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Professor Colin R. Martin - Faculty of Society and Health Buckinghamshire New University

The Elephant within the Learning Environment: The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Teacher Educators; Trainee Teachers and Learners. Professor Colin R. Martin - Faculty of Society and Health Buckinghamshire New University Dr Mick Fleming – Faculty of Education, Health and Social Sciences

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Professor Colin R. Martin - Faculty of Society and Health Buckinghamshire New University

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  1. The Elephant within the Learning Environment: The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Teacher Educators; Trainee Teachers and Learners. Professor Colin R. Martin - Faculty of Society and Health Buckinghamshire New University Dr Mick Fleming – Faculty of Education, Health and Social Sciences Hugh Smith - Faculty of Education, Health and Social Sciences University of the West of Scotland

  2. Focus for the Presentation • Learning Environment • Mental Health and Wellbeing of Leaders of Learning • Mental Health and Wellbeing of the Learner • Recent Studies • Questions?

  3. Learning Environment • Complex Environments • Reflects Society’s Challenges • Modifiable Learning Factors • Paradigm Shift with the Health System

  4. Mental Health and Wellbeing of Leaders of learning • Teaching as a Stressful Occupation • Absenteeism and Presenteeism • Recommended Strategies for Work Related Stress

  5. Mental Health and Wellbeing of the Learner • Developmental, Mental Health and Adjustment Orders • Changes Impacting on Achieving Developmental milestones • Skill development and Culture Change required to support Learners

  6. Recent Study • Development and validation of the Assessment of Locus of control in Industry, Commerce and Education (ALICE) Scale (Martin and Paul, 2012)

  7. Key themes determined by applied thematic analysis PERSONAL MASTERY ORGANISATIONCONTROL POWERFUL OTHERS


  9. Participants (ALICE Development Study)

  10. Depression

  11. Anxiety

  12. Stress

  13. Self-esteem QoL

  14. Scottish Association for Mental health

  15. References Birchwood, M. and Jackson, C. (2001) Schizophrenia, Psychology Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Davis, A.S., Kruczek, T. and McIntosh, D.E. (2006) Understanding and treating psychopathology in schools: Introduction to the special issue. Psychology in the Schools. Vol. 43(4), pp. 413-417. Denholm, Andrew (2012) ‘Stressed Scots teachers flood helpline for support' Herald 7th September. Dunlop, C. (2004) The Teachers Health and Wellbeing Study Scotland. NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh. Farrand, P., Parker, M., Lee, C. (2007) Intention of adolescents to seek professional help for emotional and behavioural difficulties, Health and Social Care in the Community, Vol. 15(5), pp.464-473. French, P. and Morrison, A.P. (2004) Early Detection and Cognitive Therapy for People at High Risk of Developing Psychosis. Wiley.com.

  16. References Health and Safety Executive (2000) The scale of occupational stress: A further analysis of the impact of demographic factors and type of job. Health and Safety Executive. www.hsebooks.co.uk Jackson, E. (2002) Mental health in schools: what about the staff? Journal of Child Psychotherapy, Vol. 28(2), pp. 129-146. Lesesne, C.A., Visser, S.N., White, C.P. (2003) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in school aged children: association with maternal mental health and the use of care resources, Paediatrics, Vol. 111(5), pp. 1232-1237. Martin, C.R. and Paul, S. (2012) Application of the assessment of locus of control in industry, commerce and education (ALICE) scale in the evaluation of occupational stress. Oral presentation at The British Psychological Society Psychobiology Section Annual Conference, Windermere, UK: 3rd-5th September 2012. Milkie, M.A. and Warner, C.H. (2011) Classroom learning environments and the mental health of first grade children, Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, Vol. 52(1), pp. 4-22.

  17. References Miller, W.R. and Rollnick, S. (2002) Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change, New York: Guildford Press. Moran, P., Coffey, C., Romaniuk, H., Olsson, C., Borschmann, R., Carlin, J.B., Patton, G.C. (2011) The natural history of self-harm from adolescence to young adulthood: a population-based cohort study. The Lancet, www.thelacnetonline.com Murray-Harvey, R. (2010) Relationship influences on students’ academic achievement, psychological health and well-being at school, Educational and Child Psychology, Vol. 27(1), pp. 104-115. NASUWT (2010) Teachers’ Mental Health: A study exploring the experiences of teachers with work-related stress and mental health problems. www.nasuwt.org.uk NASUWT (2011) Managing your mental health and well-being. www.nasuwt.org.uk Reijneveld, S., Brugman, E., Verhulst, F., Verloove-Vanhorick, S. (2005) Area deprivation and child psychosocial problems, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Vol. 40(1), pp. 18- 23.

  18. References Royal College of Psychiatrists (2012) Schizophrenia: key facts. http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinfoforall/problems/schizophrenia/schizophrenia.aspx Schaubman, A., Stetson, E. and Plog, A. (2011) Reducing teacher stress by implementing collaborative problem solving in a school setting, School Social Work Journal, Vol. 35(2), pp. 72- 93. Scholes, B. and Martin, C.R. (2010) Could repressive coping be a mediating factor in the symptom profile of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia? Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Vol. 17(5), pp. 403-410. Scottish Government (2009) Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland: Policy and Action Plan (2009-2011). www.scotland.gov.uk Simm, R., Roen, K. and Daiches, A. (2008) Educational professionals’ experiences of self-harm in primary school children: ‘You don’t really believe, unless you see it’ Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 34(2), pp. 253–269.

  19. References Smith, H. (2008) Mental health in school-aged children. British Journal of School Nursing. Vol. 03 (6), pp. 285-286. Spratt, J., Shucksmith, J., Philip, K., Watson, K. (2006) Inter-professional support of mental wellbeing in schools: A Bourdieuan perspective, Journal of Inter-professional Care, Vol. 20(4), pp. 391-402. Stock-Whitaker, D. (1985) Using Groups to Help people, London: Routledge Weare, K. (2002) Work with young people is leading the way in the new paradigm for mental health, International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol. 4(4), pp. 55-58. Yalom, I.D. (1985) The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (4th Ed.). Basic Books.

  20. Questions and Discussion colin.martin@bucks.ac.uk mick.fleming@uws.ac.uk hugh.smith@uws.ac.uk

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