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EA Transition Scenarios

EA Transition Scenarios. Office 365 & windows intune. Transition Scenarios - Disclaimers. Scenarios provided are current Plan of Record. Operational details are being finalized Any pricing provided is solely for illustrative purposes Subscriptions coverage are simplified.

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EA Transition Scenarios

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  1. EA Transition Scenarios Office 365 & windows intune

  2. Transition Scenarios - Disclaimers Scenarios provided are current Plan of Record. Operational details are being finalized Any pricing provided is solely for illustrative purposes Subscriptions coverage are simplified. Scenarios & guidance providedonly valid for multi-tenant “S” deals

  3. Inventory of Scenarios • Inventory of scenarios: • 1) Pro Desktop to E3 and adding K2 [EQ; LR] • 2) Enterprise Desktop to Intune Add on [EQ] • 3) Office Pro/Std to E2 [N; LR] • 4) Core CAL transition to E1/E3 [EQ; N] • 5) Pure Online Services Step Up from E1 to E3 [EQ; SU; LR] • 6) BPOS to E1 conversion and to E3 [C; SU; LR] • 7) Platform EAS transition to E3 [EQ] • 8) Deskless Worker suite to K1/K2 [C; SU; EQ] • 9) Deskless Worker suite to E1/E2 [C; SU; N; LR] • 10) Transition O365+CoreCal to Intune+O365 [EQ; LR] • 11) Add net new seats to Intune + CAL Bridge [EQ; LR] • 12) New Online Only + Bridge CAL customer [EQ] • 13) Adding Exchange Online [EQ; LR] • Appendix: • - License Reduction Scenarios • 14) EA Platform to O365 + Intune[EQ; LR] • 15) Enterprise Desktop transition to Win Intune[EQ] • 16) Office Std Platform to E3 [N] • 17) CoreCAL/ECAL transition to Win Intune[EQ] • 18) ECAL to E3 and E4 [N] • 19) Exchange Online (wave12) to E3 [EQ; LR] Key: [EQ]: Equivalent [N]: Non Equivalent [C]: USL for SA conversion [SU]: Step Up [LR]: License Reservation Red: Higher Priority Scenario

  4. Scenario 1: Pro Desktop to E3 and Add K2 [EQ; LR] Y1 Y2 Y3 2000 E3 ($0) 2000 E3 2000 E3 3000 K2 3000 K2 License Reservation 2ndyr invoice 3rdyr invoice Transition Period Customer has… 1 On Y1 anniversary, we invoice… 8000 Professional Desktop SA 6000 Office Pro Plus SA 6000 CoreCAL SA 8000 Win OS SA 2000 Office 365 Plan E3 Transitions 2000 Office Pro Plus SA + Core CAL SA to 2000 Plan E3 in Y1 via License Reservation process (No charge during transition period) 2 2000 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 There is no invoice as they are added via License Reservation Adds 3000 K2 for uncovered manufacturing floor workers in Y2 via License Reservation process 3 On Y2 anniversary, we invoice… 6000 Office Pro Plus SA 6000 CoreCAL SA 8000 Win OS SA • Note: • If customer is going to E1, Office SA maintained on-premises. On-premises Components will be platform skus • If devices used by K2 are new to license count, then full CAL suite needs to be added. 3000 Office 365 Plan K2 (Proration +12mos) 2000 Office 365 Plan E3 2000 Core CAL Bridge for O365

  5. Scenario 2: Enterprise Platform transition to Windows Intune Add-On Y1 Y3 Y2 1000 Enterprise Desktop 1000 Office Pro Plus 1000 Windows Client 900 ECAL 100 Windows Intune Add-On 100 Windows Intune Add-On (Float) On Y1 anniv, we invoice… 100 ECAL Bridge for Windows Intune Customer has… 1 1000 Enterprise Desktop 1000 Enterprise Desktop Customer wants to transition in Y2 100 devices to Windows Intune Add-On 2 On Y2 anniv, we invoice… 1000 Office Pro Plus 1000 Windows Client Customer pays for Windows Intune for Y3 3 900 ECAL 100 Windows Intune Add-On 100 ECAL Bridge for Windows Intune

  6. Scenario 3: Office Pro to E2 [N; LR] Y1 Y2 Y3 200 E2 200 E2 200 E2 2ndyr invoice 3rdyr invoice License Reservation On Y1 anniversary, we invoice… There is no invoice as they are added via License Reservation 300 Office Pro SA Customer has… 1 500 Office Pro SA Customer transitions 200 to E2 in Y1 via License Reservation process 2 200 Office 365 Plan E2 (for Year 2) 200 E2 Transition SKU (prorated for Year 1) • Note: • E2 Transition SKU includes “credit” for Office Web Apps • Y1 anniversary, customer places order for licenses reserved as part of the True Up • There is no Bridge CAL as customer doesn’t have CAL Suites on Premises On Y2 anniversary, we invoice… 300 Office Pro SA 200 Office 365 Plan E2

  7. Scenario 4: Core CAL Transition to E1/E3 [EQ; N] Y1 Y2 Y3 1500 E3 1500 E3 1000 E1 1000 E1 ($0) 1000 E1 2ndyr invoice 3rdyr invoice New Invoice Transition Period Customer has… On Y1 anniversary, we invoice… 1 4000 Core CAL SA 5000 Core CAL SA 1000 Office 365 Plan E1 1000 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 Transitions 1000 Core CAL SA to 1000 Plan E1 in Y1 (via PO) 2 At time of new service, we invoice… Transitions additional 1500 Core CAL SA users to Plan E3 in Y2 via a Purchase Order (not Reservation) CAL Suite Bridges provide CAL’s that are “left behind” when a customer moves a portion of Core CAL/ECAL’s workload to the cloud. 1500 Office 365 Plan E3 transition SKU* If a transition is not reported at Y1, the 1,000 E1 cannot be given the transition “free float.” 3 On Y2 anniversary, we invoice… 2500 Core CAL SA 1500 Plan E3 1000 Plan E1 Note: Will not allow from ECAL to E1/E2 2500 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 * Core CAL SA in Y2 already invoiced, so CAL Bridge not required

