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Blasphemy. Write out the definition of blasphemy. Mindmap 4 examples of blasphemy. *Which do you think Jesus was accused of?. To say or do something insulting against God, or to claim for yourself what only belongs to God. What could count as blasphemy ?

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  1. Blasphemy. Write out the definition of blasphemy. Mindmap4 examples of blasphemy. *Which do you think Jesus was accused of? To say or do something insulting against God, or to claim for yourself what only belongs to God. What could count as blasphemy ? • To say something untrue & offensive against God eg God is not holy or good • To say you do not believe in God • To say you are equal to God - the Son of God • To say you have God’s authority eg to forgive sin, judge the world as God • To abuse holy things eg bible, holy object • To say God’s name in vain (OMG)

  2. Accused To describe what Jesus was accused of by the Jewish priests To explain how Jesus’ trial broke the Sanhedrin rules To evaluate the charge of blasphemy against Jesus Watch the video. What happened after the Jews decided Jesus was guilty?

  3. Read Mark 14:55-65. Identify evidence that could be used against Jesus. • Write 2 headings: YES JESUS WAS GUILTY OF BLASPHEMY| NO HE WASN’T • write out evidence that could be considered blasphemy, or not. • What happened after the Jews decided Jesus was guilty? 3 things. • **Do you think the Jews had enough evidence to accuse Jesus of blasphemy? To be accused of Blasphemy you must: • Use God’s name & refer to Him directly • Say you are equal to God in some way eg in power, holiness • Describe yourself as God would eg I AM (God described himself to Moses at the burning bush as “IAM WHO I AM. Tell them I AM has sent you to them). • Say you are the Messiah, when you are not (not exactly blasphemy, but close, and very insulting) • Are you the Christ, the Son of the Most Blessed One? • Jesus replied: • “I AM” (using God’s name as God revealed it to Moses?) • “You will see the Son of Man seated…(notice: he does NOT say Son of God)” • “…at the right hand of the Power” (indirect reference to God) • coming with the clouds of heaven (ie to judge at the end of the world)

  4. Jesus was accused of blasphemy because.. He insulted God He said he was equal to God He used God’s name directly • Explain your answer

  5. Read the bullet points on p. 58. Identify & write out 5 reasons why Jesus’ trial broke the Sanhedrin rules for trials. What do you think had annoyed the Jews so much about Jesus’ ministry that they wanted to make a quick end of him? **Why might Mark have exaggerated the unfairness of the trial & wanted to blame the Jews more than the Romans, for Jesus’ death ?

  6. Draw Jesus at the trial, surrounded by some of the Sanhedrin. Speech bubble some things that are being said.

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