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Superfluid Behavior of Helium in Nanopores | Dimensionality Analysis

Explore the superfluid behavior of helium in nanopores through Path Integral Monte Carlo calculations, predicting superfluid fraction and density matrix. Investigate the effective dimensionality of helium in nanopores and analyze the phase diagram for bulk helium and confined states. Compare experimental data with theoretical predictions.

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Superfluid Behavior of Helium in Nanopores | Dimensionality Analysis

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  1. Superfluidity, BEC and dimensions of liquid 4He in nanopores Henry R. Glyde Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Delaware APS March Meeting 17 March, 2016

  2. Collaborator\Leader: Path Integral Monte Carlo Leandra Vranjes-Markic: University of Split Fulbright Scholar, University of Delaware, USA 2013-4

  3. B. HELIUM IN POROUS MEDIA AEROGEL* VYCOR (Corning) 30% porous • Å pore Diameter GELSIL (Geltech, 4F) 50% porous 25 Å pores 44 Å pores 34 Å pores NANOPORES: MCM-4130% porous 47 Å pores FSM-16 28 Å pores and smaller down to 15 Å Focus on small diameter (d) nanopores, 15 < d < 32 Å

  4. Experiments: Low Dimensional He in Nanopores

  5. Theory: Low Dimensional He in Nanopores

  6. Goals Path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) calculations: • Can we predict the superfluid fraction, ρS\ρ,and one body density matrix (OBDM) (BEC) of helium in nanopores? e.g. low suppression of TC to TC ~ 1 K below bulk Tλ= 2.17 K? TC < T BEC ~ Tλ • Is a static, zero frequency, PIMC theory sufficient in nanotubes? • What is the effective dimensionality of the helium in nanopores, of the superfluid fraction ρS\ρ and the OBDM? …… 1D, 2D or 3D?

  7. Phase Diagram Bulk helium

  8. SUPERFLUID: Bulk Liquid SF Fraction s(T) Critical Temperature Tλ = 2.17 K From Boninsegni et al. PRB (2006)

  9. Bose-Einstein Condensation: Bulk Liquid Expt: Glyde et al. PRB (2000)

  10. Helium in Porous Media

  11. Phase Diagram in FSM-16: 28 A pore diameter - Taniguchi et al, Phys. RevB82, 104509 (2010)

  12. Phase Diagram in MCM-41: 47 Å pore diameter Diallo et al. PRL (2014)

  13. BEC: Liquid 4He in MCM-41 Diallo et al. PRL (2014)

  14. Focus on Helium in MCM-41Consists of pores 47 A diameter, a Powder

  15. Model of Liquid 4He in a Nanopore Liquid pore diameter dL = 2R Nanopore diameter d = dL + 10 Å

  16. Hamiltonian and Potentials Pore Potential seen by a He atom : v (ri– rj) = He – He pair potential, R. A. Aziz et al. (1979)

  17. Confining potential arising from inert layers and nanopore walls: R = dL/2 (d = dL +10 Å)

  18. Radial density profile of liquid 4He as a function of liquid pore radius R

  19. Superfluid fraction vs T as a function of liquid pore radius R R = 6 to 11 Å Pore Diameter: d = 2R + 10 Å

  20. Finite size scaling of ρS/ρ vs T and pore length L for R = 3 Å

  21. Finite size scaling of ρS/ρ vs T and pore length L R = 3 Å d = 2R + 10 Å

  22. R = 3 ÅOne Body Density Matrix n (z) (z along pore)

  23. Finite size scaling of ρS/ρ vs T and pore length L for R = 4 Å

  24. Finite size scaling of ρS/ρ vs T and pore length L R = 4 Å d = 2R + 10 Å

  25. Superfluid fraction vs T as a function of liquid pore radius R R = 6 to 11 Å

  26. Finite size scaling of ρS/ρ vs T and pore length L as expected for a 2D fluid

  27. Finite size scaling of ρS/ρ vs T and pore length L for R = 11 Å: 2D and 3D scaling compared

  28. Radial density profile of liquid 4He as a function of liquid pore radius R

  29. Superfluid fraction vs T (K) Increasing density top to bottom, R = 7.3 A ρ = 0. 016 Å -3 ρ = 0.0214 Ǻ -3 ρ= 0.0241 Ǻ-3

