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19 July 2011


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19 July 2011

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  2. Agenda • Background • Purpose • Funding Criteria • Way forward

  3. Economic context • South Africa faces a number of structural constraints that has resulted in high levels of inequalities, unemployment and poverty • The economic crisis has worsened the jobs and economic outlook • The government has taken practical steps to address these challenges including reorientation economic towards creation of employment or decent jobs • In the current administration more emphasis has been put on implementation rather than development of new policies and strategies

  4. Unemployment trajectories Unemployment trajectories Unemployment rate trajectories Assumes: 1% growth p.a. in working age population Labour force stays at 55% of working age population 4

  5. Growth, employment and inequality • Absorption rate = 50% = Employment of 16.5 million • Absorption rate = 45% = Employment of 14.9 million EE = employment elasticity • Growth of 3% p.a. 2010-12 and 4% p.a. 2013-14 • Employment growth = 2.2%p.a. or 1.6 million = absorption rate of 43.9% • Absorption rate of 45% requires employment growth of 2.9% p.a. … GDP growth to average 4.1% p.a. for 2010-14 • Absorption rate of 50% requires employment growth of 5% p.a. … GDP growth to average 7.1% p.a. over 2010-14. • An employment elasticity lower than 0.7 places much greater demands on growth – more growth needed for the same number of jobs! 5

  6. Role of ECF • The ECF was established to support the implementation of the Economic Sectors and Employment Cluster (ESEC) programme of action (POA) • It seeks to enhance interdepartmental coordination • Facilitate piloting and implementation of high risks projects whose concept still needs to be tested • Enhance cooperation between government and none state sector

  7. ECF key results areas • The ECF seeks to support the projects that will have positive impact on: • Creating more jobs for the economically marginalised • Improving business enabling environment • Increasing capacity and skills in the productive sectors of the economy

  8. ECF Approach • What does the ECF Fund? • The ECF provides gap and risk funding to government departments and entities, specifically at a national and provincial level • Applicants must be national or provincial departments or public entities • Municipalities can only be supported via provincial applications or other public sector development agencies in order to ensure a wider take up of the proposed initiatives, even if the initiative is to be piloted in a single municipality • The ECF will fund projects at research and conception phase; feasibility and development phase; start-up phase and initial implementation phases. The ECF will therefore fund: • research, feasibility / pilot studies, programme set-up costs, project / programme establishment and management, incentives and immediate economic infrastructure supporting the project in question

  9. ECF Approach… • It should be noted that: • Projects must demonstrate that if viable, budget or other funding will be available on an ongoing basis (i.e. once the ECF funding is completed) • Projects that demonstrate co-funding will be more favourably assessed by the ECF • The Fund is not meant to compete or crowd-out any of the existing public sector funding initiatives • The intention of the ECF is to complement, help crowd-in other funding and enable new initiatives that require off-take

  10. ECF criteria • The Fund was established to support the implementation of government’s economic programme, including projects that have: • Positive impact on employment creation, skill development and capacity building and the Second Economy; • Support Improving business enabling environment • Interdepartmental co-operation and implementation; • Alignment to the Delivery Agreements that fall within the economic sector; and • Visible and profile enhancing interventions.

  11. ECF criteria.. • Proposals submitted should also: • clearly illustrated capacity to deliver the programme/project; • have milestones and impacts that are defined and measurable; • have a monitoring and evaluation system in place; and • show sustainability once ECF support comes to an end.

  12. ECF eligibility • Funding proposals are to be submitted by government departments / entities to the ECF Secretariat utilizing the prescribed templates. • Municipalities can apply through provinces or developmental agencies such as DBSA and IDC • The Accounting Officer and the CFO of the requesting department / entity are required to sign-off on a proposal in order to verify that the proposal has their support • Sign-off should occur prior to submission to the ECF, but where such a signature cannot be secured in time, signature will be required prior to the finalization of an MoA

  13. ECF application process • The current process makes provision for two types of submission: • A concept development where there is an idea or concept that still needs further work or research to develop a comprehensive business case • A business case which clearly defines the project to create employment. • ECF Secretariat can provide technical assistance to departments them develop business cases subject to receiving an application for concept development • This technical assistance will not prepare proposals for departments but rather assist in ensuring that proposals are sound and meet the criteria.

  14. Screening and approval process • Once proposals are prepared and submitted for consideration, the ECF Secretariat will review them compliance • Compliant proposals will be submitted to the Evaluation Panel which will review and assess them against the criteria noted above before making recommendations to the Directors-General. • The ECF Secretariat will liaise with the requesting departments / entities where required in order to ensure that any queries or matters for clarification are resolved • The final short list of approved proposals will be submitted to the Cluster (Directors-General) for final approval. • Following a successful decision, the ECF Secretariat will prepare a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant department / entity outlining requirements for delivery on project milestones and reporting as well as any other special conditions the Evaluation Panel may determine.

  15. Conditions of funding • Terms and conditions will be placed on funding made available for approved programmes / projects, including: • Financial transfers for the approved programme / project will be done in tranches aligned to the project milestones and minimum expenditure thresholds; • Should money not be spent according to the agreed milestones, the Secretariat reserves the right to withdraw funding or claw-back unspent monies; • Minimum quarterly and annual financial and performance reporting requirements.

  16. Technical assistance • As indicated above the ECF provides technical support to develop business cases where that supported is needed (under its Cluster Support Facility) • The ECF will utilize the Technical Assistance Unit (National Treasury) to secure professional services for applicants to prepare fundable business cases • Funding for this purpose will be limited to a maximum of R 350,000 per application.

  17. Purpose: • Governance oversight; High - level strategic direction; Cluster Project approvals; Programme structuring approvals Cluster Departments Composition: • DGs from DTI, DPE, DST, EDD, NT and DRDLR Purpose: Evaluation Panel Project proposal evaluation; Project awards Cluster Departments & Composition: • DDGs / Chief Directors (Policy) from DTI, DPE, DST, EDD, External NT and DRDLR; • Supported by the technical team comprising of TAU, NT Public Finance Oversight Unit Purpose: Secretariat • Administration of programme; Management of proposal calls; Project identification; Fund management DTI • Secretariat support to Governance and Evaluation structures Composition: • DTI staff dedicated to ECF Intermediaries Technical Assistance (for Municipalities) Technical Other External Provinces DBSA Assistance Unit Expertise IDC Other .. ECF Governance

  18. Summary and conclusion • ECF is the Economic Sectors and Employment Cluster fund targeted to support projects that will have positive impact on employment • Only state entities can apply although partnership with private sector is encouraged • ECF seeks to complement existing sources of funding and minimise the risks attached to piloting and start-up phases

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