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Landscape Classification System & Environmental Macro-Siting GIS

Landscape Classification System & Environmental Macro-Siting GIS. Mark Lotts James Madison University Office of the Virginia Wind Energy Collaborative. Virginia Wind Resource Map. VWEC Environmental Working Group.

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Landscape Classification System & Environmental Macro-Siting GIS

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  1. Landscape Classification System & Environmental Macro-Siting GIS Mark Lotts James Madison University Office of the Virginia Wind Energy Collaborative

  2. Virginia Wind Resource Map

  3. VWEC Environmental Working Group • Participating Organizations- TNC, VSO, Scenic VA, VA Forest Watch, Sierra Club, VIMS, VWC & others. • Participating Agencies- DCR, DEQ, USFS, VMRC, VOF, VA Game & Fish. • Convened April 2003, operating within VWEC. • Focus on GIS and Land Classification System only. • GIS data and accompanying paper for public consumption April 2005. • Truly cooperative venture, spirit of grassroots coalition building; educational. (No budget, all volunteer.) • VWEC principals have provided assistance when requested, but the principals have not influenced our deliberations or conclusions.

  4. Virginia Wind Resource Map

  5. Objectives • To incorporate environmental factors into the macro-site selection process, in order to minimize environmental impacts from utility-scale wind development. • To increase awareness of real and potential adverse environmental impacts for areas with Class 3 and above wind resources. • To highlight areas and topics for which regional and site-specific assessments are needed to understand the actual adverse environmental effects of utility-scale wind project development.

  6. Use Conflict Descriptions • Legal/Regulatory • Environmental • Aesthetic

  7. Unsuitable - Mapped • The category “Unsuitable Mapped” is defined as areas of known geographic extent that are unsuitable for utility-scale wind development due to adverse impacts to biological and/or recreational resources, or to a direct conflict with legal mandates regarding the management of the site.

  8. Unsuitable - Mapped • National Park Service – Appalachian National Scenic Trail and 5-mile buffer zone • National Park Service – Blue Ridge Parkway • National Park Service – Shenandoah National Park (SNP) • U.S. Forest Service – Wilderness Areas • U.S. Forest Service – National Scenic Areas • U.S. Forest Service – Special Biologic Areas (SBAs) • U.S. Forest Service – Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) • U.S. Forest Service – Research Natural Areas (RNAs) • U.S. Forest Service – Wilderness Study Areas • U.S. Forest Service – Inventoried Old Growth Forest • Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage – State Parks and Natural Area Preserves • Virginia Outdoor Foundation (VOF) Easements • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuges • The Nature Conservancy Preserves • Submerged Aquatic Vegetation

  9. Unsuitable Mapped – Western Ridges

  10. Unsuitable Mapped - Coastal

  11. Flagged – (Grey areas)Potentially Significant Use Conflict • This category is defined as those areas known to support Sensitive Resources or those areas necessitating formal Administrative Review that will require the developer to consult with the appropriate State and/or Federal agency and conduct a site assessment.

  12. Flagged – (Grey areas)Potentially Significant Use Conflict • National Park Service – Appalachian National Scenic Trail and 5 to 10-mile buffer zone • The Nature Conservancy Ecoregional Portfolio Sites • Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage – Heritage Sites • U.S. Forest Service – Candidate Wilderness Areas • U.S. Forest Service – Uninventoried Roadless Areas • U.S. Forest Service – Remaining National Forest Lands • Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries Wildlife Management Areas • Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries Cold Water Streams Survey – Trout Habitat • Virginia Department of Forestry State Forests

  13. Flagged – Western Ridges

  14. Flagged - Coastal

  15. Virginia State Cooperation Commission CodeVWEC begins to address • Natural Heritage, T&E Species (DCR) • Scenic Resources (AT, Blue Ridge Pkwy) • Recreation, Forest Resources, Parks (USFS, DCR)

  16. Contact Mark Lotts James Madison University Office of the Virginia Wind Energy Collaborative http://vwec.cisat.jmu.edu (540) 568-8754 lottsme@jmu.edu

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