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“Origins”, A Study on Creation

“Origins”, A Study on Creation. Things we will discuss inlude - 3 approaches to the origin of life 2 types of science Satans 2 pronged “scientific” attack on Christianity Uniformatarianism Evolution Fossils Dinosaurs Some specially “designed” creatures Entropy

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“Origins”, A Study on Creation

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  1. “Origins”, A Study on Creation • Things we will discuss inlude - • 3 approaches to the origin of life • 2 types of science • Satans 2 pronged “scientific” attack on Christianity • Uniformatarianism • Evolution • Fossils • Dinosaurs • Some specially “designed” creatures • Entropy • Radio-isotope Dating methods • Symbionic life • Pre and Post Flood Environments • Life Spans of Biblical men

  2. Three Approaches to Creation • Literal Biblical Creation • God always existed and has a plan • God created all matter & energy and life in a literal 6 days • Genesis is Literal, • Earth is <10,000 years old • Mainstream Science • Matter & Energy always existed in a state of change • Life developed on its own (Evolution) • Earth is Billions of years old • Things happened long ago as they do today • Non-Literal (Figurative) Creation or Theistic Evolution • God always existed • God Created Energy & Matter (Big Bang) • God used (or allowed) the Evolution Process to develop life

  3. Life is Eternal and God makes the Rules Life is Temporary so man can make his own Rules Life is Evolutionary so God wants man to make the Rules


  5. Satan’s Two Pronged Attack Uniform-i-tarian-ism - (Lyell) The earth changes slowly and gradually and has always done so at the rates we see it change today. Evolution - (Darwin) Complex life forms evolved from simpler life forms by natural selection and random mutation. Liiving organsims developed from non-living chemicals by natural processes and random chance.

  6. Number Sense - The Odds Chance of Mutation in DNA Today = 1 in 107 (10,000,000) 2 Related Mutations = 1 in 1014 4 Related Mutations = 1 in 1028 Mutation Based Evolution of the Horse 1 in 10 3,000,000 HOWEVER - The Number of Particle interactions in 5 Billion Years is only about 10170 therefore - The Odds are Ridiclulous Against Mutation Based Evolution

  7. Entropy Definition: Entropy - Degree of Disorganization 2nd Law of Thermodynamics “ in the absence of the application of energy, intelligently applied, everything runs down toward dis-array ” - Concentrations of energy (heat) are lost - Complexity Decreases - Order Decreases - Information is lost Could the complex protien chains of life (DNA) have formed by themselves from simple carbon molecules ? The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says NO!

  8. Entopy (con’t) • We see the effects of Entropy everyday - • - In Your Body • If you don’t feed it the right stuff, it dies and looses its • complex organization (“returns to dust”) • - In Your Home • - Without the A/C on everthing comes to the same temperature. • - Things left alone deteriorate (like your room!) • We also know that energy applied indescriminately almost always destroys organization ( Fires, Bombs, Earthquakes, etc) • Is the universe complex, Yes. Do energy concentrations exist, Yes. • What is the obvious conclusion ? It all just happened? NO • Creative Intelligence Exists!

  9. Complexity over Time Man Science says “Complexity and Organization has increased over time” Animals NOT OBSERVED Plants Protiens Molecules Time The Bible says “Complexity and Organization has decreased over time” Creation Loss of abilities OBSERVED Fall Loss of species Flood Loss of Longevity Sin Time

  10. Biblical “Pre-Flood” Earth - Less harmful radiation reaches the surface - More Ozone above / less on the surface Canopy of “Waters” Above (possibly ice) Single Land Mass Single Sea - Uniform Temperate Climate - Dew not Rain (possibly within 4o C) - Giganticism in Plant and Animal Life - No Animal Food Chain - Plants are the only Food Source - Longevity of Man averages 900 years

  11. Canopy is gone Land Mass is Divided Post Flood Earth - More harmful UV radiation at the surface - Less Ozone above / more on the surface - Colder Ocean / Less O2 A Tougher World - Large Temperature variations / Storms / Wind Longevity of Man (and probably animals) is 10% of what it was Extinctions of larger species Animal Food Chain is needed

  12. Lifespans of Early Men 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Shape of this curve is significant in science today. It is a classic “ transient decay “ curve. (God took him) Terah Abraham Issac Adam Seth Enos Kenan Mahaleel Jared Enoch Methusala Lamech Noah Shem Arphaxad Salah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Jacob Job Moses

  13. C12 C12 C12 C12 C14 C12 C14 C14 C12 C12 C14 C14 C12 C12 C14 C14 C12 C12 C12 C14 C12 C12 C12 C14 C12 C12 C14 Radio-Isotope Dating - Carbon 14 Cosmic Ray see how much C14 is left. sample of the dead animal in the past in the present - C12 and C14 exist in the environment - Animal consumes C12 and C14 - Animal dies - C12 stays C12 but C14 decays to C12 - Amount of C14 will be less due to radioactive decay - C12 to C14 amounts are compared - if we know how much C14 was present when the animal died, we can tell how long he has been dead

  14. The “Clock” is Faulty the big “IF” How much C14 was there when the animal died? Assumptions made when the geologic column was made - - C12 and C14 were at equilibrium (stable ratio that exists today) - C12 and C14 were evenly mixed in the environment But - - C12 and C14 are not at equilibrium today ..... C14 ratio is increasing - C14 rate of decay today is only 70% the rate of C14 formation . - This was published in 1958 but no one re-wrote the text books! - people began using circular logic Today C14 is considered invalid beyond 5000 years

  15. The “Clock” is Circular Life Forms Rock Layers Rocks are dated by geologists based on what fossils they contain BAD LOGIC Fossils are dated by paleontologists based on what rock layers they are found in

  16. The “Bombadier” Beetle was “Engineered” - 2 volitale & corrosive chemicals - Inhibitor protien - catalyst - Hi temp combustion chamber - 200+ Degree reaction Other Amazingly well “Engineered” life forms and Symbionic relationships. - Woodpecker - WomBat - Angler Fish - Yucca Moth It doesn’t work at all until it all works !

  17. Why You Can’t Mix Creation and Evolution • Bible teaches Death entered the world with Adams Sin • Evolution assumes death always existed • Gen 1:29 .. No animal food chain prior to the Flood (Gen 9:3) • 1 Cor 15:21 .. Death came through man • Rom 8:21 .. the whole of creation (not just man!) • Bible says Adam “Fell” and things decayed, (not got better) • God Finished creation and it was Good! • Gen 3:14-17 ... God cursed all • Acts 3:21 .. God will restore the perfection • All Key Doctrines of the Bible are founded in Genesis • Mans Sin nature and the Need for Christ • God’s nature / God’s Plan / Concept of Atonement • More than 100 New Testament quotations from Genesis • Genesis reads like literal history • Real people , real places, real events

  18. You Can’t Mix Creation and Evolution (cont’) • “Days” can’t be millions of years • Adam created on the 6th day (lived 6th and 7th) • “day” used in Gen 14-19 5x as related to nights, seasons and years • “each after it’s kind” • Genesis chapter 1 clearly teachs reproduction by “kind” or species • Evolution requires 1 kind can change into another. • Pre-Flood men were not “primitive simpletons” • Adam was created “perfect” and “named” all creatures • Decendants worked with musical instruments (Gen 4) • Longevity is not consistent with Evolution • Evolution and Genesis have different basic sequences • Trees before sea life • Earth before sun • a Sun is not needed for the “new earth” in Revelation Why not believe Gods Word, He was there, Darwin wasn’t.

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