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Inventory of BSM Higgs searches in CMS. Mario Kadastik , Sara Bolognesi. Basic changes to SM. 4 th generation quarks s and BR are different and systematic uncertainties large (model becomes non- perturbative at high q’ mass)
Inventory of BSM Higgs searches in CMS Mario Kadastik, Sara Bolognesi
Basic changes to SM • 4th generation quarks • s and BR are different and systematic uncertainties large (model becomes non-perturbative at high q’ mass) • The numbers have been recently re-calculated for two q’ masses and we now have all the input that was needed • Fermiophobichiggs • Assume at tree level only couplings to bosons, search channels therefore only in those final states • The question is are loop induced decays to fermions really small enough to fully discount, need theory input • Invisible Higgs decays • Assumption is that part of Higgs decay width is to a DM like particle that cannot be reconstructed • Most interesting in associated production • Assumes BR(Hinv.)=1 • σ(ZH → 2l+MET) / σ(ZZ → 2l2ν) ≈ 0.13 × BR(H → inv.) • Definitely needs collaboration with property measurement as they all tie together
Doubly charged Higgs • Additional triplet (adding F0, F+, F++) • From various models (Littlest Higgs, LR symmetric, basic extension to account for see-saw etc) • Violates lepton number and flavor in decays • Doubly charged scalar a clear signature, however also singly charged component is used • Need synchronization on cross section and benchmark points used for searches. Prior to CMS searches only 100% decays to one channel were searched.
NMSSM search • In NMSSM the fine tuning of μ-term solved by introducing a singlet scalar field S • S expands the Higgs sector to three CP-even scalars (h1, h2 and h3), two CP-odd scalars (a1, a2) and two charged scalars (H+, H-) • NMSSM predicts a light (O(10 GeV)) CP-odd Higgs boson • Best channel in hadron collider is amm (tt has higher BR, but harderto search) • If BR(haa) large enough can explain m(h) below LEP limit as well as Z+b jets excess seen at LEP • The three generators that can do this process all give different distributions so very large uncertainties • As a new search we also plan haammtt
2HDM • SM Higgs scalar sector enlarged with an additional SU(2)L doublet with 4 free parameters (mh, mT, mA, tanb) • Unconventional processes arise: • h0 → A0A0, H0H0, H+H- • H± → W±A0 • H0 → ZA0 (the searched one) • Analysis shares same final state as ZZ2l2t • If mA ~ mZ, then it’s ZZ cross-section measurement • Could also have a very boosted A0 and collimated taus