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The Making of the JSSAC Digital Archive. SEXTON digital The Sexton Design & Technology Library’s Digital Initiatives Group sxtdig@dal.ca. The Collaborators. The Project.
The Making of the JSSAC Digital Archive SEXTONdigital The Sexton Design & Technology Library’s Digital Initiatives Group sxtdig@dal.ca
The Project The Sexton Design & Technology Library at Dalhousie University, the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, and the Dalhousie University School of Architecture, are collaborating to digitize, index, and to provide free online and open access to the entire run of issues of the Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada. The project began in the fall of 2008 as a Reading Course for Sexton Library Intern, and Dalhousie School of Information Management student, Creighton Barrett. Creighton initiated the Project, he developed the first draft of the Project Manual, and he started the Project Library Guide : http://libguides.library.dal.ca/ssacjournalproject Creighton has left the Sexton Library, but the Project is being carried on, and will be completed by, the Sexton Library’s Digital Initiatives Group: SEXTONdigital
The Digitizers The Sexton Library’s Digital Initiatives Group: SEXTONdigital From left to right: Amanda Sparks, Heather Koeller, Allison Fulford David Benstead Anne Gaetz Sarah Davis
The Project Steps • Scan the entire run of the Journal • Clean-up each scanned page • Combine the scans into issue-level PDFs • OCR each issue-level PDF to allow for keyword searching • Create a website for the JSSAC digital archive
The Scanning Journal scanning was completed in December 2009. All of the digital imaging was completed on a new Epson Expression 10000 XL flatbed scanner. We cut off bindings and separated issues so that Sexton staff could do the work efficiently in house. The Journal was scanned using EPSON scan software at 300 dpi in 24-bit colour. Each scan was saved as a Master (never to be altered) TIFF file (tagged image file format) .
The Clean-Up The clean-up is time-consuming work, but the results are worth it! Each scanned image is being “cleaned-up” using Photoshop, part of Adobe’s Creative Suite 4. Images are being rotated (straightened) and cropped as necessary, selective colour adjustment is being performed, and any blemishes (for example stamps, staple marks and writing) erased. Cleaned-up images are saved as Service Master TIFF files. We retain the original TIFF files as our master archival copies.
The PDF Creation With all journal pages scanned and cleaned-up, we then have to put the individual scans together to form issues We will save each issue as a PDF (portable document format) We will create the issue-level PDFs using another program that is part of Adobe Creative Suite 4: Acrobat 9 Pro
The OCR:Making Scanned Documents Searchable • We need to perform the OCR or Optical Character Recognition function on each issue-level PDF, since a document that consists of a scanned image is just that – an image, and therefore NOT keyword searchable • To a computer, the picture of a letter “a” is not the same thing as the text character “a”. When you try to text-search an image, you will get no results, since there is no text to search! • Optical character recognition, will give text on which keyword searches can be performed
The OCR To do the Optical Character Recognition work, we are using the same program that we used to create the issue-level PDFs – Adobe CS4 Acrobat 9 Pro
The Checklist Before an issue will be added to the Website (the final destination!), all requirements for the issue must be met, and checked-off on our master checklist.
The Website We are using yet another software program from Adobe’s Creative Suite 4, to create the JSSAC Digital Archive website: Dreamweaver. The website will model that of the Society’s in terms of appearance, and be very simple. The Journal PDFs will be organized by year, and then by specific issue.
For Advice, Support, and Help Thanks To ... Steve Mannell(Director, College of Sustainability , Professor, School of Architecture, Dalhousie University)Helen Powell (Design & Technology Librarian, Dalhousie University) Leigh Smith (Dalhousie Library Systems) AnjaliVohra(Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management) Erik Fjeldstrom(Dalhousie’s School of Information Management)
Contact Us! If you have any questions about the JSSAC Digital Archive Project, and would like to contact us, our email address is : sxtdig@dal.ca