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SAT List #3 5 on front, 5 on back.

SAT List #3 5 on front, 5 on back. barren belated belittle bemused blandishment. atrophy authoritarian aviary avow bane. Context Clues:. Guess the: P.O.S. & definition. Over time, your muscles can atrophy from lack of use. (v) waste away from lack of use; degenerate

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SAT List #3 5 on front, 5 on back.

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  1. SAT List #35 on front, 5 on back. • barren • belated • belittle • bemused • blandishment atrophy authoritarian aviary avow bane

  2. Context Clues: Guess the: P.O.S. & definition • Over time, your muscles can atrophy from lack of use. (v) waste away from lack of use; degenerate • Hitler was known as an authoritarian of the Nazi Party. (n) person who acts like a dictator; tyrant • The aviary held several species of parrots and toucans. (n) large enclosure confining birds

  3. Goodbye "A", Hello "B"! • After his sister disappeared, Bob avow(ed) to find out what happened to her. (v)affirm; assert; declare; acknowledge 5. Writing this 100 page essay has become the bane of my existence. (n) deadly affliction; curse; plague 6. The desert’s barren landscape was unable to sustain any form of plant life. (adj) infertile; impotent

  4. Beeeeeeeee Happy! • Emma sent her a belated birthday card and apologized for her forgetfulness. (adj) tardy; overdue • The evil leader loved to belittle the ideas of his followers, laughing at the incompetence he believed they possessed. (v) humiliate; tease; diminish in importance • The brilliant professor often had a bemused look on his face (adj) preoccupied by thought; bewildered; perplexed

  5. Last one! 10. His obvious blandishment was an unsuccessful attempt at adulating the teacher. (n) flattery; cajolery; enticement

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