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Vocabulary in a song Extra vocabulary Photonovel exercise

OBJECTIVES. Vocabulary in a song Extra vocabulary Photonovel exercise.

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Vocabulary in a song Extra vocabulary Photonovel exercise

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OBJECTIVES Vocabulary in a song Extra vocabulary Photonovel exercise

  2. Activity: Written expression.Level: Intermediate.Activity: Photo novels project:In groups students will create a story to be made in a photo novel format (photo novels are a genre of comics illustrated with photographs rather than drawings. They are popular in Spain and Latin America, where they are called fotonovelas, and have also gained popularity in France).to create the photo novels they have to take the necessary pictures for the story and with the help of the website chosen they will add the text to their photos.Technologies used:

  3. TODAY Choosethestory. You can visitthe links and get ideas fromthem. Visitthetoolsto do amazingthingswithyourphotos NEXT CLASS Takethepictures (In theschool) and organizethe dialogues NEXT LAB Edityourphotos and addbubbles and theconversations At home, printyourstories . (Thebestwill be at thelibrary)

  4. http://www.shortstories101.com/ http://www.befunky.com/ Do Amazing Things with your Photos Fairy Tale Short StoriesFunny E-mail ForwardsFunny Short StoriesHorror Short StoriesInspirational Short StoriesLove Short StoriesNon-fictionReligion Short StoriesSad Short StoriesScience Fiction Short StoriesShort Ghost Stories http://pho.to/ Free online photo editor AddPictures - kusocartoon.com - photo to cartoon online Cartoonize your photo online for free

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