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Lexical Trigger and Latent Semantic Analysis for Cross-Lingual Language Model Adaptation. WOOSUNG KIM and SANJEEV KHUDANPUR 2005/01/12 邱炫盛. Outline. Introduction Cross-Lingual Story-Specific Adaptation Training and Test Corpora Experimental Results Conclusions. Introduction.
Lexical Trigger and Latent Semantic Analysis for Cross-Lingual Language Model Adaptation WOOSUNG KIM and SANJEEV KHUDANPUR 2005/01/12 邱炫盛
Outline • Introduction • Cross-Lingual Story-Specific Adaptation • Training and Test Corpora • Experimental Results • Conclusions
Introduction • Statistic language models are indispensable components of many human language technologies. e.g. ASR,IR,MT. • The best-known techniques for estimating LMs require large amounts of text in the domain and language of interest, making this a bottleneck resource. e.g. Arabic. • There have been attempts to overcome this data scarcity problem in the components of speech and language processing systems. E.g. acoustic modeling, linguistic analysis from resource-rich language to resource-deficient language.
Introduction (cont.) • For language modeling, if sufficiently good MT is available between resource-rich language, such as English and a resource-deficient language, say Chinese, then one may choose English documents, translate, and use resulting Chinese word statistics to adapt LMs. • Yet, the assumption of some MT capability presupposes linguistic resources may not be available for some languages. • Modest sentence-aligned parallel corpus • Two primary means of exploiting cross-lingual information for language modeling are investigated, neither of which requires any explicit MT capability • Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers • Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis
Introduction (cont.) • Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers: several content-bearing English words will signal the existence of a number of content-bearing Chinese counterparts in the story. If a set of matched English-Chinese stories is provided for training, one can infer which Chinese words an English word would trigger by using statistic measure. • Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis: LSA of a collection of bilingual document-pairs provides a representation of words in both languages in a common low-dimensional Euclidean space. This provides another means for using English word-frequencies to improve the Chinese language model from English text. • It is shown through empirical evidence that while both techniques yield good statistics for adapting a Chinese Language model to a particular story, the goodness of the information varies from story to story.
Cross-Lingual Story-Specific Adaptation • Our aim is to sharpen a language model in a resource-deficient language, by using data from a resource-rich language. • Assume for the time being that a sufficiently good Chinese-English story alignment is given. • Assume further that we have a stochastic translation lexicon-a probabilistic model PT(c|e) • Cross-Lingual Unigram Distribution
Cross-Lingual Unigram Distribution Use cross-lingual unigram statistic to sharpen a statistic Chinese LM used for processing the test story diC. Linear interpolation: Variation:
Obtaining the Matching English Documents diE • Assume that we have a stochastic reverse translation lexicon PT(e|c). • Compute: • An English bag-of-words representation of the Mandarin story diC as used in standard vector-based information retrieval. • The document diE with highest TF-IDF weighted consine-similarity is the selected: • Called query-translation approach to CLIR
Obtaining Stochastic Translation Lexicons • Translation lexicons: PT(c|e) and PT(e|c) • Created out of multiple translations of a word • Stemming and other morphological analyses may be applied to increase the vocabulary coverage. • Alternately, they may be obtained from parallel corpus using MT techniques, such as GIZA++ tools. • Apply the translation models to entire articles, one word at a time, to get a bag of translated words. • However, obtaining translation probabilities using very long (document-sized) sentence-pair has its own issues. • For truly resource-deficient language, one may obtain a translation lexicon via optical character recognition from a printed bilingual dictionary.
Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers • It seems plausible that most of information one gets from the cross-lingual unigram LM is in the form of the altered statistics of topic-specific Chinese words conveyed by the statistics of content-bearing English words in the matching story. • The translation lexicon used for obtaining the information is an expensive resource. • If one were only interested in the conditional distribution of Chinese words given some English words, there is no reason to require translation as an intermediate step. • In monolingual setting, the mutual information between lexical-pairs co-occurring anywhere within a long “window” of each other has been used to capture statistical dependencies not covered by N-gram LMs.
Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers (cont.) • A pair of words (a, b) is considered a trigger-pair if, given a word-position in a sentence, the occurrence of a in any of the preceding word-positions significantly alter the probability that the following word in the sentence is b: a is said to trigger b. (The set of preceding word-positions is variably defined. e.g. sentence, paragraph, document.) • In the cross-lingual setting, a pair of words (e, c) to be a trigger-pair.( Given an English-Chinese pair of aligned documents) • Translation-pair will be natural candidates for translation-pair, however, it is not necessary for a trigger-pair to also be a translation pair. • E.g. Belgrade may trigger the Chinese translation of Serbia, Kosovo, China, embassy and bomb.
Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers (cont.) • Average mutual information, which measures how much knowing the value of one random variable reduces the uncertainty of about another, has been used to identify trigger-pairs. • Compute the average mutual information for every English-Chinese word-pair (e, c): • There are |E|x|C| possible English-Chinese word-pairs which may be prohibitively large to search for the pairs with the highest mutual information. So filter out infrequent words in each language, ex.<5, then measure I(e;c) for all possible pairs, sort them by I(e;c) and select top one million pairs.
Estimating Trigger LM Probabilities • Estimate probability PTrig(c|e) and PTrig(e|c) in lieu of the translation probability PT(c|e) and PT(e|c). • PTrig(c|e) is based on the unigram frequency of c among Chinese word tokens in that subset of aligned documents diC which have e in diE. • Alternative: • I(e;c)=0 whenever (e,c) is not a trigger-pair, and find it to be more effective.
Estimating Trigger LM Probabilities (cont.) Interpolated model:
Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis • CL-LSA is a standard automatic technique to extract corpus-based relations between words or documents. • Assume that a document-aligned Chinese-English bilingual corpus is provided. First step is to represent the corpus as a word-document co-occurrence frequency matrix W in which each row represent a word I one of the two language, and each column a document-pair. • W is M×N matrix. M=|C∪E|, N is the number of document-pairs. • Each element wij of W contains the count of the ith word in the jth document-pair. • Next, each row of W is weighted by some function, which deemphasizes frequent (function) words in either language, such as the inverse of the number of documents in which the word appears.
CL-LSA (cont.) • Then SVD is performed on W, and some R <<min {M, N}.. • In the rank-R approximation, the jth column W*j of W or document-pair djE and djC, is a linear combination of the columns of U×S, the weight for the linear combination being provided by the jth column of VT • Similarly,
Cross-Language IR • CL-LSA provides a way to measure the similarity between a Chinese query and English document without using a translation lexicon PT(e|c). • Construct a word-document matrix using the English corpus. All rows corresponding the Chinese vocabulary item have zeros in this matrix. • Project djE into semantic space and obtain the R-dimensional representations • Similarly, project Chinese query diC and calculate consine-similarity between query and documents.
LSA-Derived Translation Probabilities • Use CL-LSA framework to construct the translation model PT(c|e). • In matrix W, each word is represented as a row no matter whether it is English or Chinese. • Project words into R-dimensional space yields row of U, and measure the semantic similarity by consine-similarity. • Word-word translation model • Exploit a large English corpus to improve Chinese LMs, as well as the use of a document-aligned Chinese-English corpus to overcome the need for a translation lexicon.
Topic-dependent language models • The combination of the story-dependent unigram models with a story-independent trigram model using linear interpolation seems to be a good choice as they are complementary. • Construct monolingual topic-dependent LMs and contrast performance with CL-lexical triggers and CL-LSA. • Use well-known k-means clustering algorithm. • Use a bag-of-words centroid to represent each topic. • Each topic-centroid ti has highest TF-IDF weighted consine-similarity. • We believe that the topic-trigram model is a better model, making for informative, even if unfair comparison.
