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Seaborn AS Close to nature. Seaborn AS was founded 23th May 2001 by key personnel in the Norwegian seafood industry. Head office in Bergen, Norway. Offices in Sweden .
Seaborn AS was founded 23th May 2001 by key personnel in the Norwegian seafood industry. • Head office in Bergen, Norway. • Offices in Sweden . • Seaborn AS is engaged in production and export of farmed salmon and trout in Norway. Our producers have a long experience and tradition in farming during generations.
Seabornwill be thesuppliercustomerschoosebecauseofhigh service level . Seabornwillalso be the link betweenthe farmers and the market .
Shareholders Our shareholders owns a total of 46 licenses for farming of salmon and trout in Norway HAVdyrkene….............................................…….60 % Farmers in the north of Norway………...……………...12 % Berg Partner Havbruk AS…………………….…………4,5 % Employees…………..…….………………………….….23,5 %
Havdyrkerene BA Steinvik Fiskefarm AS Osland Havbruk AS Flokenes Fiskefarm AS Marø Havbruk AS Nordfjord Havbruk AS Hyen Laks E. Karstensens Fiskeopp. Fyllingsnes Fisk AS Bringsvor Laks AS Straume Fiskeoppdrett Drageid Laks AS North Locations Eidsfjord Sjøfarm Mortenlaks AS Skottneslaks AS Pundslett Laks AS
Salmon Trout • Steinvik Fiskefarm • Osland Havbruk • Hyen Laks • Fyllingsnesfisk
Salmon in the South • Steinvik Fiskefarm • Drageid Laks • Osland Havbruk • Flokenes Fiskefarm • Marø Havbruk • Hyen Laks • Nordfjord Havbruk • E. Karstensen Fiskeoppd. • Bringsvor Laks • Tombre Fiskeanlegg AS Packing stations: SF-222 SF-371 H-109 • Salmon in the North • Eidsfjord Sjøfarm • Mortenlaks • Skottneslaks • Pundslett • Packing stations: N-800, N-308 • N-169
SOUTH LOCATIONS Nordfjord Havbruk AS E. Karstensens Fiskeoppd Marø Havbruk AS Osland Havbruk AS Fyllingsnes Fisk AS Bringsvor Laks AS Hyen Laks Steinvik Fiskefarm AS Flokenes Fiskefarm AS Drageid Laks AS
NORTH LOCATIONS Øyfisk AS Eidsfjord Sjøfarm Mortenlaks AS Skottneslaks AS Pundslett Laks AS
Electronic Traceability and Documentation Online • Document chain • Feed- Broodstock- Freshwater-Seawater- Processing- Logistic • Electronic storage • Internal control
VALUE ADDED PRODUCT Seaborn policy is to supply all actual product to the market: VAP products will preferably be produced out by Seaborn fish for optimal traceability VAP products will be produced in private label, to insure best quality and food safety VAP producers have to satisfy all national and international legislations
Seaborn commited with environment • Marco Polo is the European Union’s funding programme for projects which shift freight transport from the road to sea, rail and inland waterways. This means fewer trucks on the road, less congestion, less pollution and release of CO2 and more reliable and efficient transport of goods. • Seaborn has a high percentage of transport services by rail and sea.
ULT HISTORY OF ULT ULT technology was developed for freezing and storage of Tuna for the Japanese sushi and sashimi market, and has been used since the 1970-ties when new standards were introduced. Maersk started to develop ULT equipment in the early 1990-ties and it is this equipment that we are now using to freeze ULT salmon and trout. We have been working to produce and promote ULT frozen products of Norwegian salmon and trout since 2005. A scientific study was also launched in 2005 to study and document the benefits and advantages of ULT. Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology participated in this study. In 2006 a number of Japanese importers and processors were invited by Maersk and Norwegian Research Institute SINTEF to taste samples of ULT frozen products. The results were very good, and clear recommendations to start import of ULT frozen salmon and trout to the Japanese market was given by a majority of the participants. FROZEN PRODUCTSOF SALMON AND TROUTAT ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURES Layout og trykk: TH photo & marketing - 2007 For more information: www.seaborn.no
WHAT IS ULT? ULT stands for freezing and storage At Ultra Low Temperature down to–60 C. In this particular case it is freezing and storage of Norwegian salmon and trout to – 60 C WHY ULT FROZEN SALMON AND TROUT ULT frozen products of salmon and trout holds a substantially better quality than standard frozen products over time, and can in several ways compete with fresh products. The ULT frozen products of salmon and trout gives better: QUALITY:When frozen to –60C the bacteriological activity is almost non exsisting, and the natural fresh quality of the fish is preserved much better compared to standard freezing operations. Studies and tests are clearly showing that ULT is improving important features such as colour, texture and fresh, natural taste and smell. FRESHNESS: It takes only about 12 hrs From the fish is swimming in the sea until it is frozen to –50C. After defrosting the quality is just as good as, or even better, then fresh salmon and trout delivered by air. STORAGE: Because the fish is stored at –60C, and there is close to none bacterio-logical activity, the fish can be kept in storage for a long time and still maintain its high quality and freshness when defrosted. ENVIRONMENT: Shipment by ULT container is only giving 1/3 of emissions compared to air transport of fresh salmon and trout. ULT frozen salmon and trout will have the same high quality as the well known ULT frozen tuna fish. PRODUCTION OF ULT FROZEN SALMON AND TROUT We are only using superior quality Norwegian salmon and trout with full traceability and history from selected farmers to ensure the best possible quality. Temperatures are closely monitored at all times during production and freezing. After freezing to – 60 C the fish is quickly glazed and packed, and then put directly into ULT-containers for storage and transportation. TESTS ARE SHOWING THE FOLLOWING FREEZING TIMES: -20c = 5 h -50c = 8 h -30c = 6 h -55c = 8,5 h -40c = 7 h -60c = 12 h
Situation 2010: • Biomasse in Norway up 6% • Total demand up 8% • Total productionworldwide: - 80.000 t. Chile willonlyproduce 60-80.000 t • Expectedpriceincrease