  30. Bose-Einstein Condensation: R = 11 ÅOne Body Density Matrix n (z) (z along pore)

  31. R = 6 ÅOne Body Density Matrix n (z) (z along pore)

  32. One Body Density Matrix (OBDM): n(z) Scaling of n(z) at Kosterlitz –Thouless TC: Algebraic decay of n(z): n(z) ~ z – η(T) At KT transition TC, η(TC) = ¼ Find TC from n(z) by finding T at which n(z) ~ z – 1/4 For pore diameters 22 < d < 32 Å, both ρS/ρ and OBDM predict 2D behaviour and a cross over to 3D at d ~ 32 • At dL ~ 22 Å (d~ 32 Å) there is a cross over from 2D to 3D like scaling. Anticipate 3D like behaviour at larger d.

  33. Superfluid fraction ρS\ρ vs T (K) with Point Disorder, R = 7.3 A

  34. Conclusions: Experiment • PIMC predicts ρS\ρ = 0 for nanopores d ≤ 16 Å, as observed. Liquid is 1D in nanopore . ρS\ρ and OBDM scale as expected for a 1D Luttinger Liquid. • For nanopores 18 < d < 32 Å where many measurements made, PIMC predicts standard, static superflow. TC (1.4 K) is close to observed value (e.g. TC= 0.9 K). Liquid fills pores in 2D cylindrical layers. ρS\ρ and OBDM scale as a 2D liquid. • Cross-over to 3D scaling at larger nanopore diameter, d > 32 Å. OBDM and condensate fraction consistent with measurements. • OBDM predicts TC (using KT theory) that is consistent with TC predicted from ρS\ρ. • TBEC obtained from OBDM > TC for superflow as observed.

  35. Conclusions: Dimensions • Predicted cross-over from 1D (no superflow) to 2D (superflow) at d = 16 Å agrees with experiment. • PIMC predicts standard, static superflow in nanopore range 18 < d < 32 Å as observed. Frequency theories not needed. Liquid is 2D like. • A low TC for ρS\ρ in nanopores can be predicted especially if disorder added as observed. TC decreases with density as predicted. . 3D behavior predicted for d > 35 Å, n0 similar to bulk predicted, as observed in d = 47 Å MCM-41.

  36. Superfluid fraction ρS\ρ vs T (K) with “Neck” Disorder

  37. Superfluid Density in Gelsil (Geltech) – 25 A diameter -Yamamoto et al.

  38. Normal Liquid He in bulk and in MCM-41 Pressure dependence Bossy et al. (unpublished )

  39. N. N. Bogoliubov

  40. Landau

  41. BEC, P-R modes, Superfluidity Bose Einstein Condensation (neutrons) 1968- Collective Phonon-Roton modes (neutrons) 1958- Superfluidity (torsional oscillators) ` 1938- He in porous media integral part of historical superflow measurements.

  42. Collective (Phonon-roton) Modes, Structure Collaborators: (ILL) JACQUES BOSSY Institut Néel, CNRS- UJF, Grenoble, France Helmut Schober Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble, France Jacques Ollivier Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble, France Norbert Mulders University of Delaware

  43. PHONON-ROTON MODE: Dispersion Curve ← Δ Donnelly et al., J. Low Temp. Phys. (1981)  Glyde et al., Euro Phys. Lett. (1998)

  44. SUPERFLUIDITY 1908 – 4He first liquified in Leiden by Kamerlingh Onnes 1925 – Specific heat anomaly observed at Tλ= 2.17 K by Keesom. Denoted the λ transiton to He II. 1938 – Superfluidity observed in He II by Kaptiza and by Allen and Misener. 1938 – Superfluidity interpreted as manifestation of BEC by London vS = grad φ (r)

  45. BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATION 1924 Bose gas : Φk = exp[ik.r] , Nk k = 0 state is condensate state for uniform fluids. Condensate fraction, n0 = N0/N = 100 % T = 0 K Condensate wave function: ψ(r) = √n0 e iφ(r)

  46. Kamerlingh Onnes

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