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Potpourri of Human Genetics

Potpourri of Human Genetics. Genome. The entire hereditary information of an organism encoded in the DNA. 3,200,000,000 base pairs in the Human Genome. Fish have 130,000,000,000 base pairs e. Coli have 4,600,000 base pairs Honeybee has 236,000,000 base pairs. Human Blood Types.

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Potpourri of Human Genetics

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  1. Potpourri of Human Genetics

  2. Genome • The entire hereditary information of an organism encoded in the DNA. • 3,200,000,000 base pairs in the Human Genome. • Fish have 130,000,000,000 base pairs • e. Coli have 4,600,000 base pairs • Honeybee has 236,000,000 base pairs

  3. Human Blood Types • Human Blood Alleles: A, B, O • Co-dominant Alleles: A and B • Recessive Alleles: O http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/blood-types

  4. Causes of Genetic Diseases • Mutations- random, spontaneous change in the DNA • Sex-Linked- disease passed to next generation through sex chromosomes • Deletion-Part of the chromosome is missing • Translocation- Part of a chromosome gets transferred from one part to another. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2CsgXHdWqVs Cri du Chat

  5. Sex Chromosomes • Female Chromosomes: XX • Male Chromosomes: XY • Gender is Determined by: Male

  6. Sex-Linked Traits • Carried on the: Sex Chromosomes • Examples: Red-green Color blindness, Hemophilia, Male Pattern Baldness, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

  7. Hemophilia • Punnett Squares

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