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Climate and Resources in Latin America

Explore the weather conditions, resources, and economy of Latin America. Understand migration, fossil fuels, elevation, and more.

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Climate and Resources in Latin America

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  1. Key Terms Weather and Climate Latin America Economy and Resources Potpourri A Little This & A Little That! 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5pt 5 pt 10pt 10 pt 10 pt 10pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20pt 20 pt 20pt 25pt 25pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

  2. Movement of people from one country or region to another

  3. What is migration?

  4. These resources were created over millions of years ago from prehistoric plants and animals

  5. What are fossil fuels?

  6. Daily Double When people are forced to move from one location to another

  7. What is • involuntary migration? • Two examples of this are: 1. In the 1800s, the great potato famine which forced millions to leave Ireland to find a better life elsewhere, and many migrated to America. • When Nazi Germany systematically exterminated Jews, gypsies and millions of others, as they advanced through Europe in the 1930s and early ‘40s.

  8. A source of information taken from an original document, text or speaker

  9. What is a primary source?

  10. Coal and natural gas are examples of this type of resource

  11. What are nonrenewable resources?

  12. The height of land above sea level

  13. What is elevation?

  14. The condition of the air and sky from day to day

  15. What is weather?

  16. Since Canada is far from the equator, its climate tends to be

  17. What is very cold? Canada Equator Equator

  18. This will affect crops grown on farms in the Andes

  19. What is elevation?

  20. Daily Double Three factors which affect Latin America’s climate

  21. What are Elevation, the equator and wind patterns?

  22. North America and Latin America are located in this hemisphere

  23. What is the Western Hemisphere? The Western Hemisphere

  24. Daily Double Much of Mexico is a large, mostly flat area which rises above surrounding land

  25. What is a plateau?

  26. Regions which make up Latin America Hint: Latin America does not include Canada and the United States

  27. What are Middle America (Mexico and Central America), the Caribbean and South America? Latin America is shown above, shaded in green.

  28. Some farms of Latin America can only grow enough to feed their own family, which is called?

  29. What is subsistence farms?

  30. The home of the world’s largest tropical rain forest

  31. What is the Amazon River Basin?

  32. Many people in Latin America leave the rural, country living. They move to the city urban life hoping to find better paying _ _ _ _

  33. What are jobs?

  34. The drop in oil prices in the 1980s probably helped to convince Venezuela to do this to their economy

  35. What is promote investment in other industries, (to diversify)?

  36. A system of producing, distributing, consuming and owning goods, services and wealth

  37. What is Economy?

  38. Daily Double When a country depends largely on one resource or crop of income, it is known as this

  39. What is a one resource economy?

  40. To reduce their reliance on one natural resource or crop, many Latin American nations have begun to do this

  41. What is build up their industries?

  42. The mountain chain found along the west coast of South America

  43. What is the Andes Mountain Range?

  44. This covers most of the Earth’s surface

  45. What is water?

  46. Mountains, plateaus and plains are examples of

  47. What are landforms? Plateaus Plains Mountains

  48. Recently, an increase in food supply and better medical care has done this to the world’s population

  49. What is rapidly increased the population?

  50. Daily Double Demographers and geographers use the push-pull theory to explain this movement of people

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