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LO: To be able to KNOW the classroom rules . Starter Activity Welcome students and discuss classroom rules and expectations. Hand out exercise books – target sheet . Keywords: expectation, rules. LO: To be able to SET strong password and CREATE folders. . Main Task - 1.
LO: To be able to KNOW the classroom rules Starter Activity Welcome students and discuss classroom rules and expectations. Hand out exercise books – target sheet Keywords: expectation, rules
LO: To be able to SET strong password and CREATE folders. Main Task - 1 • Discuss the importance of setting good password and give examples. • Complete the following worksheet – SAY what is a good or bad password and GIVE reasons. • Logging onto the computer system – CREATE a new password. Keywords: password, folders, User area
Progress Check Thumps up/down I can create a good password – using letters and numbers? Still need help? Put your hand up!!
LO: To be able ACCESS the student shared resources . Main Task - 2 • Explain how to use • Shared resources, accessing user area around the school, Kemnal website. • Create the following folder and sub-folders in your User area: • Year 7 – ICT • Autumn • Spring • Summer Thumps up/down I can create a folder? Peer support – I have finished and can help my peer create their folders. Keywords: Shared resources, folders
LO: To be able to REFLECT on my lesson Plenary Self assessment Write in your book : 2 things learned in today’s lesson. Keyword: assessment
LO: To be able to KNOW the purpose of using social network websites Starter Activity In your books write 2-3 ways to stay safe online. Share ideas with the rest of the class. Keyword: social network
LO: To be able to KNOW the purpose of using social network websites Progress Check Thumps up/down I know what is a social network? I can name at least 2 different types of social networking sites? Still need help? Put your down!!
LO: To be able to KNOW the purpose of using social network websites Task1 Whole class activity • Discuss how Social network can affect young people and explain task. In pairs complete the social network Mind Map Keyword: social network
LO: To be able to KNOW the purpose of using social network websites Progress Check Q & A I can say what at least 1 GOOD and 1 BAD about using social network. Keyword: social network
LO: To be able to KNOW the purpose of using social network Task 2 Slide 1 Title: E-Safety Name: Your name Slide 2 Explain the purpose of using Social networking sites. Slide 3 List the good and bad points. Give 3 – 4 points for each. Slide 4 How to stay safe online Slide 5 Cyber bullying Slide 6 Peer assessment Self assessment Whole class activity • Discuss the Project brief and Source table. Student activity • Create a Presentation using PowerPoint (4/6 slides) (To tell primary school children age 8-11 and their parents) about social networking sites. Project brief - Task 1: • Purpose of using Social Networking websites • Say what is good AND bad about using them. Keyword: social network NC level : 2 - 5
Plenary In your book write 2 things for the following: • What went well – WWW • Even better if (EBI)
LO: To be able to KNOW what is meant by audience type and fit for purpose. • Starter Activity • On the given POST IT write what you think the following terms means: • Target audience • Fitness for purpose • Stick your answer on the A3 sheet at the front of the classroom. • Whole class discussion. Keywords: audience type and fitness for purpose
LO: To be able to EXPLAIN audience type and fitness for purpose Progress check Thumps up/down I know the following: What is meant by Fitness for purpose? What is the target audience from your project? Keywords: audience type and fitness for purpose
LO: To be able to KNOW their current ICT grade Task 1 Whole class discussion on Target grades. On your target sheet in your book write your given ICT current grade. Keyword: target sheet
LO: To be able to KNOW the purpose of using social network websites Task 2 Slide 1 Title: E-Safety Name: Your name Slide 2 Explain the purpose of using Social networking sites. Slide 3 List the good and bad points. Give 3 – 4 points for each. Slide 4 How to stay safe online Slide 5 Cyber bullying Slide 6 Peer assessment Self assessment Whole class activity • Overview of project and carrying with Presentation from the last lesson. Student activity • Create a Presentation using PowerPoint (4/6 slides) (To tell primary school children age 8-11 and their parents) about social networking sites. Project brief - Task 1: • Purpose of using Social Networking websites • Say what is good AND bad about using them.
Plenary Say 2 things that you learned in today’s lesson. Selected students to share their idea/s with the rest of the class.
LO: To be able to EVALUATE work done and make further improvement. Starter Activity Look at the exemplar piece of work display on the IWB. on your POST IT – write 2 things that you like and 2 things that could be better. Keyword: Self and peer assessment
LO: To be able to EVALUATE work done and make further improvement. Progress check Thumps up/down I know how to ASSESSS my presentation and make further improvement. I am still struggling and not so sure about ASSESSING my work. Come to the front of the classroom. Keyword: Self and peer assessment
LO: To be able to ASSESS class work and make further improvement Task 1 Whole class discussion: Based on the purpose of Peer and self assessment. To your PowerPoint Presentation – add 3 new slides with the following titles: • Self assessment (Review your own work this term in details saying what went well and what you could be better) • Peer assessment (show your peer the work you have done and ask for their feedback) • Teacher feedback (get your teacher to give you feedback on the work you have done) Keyword: Assessment
LO: To be able to ASSESS class work and make further improvement Plenary Use the feedback given to make further improvement to your work. Keyword: Assessment