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Procedures & Functions Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming. Chapter 8. Procedures & Functions. Functions Procedures Forward Referencing Parameter Mode Positional versus Named Notation Call Statement Package Specifications Package Bodies. Procedures & Functions Function: Definition.
Procedures & FunctionsOracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming Chapter 8
Procedures & Functions • Functions • Procedures • Forward Referencing • Parameter Mode • Positional versus Named Notation • Call Statement • Package Specifications • Package Bodies Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsFunction: Definition • Functions are black boxes: • Taking values in to process them. • Returning a single value as a scalar or compound variable to the left operand of an assignment, or as a column value in a SQL statement (single value is misleading because a compound variable can be a collection of a structure). • Function parameters: • Are copies of variables, known as pass-by-value parameters. • Are internally managed as a unidirectional reference, which means a reference is passed that disallows changes to the referenced value. • Can not use the NOCOPY hint without raising a compilation error. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsFunction: Prototype CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name [(parameter1 [IN] data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 [IN] data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) [IN] data_type [:= null_default(n+1)])]]] RETURN return_data_type [AUTHID {CURRENT_USER | DEFINER}] {IS | AS} declaration_statements; BEGIN execution_statements; RETURN return_data_variable; END function_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsProcedure: Definition • Procedures are black boxes: • Taking values in to process them. • Returning any parameter as a scalar or compound variable to the calling scope of the procedure. • Cannot be used as the right operand of an assignment because they return no variable as an output, which means a void type in many other programming languages. • Procedure parameters: • Are references to variables, known as pass-by-reference parameters. • Are internally managed as a unidirectional or bidirectional references; the former means a reference is passed that disallows changes to the referenced value and the latter allows changes to the value. • Can use the NOCOPY hint without raising a compilation error provided the variables are designated as bidirectional references. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsProcedure: Prototype CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name [(parameter1 [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default(n+1)])]]] [AUTHID {CURRENT_USER | DEFINER}] {IS | AS} declaration_statements; BEGIN execution_statements; END procedure_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsForward Referencing: Definition • Forward Referencing is how compilers parse programs: • A single pass compiler only reads the file once, which means all items must appear in logical sequence. • A double pass compiler reads the file twice, which means a forward reference can be managed without providing a header definition or declared but undefined variable. • The PL/SQL parse is a single pass compiler: • Types, variables, local functions, local procedures, and cursors must be declared before referencing them in the program. • Local functions and procedures are declared by providing a header signature as a stub before they are called in another subroutine. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsForward Referencing: Prototype DECLARE -- A forward referencing stub for a local procedure. PROCEDURE b; -- A local procedure calling a forward referenced procedure. PROCEDURE a IS BEGIN b; dbms_output.put_line('This is procedure A.'); END a; -- A local procedure implementation for the forward referencing stub. PROCEDURE b IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('This is procedure B.'); END b; BEGIN a; END; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsParameter Mode: Definition • Parameter mode is either IN, IN OUT, or OUT: • The mode determines whether or not a formal parameter can be updated after it is passed to a function or procedure. • The IN mode disallows update to the referenced variable in all cases. • The IN OUT or OUT mode allows update to the referenced variable in all cases. • The IN OUT or OUT mode do not support parameter default values. • Functions support: • Only the IN mode because they return formal data type other than a void. • Procedures support: • All combinations because they return a void data type that is inaccessible in the PL/SQL environment. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPositional versus Named Notation • Formal parameters in functions and procedures: • Are positional specific by data type as a default. • Can have default values, which makes them optional when called by another program unit. • Can be referenced by the formal parameter name using the named notation assignment operator: =>. • Formal parameter design considerations: • Organize all optional parameters at the end of the list of parameters. • When using positional calls to two or more optional parameters, a NULL value must be passed to any optional parameter skipped, or the value will be sent as the wrong actual parameter: • This raises an exception if the types differ. • This raises no advice if the types agree. • When two or more optional parameters are in a parameter list, the function or procedure should be called using named notation. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsCall Statement: Definition • The CALL statement lets the developer test calling PL/SQL programs from the SQL prompt. • The CALL statement can run stored procedures with formal parameters using any mode: • The IN only mode variables can be called by passing values. • The IN OUT and OUT mode variable must be called by passing a bind variable. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsCall Statement: Prototype CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE show_call (whom_in IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS hello VARCHAR2(10) := 'Hello '; whom VARCHAR2(10) := 'World'; BEGIN whom_in := hello || NVL(whom_in,whom) ||'!'; END show_call; / VARIABLE chosen VARCHAR2(20) CALL show_call(:chosen); SELECT :chosen FROM dual; Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Specification: Definition • Package Specifications: • Define the database catalog for the package. • Can define types, global variables, system reference cursors, functions and procedures. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Specification: Definition CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE package_name [AUTHID {CURRENT_USER | DEFINER}] {IS | AS} [TYPE type_name IS {RECORD | REF CURSOR | TABLE} OF data_type [%ROWTYPE] [(parameter 1 data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) data_type [:= null_default(n+1)]]])] [INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER]; … more_in_later_slide … END package_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Specification: Definition CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE package_name [AUTHID {CURRENT_USER | DEFINER}] {IS | AS} … covered_in_early_slide … FUNCTION function_name [(parameter1 [IN] data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 [IN] data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) [IN] data_type [:= null_default(n+1)]]])] RETURN return_data_type; … more_in_later_slide … END package_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Specification: Definition CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE package_name [AUTHID {CURRENT_USER | DEFINER}] {IS | AS} … covered_in_early_slide … PROCEDURE procedure_name [(parameter1 [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default(n+1)]]])]; END package_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Body: Definition • Package Bodies: • Implement the definitions provided to the database catalog by the package specification. • Can define local types, global variables, system reference cursors, functions and procedures, which are not visible externally to the package. Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Body: Definition CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE BODY package_name {IS | AS} -- Define package body only types. [TYPE type_name IS {RECORD | REF CURSOR | TABLE} OF data_type [%ROWTYPE] [(parameter 1 data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) data_type [:= null_default(n+1)]]])] [INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER]; … more_in_later_slide … END package_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Body: Definition CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE BODY package_name {IS | AS} … covered_in_early_slide … FUNCTION function_name [(parameter1 [IN] data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 [IN] data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) [IN] data_type [:= null_default(n+1)])] RETURN return_data_type {IS | AS} declaration_statements; BEGIN execution_statements; RETURN return_data_variable; END function_name; … more_in_later_slide … END package_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Procedures & FunctionsPackage Body: Definition CREATE [OR REPLACE] PACKAGE BODY package_name {IS | AS} … covered_in_early_slide … PROCEDURE procedure_name [(parameter1 [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default1] [,parameter2 [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default2] [,parameter(n+1) [IN [OUT]] data_type [:= null_default(n+1)]]])]; declaration_statements; BEGIN execution_statements; END procedure_name; … more_in_later_slide … END package_name; / Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)
Summary • Functions • Procedures • Forward Referencing • Parameter Mode • Positional versus Named Notation • Call Statement • Package Specifications • Package Bodies Oracle Database PL/SQL 10g Programming (Chapter 8)