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Suriname Small Scale Mining Sector Status, Progress and Future Presentation by Gerold Dompig Manager of OGS Paramaribo 21 november 2013. Introduction. DOZEN LARGE-SCALE INTERNATIONAL MINING COMPANIES. LIMITED NUMBER OF SMALL & MEDIUM-SIZE MINING COMPANIES. 30 MILLION ARTISANAL MINERS.

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  1. Suriname Small Scale Mining SectorStatus, Progress and FuturePresentation by Gerold DompigManager of OGSParamaribo 21 november 2013


  3. Status 2010 • The Suriname Small Scale Gold Mining Sector is in a very critical situation. It is characterized by: • Illegal mining • Informal activities • Low efficiency • Hazardous health and environmental working methods

  4. Methods • Dredging (Skalian) • Hydralaulic (Chupadeira, Soigie Spoitie) • Washing/ shaking table • Crushing • Long tom • Metal detector (Pieuw Pieuw)

  5. Challenges – use of mercury

  6. Challenges - effluent discharge, no containment & settling pond

  7. OGS Approach • Identify and register for potential government taxes • Establish a Mineral Authority, which shall be responsible for supervision over all parties concerned to abide by the law concerning the Mining Industry, furthermore bringing structure to this sector as well • Putting greater effort into the aspect of income security in favor of the local community • Constitute a law in order to prohibit the use of mercury before 2014 • Amendment of the law concerning the mining Industry to regulate gold mining activities on waterways

  8. OGS Approach • Optimize gold production, by increasing efficiency and introduction of modern technology • Minimize environmental impact by using mercury free processing methods • Train and support miners by setting up Mining Service Centers and Schools of Mining and Mineral Processing in mining areas to function as extensions of the government, banking and trade centers.

  9. Business overview • Employment for 25,000 to 35,000 persons, as miners and service providers • Employment opportunities for young persons from the interior with limited schooling • Opportunities to satisfy need for cash alongside the subsistence economy • For persons with no access to credit, a means of securing capital to start other businesses • Spin-offs to the local trade and industry • About US $ 80,000,000 in State revenues (mainly from tax on diesel fuel; 10 mil. In royalties

  10. Accomplishments - created MSCs, Government presence

  11. Accomplishments • Already registered 19,000 people active in the gold fields • Strategic plan forward 2013-2015 • School of Mining active in the fields • Hundreds of gold-conflict Interventions • First 4 ASM zones active with training, monitoring and introduction of clean mercury-free methods

  12. Accomplishments: teaching miners to use the GPS & free GIS

  13. Accomplishments: Training how to prospect

  14. Accomplishments: use of tailing pond, waste water recycling

  15. Accomplishments: Use of retort

  16. The way forward

  17. Mercury free mining • Miners implement alternative practices mining: • Gravimetric table • Concentrators • Pan and Sieves • Shaking table • Moving mixed machines

  18. Legalize and formalize all mining activities • Concession with strict new conditions which fully appreciate PPP formula (People Planet Profit) for small scale miners • Registered trading of gold and associated business activities • Registered machinery • Monitoring of the small scale mining zones by OGS trough MSC-field offices.

  19. The future is bright • We are on the right track to a well organized, highly productive, efficient and successful small scale mining sector.

  20. And lets’ also preserve our planet and beautiful cultures – Thank You!

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