Training and Test Corpora • Parallel Corpus: Hong Kong News • Used for training of GIZA++, construction of trigger-pairs and cross-lingual experiment. • Contains 18,147 document-aligned documents. (actually a sentence-aligned corpus) • Dates from July 1997 to April 2000. • Removes a few articles containing nonstandard Chinese characters. • 16,010 for training, 750 for testing. • 4.2M-word Chinese training set, 177K-word Chinese test set. • 4.3M-word English training set, 182K-word English test set.
Training and Test Corpora (cont.) • Monolingual Corpora: • XINHUA:13 million words. Estimate baseline trigram LM • HUB-4NE: estimate a trigram model from 96K words in the transcription for training acoustic model. • NAB-TDT: contemporaneous English texts, 45000 articles containing about 30 million words.
Experimental Results • Cross-Lingual Mate Retrieval: CL-LSA vs. Vector-based IR • use well-tuned translation dictionary PT(e|c) (by GIZA++) in Vector-based IR. • Due to memory limitation, 693 was the maximum.
Experimental Results (cont.) • Baseline ASR Performance of Cross-Lingual LMs P-value are based on the standard NIST MAPSSWE test. http://www.sportsci.org/resource/stats/pvalues.html http://www.ndhu.edu.tw/~power/ The improvement brought by CL-interpolated LM is not statistically significant on XINHUA. On HUB-4NE, Chinese LM text is scare, the CL-interpolated LM delivers considerable benefits via the large English Corpus.
Experimental Results (cont.) • Likelihood-Based Story-Specific Selection of Interpolation Weight and the Number of English Documents per Mandarin Story • N-best documents: • experimented with values of 1,10,30,50,80,100 and found that N=30 is best for LM performance, but only marginally better than N=1. • All documents above a similarity threshold: • the argument against always taking a predetermined number of the best matching documents may be that it ignores the goodness of match. • Threshold=0.12 gives the lowest perplexity, the reduction is insignificant. • the number of documents selected now varies story to story. • Some stories even the best matching document falls below the threshold. • This points to the need for a story-specific strategy for choosing the number of English documents.
Experimental Results (cont.) • Likelihood-based selection of the number of English documents:
Experimental Results (cont.) • The perplexity varies according to the number of English documents, and the best performance is achieved at different points for each story. • For each choice of the number of documents, also λ, is chosen to maximize the likelihood of the first pass output. • Choose 1000-best-matching English documents and divide the dynamic range of their similarity score into 10 interval. • Choose top one-tenth, not necessarily the top 100 documents, compute PCL-unigram(c|diE), determine λ that maximizes the likelihood of the first pass output of only the utterances in that story, and record this likelihood. • Repeat this in top two-tenth, three-tenth, and so on. • Obtain the likelihood as a function of similarity threshold. • Called Likelihood-based story-specific adaptation scheme
Experimental Results (cont.) • Comparison of Cross-Lingual Triggers and CL-LSA with Stochastic Transition Dictionaries
Experimental Results (cont.) • Comparison of Stochastic Translation with Manually Created Dictionaries MRD: machine-readable dictionary, 18K English-to-Chinese entries and 24K Chinese-to-English entries from LDC translation lexicon. Use MRD in place of a stochastic translation lexicon PT(e|c). http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Projects/Chinese/LDC_ch.htm MRD leads to a reduction in perplexity, no reduction in WER.
Conclusions • A statistically significant improvement in ASR WER and in perplexity. • Our methods are even more effective when LM training text is hard to come by. • We have proposed methods to build cross-lingual language model, which do not require MT. • By using mutual information statistics and latent semantic analysis form document-aligned corpus, we can extract a significant amount of information for language modeling. • Future work • Develop maximum entropy models to more effectively combine the multiple information source.
Separability between intra- and inter-topic pairs is much better in the LSA space than in the original space.
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