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What is NLP????. Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro :. how we experience and represent the world through our five senses and our neurological processes. Linguistic :. the way the language we use shapes and reflects our experience of the world. Programming.
What is NLP???? • Neuro • Linguistic • Programming
Neuro: • how we experience and represent the world through our five senses and our neurological processes.
Linguistic: • the way the language we use shapes and reflects our experience of the world.
Programming • training ourselves to think, speak and act in new and positive ways, in order to reach our maximum potential. • Who Uses NLP?? 4
A Brief History of NLP • invented by John Grinder and Richard Bandler • Based on the work of Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls • Frogs into Princes (Real People Press) 1979 • NLP: A new approach to psychotherapy co-founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP uses language patterns and metaphor to communicate with the subconscious mind enabling the patient to recover within weeks or even days as opposed to months and years when using traditional psychoanalysis. • 5
The NLP Presuppositions • 1. Mind and body are interconnected: they are parts of the same system, and each affects the other 6
NLP Presupposition • 2. The Map is Not the Territory: We all have different maps of the world. • An old man at the school gates…. 7
NLP Presupposition • 3. There is no failure, only feedback… and a renewed opportunity for success. 8
NLP Presupposition • 4. The Map Becomes the Territory: what you believe to be true either is true or becomes true. “ Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!” -Henry Ford • A pauper *A Pauper’s grave • Potter’s Field or Pauper’s field? 9
NLP Presupposition • 5. Knowing what you want helps you to get it. • Always communicate with a purpose and outcome in mind. • Big Joe and Phantom 309 by Red Sovine interpolated by Tom Waits on “Nighthawks at the Diner” 9a
NLP Presupposition • 6. The resources we need are within us. 11
NLP Presupposition • 7. Communication is verbal as well as non-verbal • The “stare” • The “hairy eyeball” • Hand gestures • Body language 12
NLP Presupposition • 8. The non-conscious mind* is benevolent • *also referred to as the sub-conscious or unconscious mind. • No sense of time • Science lesson introduction: microbes • 12a
NLP Presupposition • 9. Communication is non-conscious as well as conscious. • Your language can influence a person’s subconscious mind.
NLP Presupposition • 10. All behavior has a positive intention. 15
NLP Presupposition • 11. The meaning of my communication is the response I get. If the students don’t seem to be learning what you seem to be teaching, don’t assume it’s their fault. Try another approach.
NLP Presupposition • 12. Modelling excellent behavior leads to excellence.
NLP Presupposition • 13. In any system, the element with the greatest flexibility will have the most influence on that system. • Vagueness and universal experiences. • “Everything is process” • The PMB oral exams
Core Concept 1 • VAKOG: How we experience and represent the world. • Visual • Auditory • Kinesthetic- tactile, emotional, psycho-motor • Olfactory • Gustatory What is your lead system?
Core Concept 2 • Outcomes • Know where you are going • Always communicate with a purpose and outcome in mind.
Core Concept 3 • Submodalities • Exploring your imagination • Example: a roller coaster ride. 21
Core Concept 4 • Anchoring • Recapturing the good moments • Think of a time…. 22
Core Concept 5 • Rapport: the key to communication • Requires empathy. Periods 8 and 9: “I know it’s hot…” • Being a good listener • Pace ongoing objections
The Subconscious Mind • Trance • Deep trance phenomena • -driving down Jln. Maulana… • Once upon a time… • Example: Driving test • 22a
The Subconscious Mind • Communicating with the subconscious mind • Submodalities • No sense of time • Benevolence and ‘suggestibility’ • Some people are more suggestible than others… 25
The Subconscious Mind • Language that communicates with the subconscious mind • Embedded commands: People tend to resist being directly commanded to do something. Instead, what you want to do is embed the command inside a sentence so that it has the effect you want without the resistance.
Embedded Commands • Let’s use the example of the command “get your homework done tonight” • If you were to directly command someone, you’d say: “Nurul, get your homework done tonight!” • To embed this command, you’d say something like this: “You know, I was listening to an interview with Siti Nurhalisa, and she said that a successful person will get your homework done tonight, Nurul”.
Trance Inducing Phrases • Certain phrases lead people into a trance state and set-up your embedded commands. Let’s use each phrase to embed the command “study at home”
When you… • “When you” presupposes that the student is going to do the thing or experience the state you describe, so it’s no longer in doubt When you study at home, do you find yourself knowing what you need for the test?
What would it be like if… • This phrase is in effect, a command for the person to imagine the condition or occurence named or described after it. What would it be like if you study at home and then do well on the test?
A person can… • By talking about a “person” it deflects any resistance on the part of the student, since you really aren’t talking about him/her. A person can study at home and learn all the things for the PMB.
If you were to… • “If” deflects resistance while directing the student to imagine the experience, condition, feeling or situation you are describing. If you were to study at home, do you think you might be best prepared for the test?
As you… • This phrase assumes the student will do the behavior or undergo the condition you describe. As you study at home, you can feel your confidence growing.
You might find… • Useful as the start of an intensifying chain of phrases. It implies that they are going to experience what you describe as something that just happens, so it’s doesn’t seem like a command. You might find that as you study at home, you can feel your knowledge base grow
To the point where… • This phrase connects one thing your subject is experiencing with the next thing you want them to experience, so it’s useful as both a connector and an amplifier. You might find that as you study at home, you can feel your knowledge grow to the point where you just feel confident in your test taking ability.
How surprised would you be… • This implies that the event you describe is going to happen, and the only question is how surprised she’ll be by it! How surprised would you be to find yourself studying at home and feeling happy about gaining knowledge?
The Formula: • Trance inducing phrases + command verbs + states, processes or experiences = Embedded Commands
Putting it all together: Pattern Language • Let’s take some useful commands and embed them using our trance inducing phrases to produce a ‘pattern’ Embedded Commands • Turn off that TV/Playstation/CD player • Focus on your studies * Feel so confident *Learn the material *Prepare yourself for the O-levels*Concentrate on the study of…* become more aware
The Pattern • You know, as you turn off that television, you might find that it’s easy to focus more on your studies. A person can learn the material and become more aware of the upcoming test. So, if you were to concentrate on the study of English to the point where you feel so confident about taking the test. I mean, how surprised would you be to feel totally prepared for the O-levels? Now, you may be surprised to find how common everyday things, like flipping a light switch, or walking in your front door can remind you of what we talked about today. The more you think about it, the more you’ll like the idea of studying…
Time Distortion • Time distortion is an incredibly powerful NLP tool. It is used quite often as a persuader or motivator. • Car Salesman spiel: Can you imagine driving this car away today, how impressed your neighbours will be, the proud looks on your family’s faces as you drive up to your door in this fine new automobile. And it all starts with filling in the paperwork. Now, with me, that’s how I felt when I bought one of these last month…
Time Distortion: Braveheart Veteran: (to William) Fight against that? No, we will run, and we will live. • William: (in reply) Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. (shouting to all) And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?! Alba gu brath! (Scotland forever!) • (The Scots cheer "Alba gu brath" repeatedly. Across the field, the English watch the shouting Scots.) • Real world example: Head Boy/Head Girl elections
Other Useful Tools! • Quotes– a way to introduce this material. People tend to be more reverential when it is phrased as a quote, especially if it is a famous person. • Post hypnotic suggestions– can you remember the example in the pattern? Use common everyday experiences. If you link with the passing of Halley’s comet or England winning the World Cup, you’ll get nowhere! * Binder commands “ Do that….With me….Now!