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Learn about defining classes, instance variables, constructors, methods, and visibility modifiers in Java programming. Explore static methods and variables, method overloading, and documentation comments.
Defining New Classes • In this lecture: • Defining classes • Instance variables • Constructors • Defining methods and passing parameters • Visibility modifiers • Static methods and variables • Method overloading • Documentation comments
Defining New Classes • Generally, classes can be used for two purposes. • Container classes: • As containers of static methods: methods that carry out a given tasks that are not bound to any particular object (e.g., the main() method). • These static methods usually have something in common (e.g., the Math class) • Definition classes: • These classes define new objects, in a way that we will soon see.
Defining New Classes • The class Rectangles is an example of the first kind. It is a container for the method main which draws four rectangles. • The class Turtle is an example of the second kind. It defines a new type of objects, Turtle objects. • We will now focus on the second kind.
A Clock Class /** * A clock representation class */ public class Clock { // The hours, minutes, and second read private int hours, minutes, seconds; // ... }
Instance Variables • Recall that a class must define the state of an object and its behaviour. • We declare state variables (variables that hold the state of the object) in a similar way to that of regular variables only they appear outside methods. • State variables are also called instance variables or fields. • Rougly speaking, the private modifier means that the variables are not part of the object’s interface.
Constructors • Objects must be initialized before they can be used. • We must specify what is the initial state of the object before we can use it. • This is very similar to primitive data types: when we declare a new variable of type int, for example, we must give it an initial value. • We specify the way an object is initialized using a constructor, which is a special method which is invoked every time we create a new object
Constructors /** * A clock representation class */ public class Clock { // The hours, minutes, and second read private int hours, minutes, seconds; /** * Constructs a new clock. Resets the clock * to the time 00:00:00 */ public Clock() { hours = 0; minutes = 0; seconds = 0; } }
Constructors • The statement new Clock()does the following: • 1) Allocates the memory for a new clock object • 2) Initializes its state by calling the constructor clock hours minutes seconds clock hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 0
Methods • To make the date object useful, we must provide methods that define its behaviour. • We declare methods in a similar way to the way the method main was declared: public static void main(String[] args) { // ... } • Only there’s a big difference: • the main method was static, which means it wasn’t bound to a specific object • we want to declare instance methods, which are bound to a specific object
public class Clock { /* ... */ private int hours, minutes, seconds; /** ... */ public Clock() { // ... } /** * Advances the clock by one hour. */ public void hourElapsed() { hours = (hours + 1) % 24; } }
Methods • The modifier public denotes that the method hourElapsed() is part of the interface of the class ( it is one of the services the class exposes to outside world clients) • The exact meaning of the keyword public will be discussed later • The keyword void denotes that the method hourElapsed() has no return value.
public class Clock { // ... instance variables and constructor /** * Advances the clock by one hour. */ public void hourElapsed() { hours = (hours + 1) % 24; } /** * Returns the hour read. */ public int getHours() { return hours; } }
Return Types • The return type of a method indicates the type of value that the method sends back to the calling client • The return-type of getHours() is int. When a client ask for the hours read of a clock it gets the answer as an int value. • A method that does not return a value (such ashourElapsed()) has avoidreturn type • The returnstatement specifies the value that should be returned, which must conform with the return type of the method.
Method Context • The getHours() and hourElapsed() methods are instance methods, which means they act on a particular instance of the class • They cannot be invoked “out of the blue”. They must act on a particular object: Clock c = new Clock(); getHours(); // of which clock? c.getHours(); // will return 0 • An instance method is executed in the context of the object it acts upon.
class ClockTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Clock swatch = new Clock(); Clock seiko = new Clock(); System.out.println(swatch.getHours()); // 0 System.out.println(seiko.getHours()); // 0 swatch.hourElapsed(); System.out.println(swatch.getHours()); // 1 System.out.println(seiko.getHours()); // 0 } }
The this Reference • When appearing inside an instance method, the this keyword denotes a reference to the object that the method is acting upon. • The following are equivalent: public int getHours() { return hours; } public int getHours() { return this.hours; } • We will soon see why this is useful
Method Parameters • A method can be defined to accept zero or more parameters • Each parameter in the parameter list is defined by its type and name • The parameters in the method definition are called formal parameters • The values passed to a method when it is invoked are called actual parameters • The name of the method together with the list of its formal parameters is called the signature of the method
public class Clock { // ... /** * Sets the time read by the clock. * If one of the paramenters is not in the allowed * range, the call will not have any effect on the * clock. * @param hours The hours to be set (0-23) * @param minutes The minutes to be set (0-59) * @param seconds The seconds to be set (0-59) */ public void setTime(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { if ((seconds >= 0) && (seconds < 60) && (minutes >= 0) && (minutes < 60) && (hours >= 0) && (hours < 24)) { this.hours = hours; this.minutes = minutes; this.seconds = seconds; } // no effect if input is illegal } }
Passing Parameters • When a parameter is passed, a copy of the value is made and assigned to the formal parameter: Clock beritling = new Clock(); int lunchHour = 12; breitling.setTime(lunchHour,32,14); hours = lunchHour minutes = 32 seconds = 14
Passing Parameters • Both primitive types and object references can be passed as parameters • When an object reference is passed, the formal parameter becomes an alias of the actual parameter
/** * A bank account. */ public class BankAccount { private long accountNumber; // The balance in dollars private float balance; /** * Constructs a new empty account. */ public BankAccount(long accountNumber) { this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.balance = 0; } // continued in next slide... }
/** * Deposites a given amount into the account. */ public void deposit(float amount) { // ... perhaps perform some security checks balance = balance + amount; } /** * Withdraws a given amount from the account. */ public void withdraw(float amount) { // ... perhaps perform some security checks balance = balance - amount; } // continued in next slide...
/** * Transfers a given amount into another bank account */ public void transfer(float amount, BankAccont other) { // ... perhaps perform some security checks this.withdraw(amount); other.deposit(amount); } BankAccount gadiAccount = new BankAccount(1398723); BankAccount saritAccount = new BankAccount(1978394); gadiAccount.deposit(500); // gadi’s balance = 500 gadiAccount.transfer(700,saritAccount); // gadi’s balance = -200, sarit’s balance = 500
Constructor Overloading • A class can define several constructors -- several ways to initialize an instance of this class • These constructors differ by the number and type of parameters they get. • When we construct an object, the compiler decides which constructor to invoke • A constructor with no parameters is called a default constructor
/** * Constructs a new clock with the specified hours, * minutes and seconds read. * If one of the paramenters is not in the allowed * range, the time will be reset to 00:00:00. * @param hours The hours to be set (0-23) * @param minutes The minutes to be set (0-59) * @param seconds The seconds to be set (0-59) */ public Clock(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { if ((seconds >= 0) && (seconds < 60) && (minutes >= 0) && (minutes < 60) && (hours >= 0) && (hours < 24)) { this.hours = hours; this.minutes = minutes; this.seconds = seconds; } else { this.hours = 0; this.minutes = 0; this.seconds = 0; } }
Overloading Constructors Clock c1 = new Clock(); // default constructor Clock c2 = new Clock(23,12,50); // Clock(int, int, int) constructor • The constructor must always check the parameters: in no way may an object be initialized to an inconsistent state! • What is an inconsistent state in a clock?
Visibility Modifiers • We accomplish encapsulation through the appropriate use of visibility modifiers • A modifier is a Java reserved word that specifies particular characteristics of a programming construct • We've used the modifier final to define a constant • Java has three visibility modifiers: public, private, and protected • We will discuss the protected modifier later
Visibility Modifiers • A class can be defined either with the public modifier or without a visibility modifier. • If a class is declared as public (has public visibility) it can be used by any other class • If a class is declared without a visibility modifier it has a default visibility. This draws a limit to which classes can use this class. We will discuss default visibility of classes in a later lecture. • Classes that define a new type of objects, that are supposed to be used anywhere, should be declared public.
Visibility Modifiers • We use the generic term member to describe a variable, method or constructor of the class. • Members of a class can be declared as private, protected, public or without a visibility modifier. • Members that are declared without a visibility modifier have default visibility. We will discuss default and protected visibility in later lectures.
Public Visibility • Members that are declared as public can be accessed from any code that can access the class of the member • We expose methods that are part of the interface of the class by declaring them as public • Example: the methods getHours(), hourElapsed()andsetTime() are part of the interface of class Clock so we define them as public. • We do not want to reveal the internal representation of the object’s data. So we usually do not declare its state variable as public.
Private Visibility • A class member that is declared as private, can be accessed only by code that is within the class of this member. • We hide the internal implementation of the class by declaring its state variables and auxiliary methods as private. • Data hiding allows us to achieve good encapsulation. • Note, that the hiding is on the level of classes (code) and not on the level of objects: from within a BankAccount object, any private member of a different BankAccount object can be accessed.
