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てんかん発作波と間違いやすい脳波. Small Sharp Spikes (SSS). 14 & 6 Hz Positive Spikes. 6 Hz Spike and Wave (Phantom spike). Rhythmic Mid-temporal Discharges (Psychomotor variant). Breach Rhythm. Wicket Spikes. Subclinical Rhythmic Electrographic (theta) Discharges of Adults (SREDA). ラムダ波. 12 歳 , 女.
Rhythmic Mid-temporal Discharges (Psychomotor variant)
Subclinical Rhythmic Electrographic (theta) Discharges of Adults (SREDA)
ラムダ波 12 歳, 女
Hypnagogic Hypersynchrony 14 歳, 女
Vertex Sharp Transients 11 歳, 男
Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal Spikes, BECTS 5 歳, 男
まとめ • スパイク波形の特徴を覚えよう 発作後の脳波変化は重要 • Pseudoepileptiform activityに気をつけよう SSS,14 & 6 Hz positive spikes,Phantom spike RMTD,Breach rhythm,Wicket spikes,SREDA • 小児脳波は要注意!! Lamda波,POSTS,Vertex sharp transients Hypnagogic hypersynchrony,BECTS