • Stunning Transitions: We have a bunch of transitions you can choose when the responsive size changes: bounce, slide, zoom, rotate,rolling.
Custom Background: Customize the body background with image or color. And you can also customize the loading image andbackground. Custom Loading Image: So you want to change the loading icon/image? Don't worry, we allow you to do so. Simply upload yourimage/icon. Powerful Analytics: View analytics of your showcases: impressions, clicks as well as the CTR. You can also reset yourstats. SEO Friendly: You can add Meta Description and Meta Keyword on the showcasepage. Change The Call-To-Action Text: Change the CTA (call-to-action) text to any word or language youwant. Promote Other Showcases Too: You can promote other showcases too with the carouselfeature. And MANYMore... CLICK HERE TO GET Amaze Showcase PluginINSTANTLY!!!! You will also get 2 giant bonus packs that value over $24,000 fromus!
Hurry Up... Take Action RightNow! But it just limited to the first 20 fastest people! Don't waste your precious time! Take action right now! RightHere!! Click here to see more detailof: Giant Bonus Pack at$12700 Special Bonus Pack at$9700 Don't believe us! Here is some kind-truth words we happily got from our customers support along the way...^^! Three simple steps to claim these massive bonuspacks! Step 1: Press (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) Or Clean/Delete all cookie and cache of your internet browser.
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