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Introducción al DC de 6°año E scuela Secundaria Inglés. Capacitador: Oscar Marino Alumna: Cintia Gómez. First Meeting. Initial Task. In the first meeting we only completed columns 1 and 2 and at the end we completed number 3.
Introducción al DC de 6°año Escuela SecundariaInglés Capacitador: Oscar Marino Alumna: Cintia Gómez
InitialTask In thefirstmeetingweonlycompletedcolumns 1 and 2 and at theendwecompletednumber 3.
Learningobjectivesfor 6°year.Wediscussedthefollowingobjectives: Accordingtotheseobjectives,studentsshoulddeveloptheirreading, writing ,oral and auditoryskills in ordertobeabletocommunicate in Englishsuccessfully. CLIL seemstobethebestoptiontohelpstudentstodeveloptheirinterlanguage and theskillsmentionedabove. Weconcludedthat CLIL is a toolfortheteaching and learning of content and languagebecauseitsessenceisintegration.
Assessment *These are my conclusions of the principal characteristics of thedifferentkind of assessment *Wealsothought and reflected in ourownteaching and sharedourexamples and experiences.
Assessmentprinciples in CLIL Key words: *Clear learningobjectives. *Content-language *Mixture of formal and informal assessment. *Familiarize (learnerswiththeassessmentmeasures) *Real purpose in a real context. *Scaffolding. *Self and peer assessment.
Homework: Ithelps me tounderstanclearlythecharacteristics of eachkind of assessment • Take a last look (text)
Wediscussedaboutthedifferentkinds of evaluationstatedontheCurriculumDesign. • Formal evaluationDiagnostictests(todetectstrengths and weaknesses) Achievementtests(dailyrevisions, progressachievementtests and final achievementtests) • Informal evaluationPortfolios Performance assessment Self-evaluation and co-evaluation Teacher- studentconference
* Wealsoanalized and compared 3 projects in ordertoseesomemodels. * Then,wediscussedthechapter: “The CLIL ToolKit:Transformingtheoryintopractice”(Coyle) In thischapter ,weanalizedthestagestocreate a personalizedTool kit: Stage 1: A sharedvision of CLIL.(Global Goals) Stage 2: Analyzing and personalisingthe CLIL context. Stage 3: Planning a unit. 1. Consideringcontent. 2. Connectingcontent and cognition. 3. Communication: defininglanguagelearning and using. 4. Developing cultural awareness and opportunities. Stage 4: Preparingtheunit. Stage 5: Monitoring and evaluating CLIL in action. Stage 6: Nextsteps-Towardsinquiry-basedprofessionallearningcommunities. *Finally,takingintoaccountthemodels of theprojects,the 4 Cs approach and the 6 stageswedesigned a mindmapforourownproject:
Test designcycle. Weconcludedthatnormallythestartingpointis TESTS PURPOSE. Then, weconcentrated in thedefinition of construct:
Constructs: *”Constructs are the abilities o f the learner that we believe underlie their test performance, but which we cannot directly observe.” *”The definition of the construct is something that has to be undertaken carefully if it is to be assessed, as we need to know what it is we have to ask a learner to do, so that we can observe it , and decide whether this abstract ability is present.”
Finally; weselected a text and plannedsometasksforourproject.
Portfolio Assessment • “A portfolio is a presentation of a student‘smostvaluedwork. Itisevidence,collectedover a considerable period of time,of a student’sknowledge,skills and of progressmade in achievinglearningoutcomes.Itis a toolforlearning.” Wealsomentioned digital portfolios and somethingswe can includeonthem: music,sounds,videos,photographs,diagrams,illustrations,recordings,etc.
Wefinishedourproject: “Theolympicgames”
Conclusions: Thecourse “Introduccion al DC 6to año Escuela Secundaria-Inglés” wasveryusefulfordifferentreasons: *I learned new theories , points of views and conceptsrelatedto Evaluation: -Assessmentas,for,and of learning. -Portfolio assessment. -Constructors. -Theassessmentprinciples in CLIL _mindmaps (toplanned a project of work) *Besides, duringthecourse I practiceworkingwithgoogledocs,powerpoint,dropbox,etc. *Furthermore, the new concepts, information and theories are veryhelpful and can beapplied in ourclasseswithourstudents.