/** * Transfers a given amount into another bank account */ public void transfer(float amount, BankAccont other) { // ... perhaps perform some security checks this.withdraw(amount); other.deposit(amount); // an alternative way of doing the same thing: // other.balance = other.balance + amount }
// Example of illegal access class BankAccountTest { public static void main(String[] args) { BankAccount victim = new BankAccount(2398742); victim.balance = victim.balance - 500; // this will not compile! } }
The Static Modifier • The static modifier can be applied to variables or methods • It associates a variable or method with the class rather than an object • Methods that are declared as static do not act upon any particular object. They just encapsulate a given task, a given algorithm. • We can write a class that is a collection of static methods. Such a class isn’t meant to define a new type of objects. It is just used as a library for utilities that are related in some way.
Example - a Math Class /** * A library of mathematical methods. */ public class Math { /** * Computes the trigonometric sine of an angle. */ public static double sin(double x) { // ... } /** * Computes the logarithm of a given number. */ public static double log(double x) { // ... } // ... }
Use of Static Methods • When we call a static method we should specify the class to which method belongs. double x = Math.sin(alpha); int c = Math.max(a,b); double y = Math.random(); • The main method is static; it is invoked by the system without creating an object • If a static method calls another static method of the same class we can omit the class-name prefix.
Division into Methods // Prints all the prime numbers public class Primes { public static void main(String[] args) { OutputWindow out = new OutputWindow(); int number = 0; while (true) { number = number + 1; if (isPrime(number)) out.println(number); } } // Returns true iff number is prime public static boolean isPrime(int number) { // determines if number is prime } }
Static Variables • A variable that is declared static is associated with the class itself and not with an instance of it. • Static variables are also called class variables. • We use static variables to store information that is not associated with a given object but is relevant for the class. • We have already seen such usage - constants of a class (final static)
Static Variables - Example /** * A bank account. */ public class BankAccount { private long accountNumber; // The balance in dollars private float balance; private static int numberOfAccounts = 0; // continued in next slide... }
Static Variables - Example public BankAccount(long accountNumber) { this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.balance = 0; numberOfAccounts = numberOfAccounts + 1; } public static int getNumberOfAccounts { return numberOfAccounts; }
Static Methods and Variables • Static methods cannot reference instance variables, because instance variables don't exist until an object exists • Similarly the reference this has no meaning inside a static method, thus its use inside a static method is not allowed. • However, static methods can reference static variables or local variables (within the method)
Documentation • Let’s look at a complete overview of class clock • Note that documentation is an integral part of the class • Any documentation which is part of the interface begins with /** (double asterick) and ends with */ • To use the class, we need not (and should not) look at the code. All that is needed is the class API.
API Documentation • Your classes are often intended to be used by other programmers • Programmers that use your class are not interested in the way it is implemented. They want to use it as a whole and are only interested in what it does and how to use it. • API (Application Programmer Interface) documentation is a description of the interface of the class intended for the application programmer who wants to use it.
API Documentation • Java gives a special tool - the javadoc - as part of the JDK for the generation of API documentation for your classes. • The javadoc generates .html documents that summarizes the interface of the classes. • In addition Java define a special type of comments, called documentation comments which are used by the javadoc. • Documentation comments are added between /** … */ symbols. We’ve already used them for the classes use showed in this lecture
What should you comment? • You should put a documentation comment for any member of the class which is part of its interface and for the class itself. • All public constructors and methods should documentation comments • Private methods are not part of the interface of the class, thus javadoc skips them.
API Documentation • Remember that documentation comments are written for programmers who use your class as a whole. They should describe only what the class does and how to use it and not how it is implemented. • Documentation comments should be short and descriptive. • They should be written in a simple language • They should be accurate • Assume that the reader doesn’t know anything about your class
API Documentation Tags • Documentation comments text can include HTML tags. • Documentation comments can also include tagged paragraphs that give a standard way to document several features of the interface such as method parameters, return values, etc. • A tagged paragraph begins with the symbol @ followed with a tag keywords. Tags: @see, @author, @version, @param, @return, @exception.
Naming • The names you use for your class and for its public methods are part of the class API. • Good descriptive naming are crucial for a clear API. • General rules about naming: • Follow the Java conventions • Use descriptive names • Long enough, not unnecessary long • Consist of words in English with no abbreviations • Use a dictionary