  8. Scenario 5: Pure Online Services Step Up from E1 to E3 Y1 Y2 Y3 1000 Office 365 E1 250 E1 to E3 Step-Up On Y1 anniv, we invoice… Customer has… 1 No invoice as it is via License Reservation 1000 Office 365 E1 1000 Office 365 E1 250 E1 to E3 Step-Up (Prorated in arrears) Customer wants to step-up 250 E1 seats to E3 in year 1 via License Reservation 250 E1 to E3 Step-Up (for Year 2) 2 1000 Office 365 E1 On Y2 anniv, we invoice… 250 E1 to E3 Step-Up • Notes: • At Y1 anniversary customer is invoiced for prorated usage during year 1 + following 12 months • Step-up SKU remains in place through term – it is not replaced with “full” E3 until renewal

  9. Scenario 6: BPOS to E1 Conversion and then to E3 [C; SU; LR] Y1 Y2 Y3 2000 Office Pro Plus SA 1600 Office Pro Plus SA 400 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 1600 Core CAL SA 2000 Pro Desktop SA 400 BPOS 400 Office 365 Plan E1 License Reservation 400 Step Up to E3 400 Step Up to E3 Migration to wave 14 Customer has… On Y1 anniversary, we invoice… 1 1600 Core CAL SA 1600 Core CAL SA 2000 Pro Desktop SA 1600 Office Pro Plus SA 2000 Office Pro Plus SA 400 BPOS (USL for SA) 2000 Win OS SA 2000 Win OS SA 400 Office 365 Plan E1 (Full USL) Customer Steps Up 400 E1 to E3 in Y2 Via License Reservation. Lock O365 prices and revise CPS to convert USL for SA to full USL 400 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 2 3 400 Step Up E1 to E3 (prorated + 12mos) On Y2 anniversary, we invoice… • Notes: • Migration must occur before Step Up • Step Up is invoiced on Y2 anniversary for proration period + 12 months 400 Office 365 Plan E1 (Full USL) 400 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365

  10. Scenario 14: EA Platform to Office 365 + Intune Y1 Y2 Y3 1000 Enterprise Desktop 1000 Windows SA 1000 Office 365 E3 (float) 1000 Office 365 E3 1000 Intune Add-On 1000 Intune Add-On (float) 1000 ECAL Bridge for O365 and Intune On Y1 anniv, we invoice… 1000 Enterprise Desktop Customer has… 1 1000 Enterprise Desktop We don’t invoice at time of addition as licenses added via Reservation Customer wants to transition to Office 365 + InTune Add-On in Y2 via License Reservation 2 On Y2 anniv, we invoice… 1000 Office 365 E3 1000 ECAL Bridge for O365 and Intune 1000 Windows SA 1000 Windows Intune Add-On

  11. Scenario 18: Transition ECAL to E3 and E4 Y3 Y2 Y1 1500 E4 1500 E4 1000 E3 & ECAL Bridge 1000 E3 1000 E3 & ECAL Bridge 2ndyr invoice 3rdyr invoice New Invoice New Invoice Customer has… On Y1 anniversary, we invoice… 1 4000 ECAL SA 5000 ECAL SA 1000 Office 365 Plan E3 1000 ECAL Bridge for Office 365 Transitions 1000 ECAL SA to 1000 Plan E3 in Y1 by placing a PO 2 PO placed for the transition, we invoice… At time of new service, we invoice… 1500 Office 365 Plan E4 transition SKU* 1000 Office 365 Plan E3 Transition SKU* Transitions additional 1500 ECAL SA users to Plan E4 in Y2 by placing a PO 3 On Y2 anniversary, we invoice… 2500 ECAL SA 1000 Office 365 Plan E3 Note: Will not allow from ECAL to E1/E2 1500 Office 365 Plan E4 2500 ECAL Bridge for Office 365 * ECAL SA in already invoiced, so CAL Bridge not required until next anniversary

  12. Scenario 19: Exchange Online (wave12) to E3 Y1 2000 Win OS SA Y2 2000 Win OS SA Y3 2000 Office Pro Plus SA 1600 Office Pro Plus SA 2000 Core CAL SA 1600 Core CAL SA 2000 Pro Desktop SA 400 E3 ($0) 400 Exchange USL for SA 400 Core CAL Bridge for O365 400 Exchange Online (USL for SA) 400 Office 365 Plan E3 License Reservation Migration to wave 14 Customer has… On Y1 anniversary, we invoice… 1 2000 Win OS SA 2000 Pro Desktop SA 2000 Office Pro Plus SA 400 Exchange (USL for SA) 2000 Core CAL SA 400 Exchange Online USL for SA Customer Steps Up 400 Exchange Online to E3 in Y2 via License Reservation. Lock O365 prices. No need to convert USL for SA to full USL. 2 3 On Y2 anniversary, we invoice… 2000 Win OS SA 1600 Office Pro Plus SA 1600 Core CAL SA • Notes: • Migration must occur before Step Up 400 Core CAL Bridge for Office 365 • Step Up is not invoiced retroactively on Y2 as it is an equivalent transition to E3 400 Office 365 Plan E3

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