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Muon Accelerator R&D at Fermilab. 1. Brief Overview S.G. 10 mins 2. MUCOOL and MICE Overview and MTA Alan Bross 15 mins MICE Malcolm Ellis 15 mins
Muon Accelerator R&D at Fermilab 1. Brief Overview S.G. 10 mins 2. MUCOOL and MICE Overview and MTA Alan Bross 15 mins MICE Malcolm Ellis 15 mins 3. Muons Inc Rol Johnson 15 mins 4. Targetry Nikolai Mokhov 10 mins Steve Geer Dec 20th, 2005
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 2 Motivation for Muon Accelerator R&D Goal: Develop the concepts and technologies needed for Neutrino Factories & Muon Colliders. The R&D is being pursued within the framework of the Neutrino Factory & Muon Collider Collaboration (NFMCC). Given the goals, the scope of the Fermilab effort is modest, but crucial. In particular, Fermilab hosts the MUCOOL activity, and the Fermilab group has contributed some of the key NF/MC ideas and contributes to the collaboration leadership. After 6 years of R&D, we believe that Neutrino Factories are feasible, & the technology could be ready for prime time within a decade. We also hope that Muon Colliders are feasible, but its too early to talk about the timescale.
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 3 Fermilab Effort
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 4 Supplementary Notes: MUCOOL/MICE • Alan and Malcolm will talk about MUCOOL & MICE • NFMCC funds (~2M$) used to build the MUCOOL Test Area (MTA)at the end of the Fermilab Linac. This is a superb accelerator R&Dfacility, and is our key NFMCC R&D resource. • In the near term, testing RF in a magnetic field at the MTA is crucial … it is the only technical thing that might end up as a show stopper (… we expect to succeed). In addition, we need to test a prototype201 MHz cavity for MICE (MICE receives first beam April 1st, 2007). • To complete the MTA we want to bring a beam from the Linac. This is needed in the short-term to test Muons Inc high-pressure cavities. In the longer term, it is needed to make high-intensity beam tests of cooling channel components.
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 5 Supplementary Notes: MUONS Inc • Rol will talk about Muons Inc. • Can be viewed as a special NFMCC institution. The main NFMCCfunding is now locked into supporting our major international commitments (MICE & MERIT), endorsed by MUTAC & MCOG. Muons Inc. has more freedom to support new ideas with SBIR funding. • New ideas are vital for the Muon Collider concept, & might also leadto a more cost effective Neutrino Factory design (muon acceleration in the Fermilab Proton driver and/or ILC ?). • In addition to brand-new ideas, it is also important to see if the Muons Inc. high-pressure cavity idea is viable (We need the MTA beam for this).
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 6 Supplementary Notes: Cooling R&D • Once MICE and high-intensity MUCOOL tests have been done, we expect to have the knowledge required to design/cost/construct a Neutrino Factory cooling channel, and be confident of success. • Once Muons Inc component tests are done, we might have some additional attractive options.
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 7 Notes: Design & Simulation • No talk on this today. • ~ 1.5 FTE (Was much stronger in the past). Present activity: • Carol Johnstone, Dave Neuffer, Alexey Poklonskiy (student) • Neutrino Factory Front-End SimulationsOptimization: strategy and code – Alexey Poklonskiy’s Thesis topic ? Exploring using cavities filled with high-pressure H2 • Non-Scaling FFAGCarol was one of the inventors Important for Neutrino Factory cost reduction Broader potential applications (e.g. proton acceleration)
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 8 Supplementary Notes: Targetry R&D • Nikolai will talk about targetry R&D. • Materials testing of general benefit to future neutrino program. M&S for this has dried up. • Participation in the NFMCC target experiment at CERN (MERIT)is new for the group. • Once MERIT is done, the Hg-jet target development will be complete. • At some point it would be good to try to see if Hg-jet technologycould be used as a backup for high-power conventional n beams.
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 9 Notes: Exploring Options • No talk on this today. • A healthy muon R&D activity at Fermilab facilitates explorationof various muon-based future possibilities. Depending on what isbeing studied, number of participants varies, but at present corresponds to ~2 FTE. • Under active study: (i) m e conversion in the post-MECO world.(ii) Neutrino Factory & Superbeam detector options (within the framework of the “International Scoping Study”). • Hope to add to the active list exploration of the evolution of the Fermilab Proton Driver into a Neutrino Factory complex (possibly via a muon program).
Steve Geer Fermilab Muon R&D Management Briefing 20th December, 2005 10 AGENDA 1. Brief Overview S.G. 10 mins 2. MUCOOL and MICE Overview and MTA Alan Bross 15 mins MICE Malcolm Ellis 15 mins 3. Muons Inc Rol Johnson 15 mins 4. Targetry Nikolai Mokhov 10 mins