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Pell Grants - 2011. U.S. Department of Education April 2011. Initial Calculation & Recalculation. Initial Calculation. An initial calculation is the first calculation of a student’s Federal Pell Grant award.
Pell Grants - 2011 U.S. Department of Education April 2011
Initial Calculation • An initial calculation is the first calculation of a student’s Federal Pell Grant award. • The institution must use the current, documented enrollment status (may be a projected status). • If no date documented, the date of initial calculation is the later of: • Processed date of the initial SAR or ISIR, or • Date the student enrolls
Date of Initial Calculation • Earliest possible date is date of receipt of an EFC from an ED product (assuming Pell Payment Schedule has been issued), such as: • ISIR (SAR) with an official EFC • FAA Access EFC • FAFSA on the Web EFC • School may choose a later date such as completion of verification
Required Recalculation • Enrollment status changes between terms • Student never begins attendance in one or more classes
Required Recalculation • Lump sum payment according to work completed in prior payment periods • Must use final enrollment status of prior terms with no disbursements • If final enrollment status for the term is different from initial calculation, must recalculate • Include in enrollment status only courses completed (includes earned F’s and incompletes) • Cannot include drops or withdrawals in enrollment status
Institutional Options • Recalculations for changes in enrollment status • Recalculates for all changes in enrollment status during the term • Does not recalculate for changes in enrollment status at any time in a term after initial calculation (assumes student has begun all classes) • Does not recalculate after a census date
Institutional Options • May have a census date • For term • By course • A student’s ultimate census date for the term is the census date of the last course the student attends or is expected to attend • If a student drops, withdraws from, or adds a class before census date, must recalculate based on any change in enrollment status through that census date
Valid ISIR (SAR) and New EFC • Receipt of a valid ISIR (SAR) after an initial calculation with a new EFC requires recalculating a student’s award • Enrollment status used after an initial calculation depends on whether • ISIR (SAR) is received in the term, and • A disbursement has been made for a prior term
Valid ISIR (SAR) and New EFC • No disbursement for a term has been made • If receive a valid ISIR (SAR) in a term: • must use the effective enrollment status for that term under the institution’s policies for recalculations • If receive a valid ISIR (SAR) in a subsequent term: • disbursement for a prior term is based on the enrollment for the work completed in the prior term
Valid SAR/ISIR and New EFC • Disbursements have been made • If receive a valid ISIR (SAR) in a term: • must use the effective enrollment status for that term under the institution’s policies for recalculations • If receive a valid ISIR (SAR) in a subsequent term: • must use the effective enrollment status under the institution’s policies for recalculations for a prior term with a disbursement
Multiple Reporting RecordsConcurrent Enrollment&Potential Overaward Process
Concurrent Enrollment • Student may not receive a Pell Grant at two or more schools concurrently • Regardless of whether from the 1st or 2nd Scheduled Award • Separate from the POP process • If concurrent enrollment appears to exist (reported enrollment dates within 30 days of each other), COD sends the school that submitted the disbursement Warning Edit 069 • MRR issued to reporting school and all other schools with accepted disbursement information in COD for that student and that award year • Concurrent enrollment must be resolved • One school must back out its payment (if actual concurrent enrollment)
Potential Overaward Process (POP) • POP based upon student receiving no more than one Scheduled Pell Grant award in an award year (100%) • If student meets certain conditions, law now allows a student to receive two Scheduled Pell Grant awards in an award year (200%) • COD will continue to monitor based on 100% of a Scheduled Award • Unless AEI is set to “true”
Potential Overaward Process (POP) • A student may receive disbursements from more than one Attended School • When more than one Attended school reports disbursements for a student, COD checks that more than 100% eligibility has not been used • No single school may pay more than 100% • If the COD system receives disbursement information that student has received more than 100% of Scheduled Award, student is in a POP situation
Potential Overaward Process (POP) • COD response to a POP situation is to allow it to exist for 30 days from date MRR is created • Notifies all schools involved that POP situation must be resolved within 30 calendar days • Continues to accept disbursement information • Student will be removed from POP status if: • Downward adjustments bring TEU to 100% or less • School submits maintenance record with AEI set to “true”
Potential Overaward Process (POP) • Unresolved POP – more than 30 days • COD reduces all accepted and posted disbursements to $0.00 at all schools • Each school that correctly paid Pell funds must re-report disbursement information to COD • COD does not prevent another POP for same student • During POP, COD School Relations Center is involved • Escalates issue if same schools create another POP
Potential Overaward Process (POP) • Two Pells in an award year • When AEI is set to “true” COD will not place student in POP status – 200% of Scheduled Award is available • With the addition of the AEI, it is critical that schools monitor Pell eligibility in order to prevent overawards • Never acceptable to set AEI to “true” merely to avert or clear a POP • No POP for exceeding 200% of Scheduled Award • COD will not allow TEU to exceed 200% with AEI set to “true” • Issues Warning and Correction/Reject Edits
Pell Constants Unchanged by Two Pells: • Scheduled Award • Is the amount that a full-time student would receive for a full academic year based on the student’s EFC and COA • Prorated by payment period based on hours and weeks of instructional time attended • Payment for a payment period calculations • Payment periods
“Two Pell” Changes Changed by Two Pells: Student may receive up to 200% of the Scheduled Award (SA) in one award year Student NOT eligible for 2nd SA payment as a less-than-half-time student Institution may NOT assign a crossover payment period to either award year as a general policy or on a case-by-case basis; must use higher award
Two Pell Grants In An Award Year Effective beginning with the 2009-2010 award year Students may receive up to two scheduled Pell Grants during an award year if enrolled in any eligible program of study longer than one academic year in length, including approved programs for students with intellectual disabilities Objective is to help needy students accelerate their academic progress NOT OPTIONAL for schools Pell schools must award/disburse 2nd Scheduled Award funds if student is eligible
Two Pell Grants In An Award Year • No change in way disbursement for payment period is calculated • Pell Grant formulas have not changed • Calculation uses one Scheduled Award for both 1st and 2nd Scheduled Awards for an award year • School continues to pay eligible student until reaching 200% of Scheduled Award for the same award year • May begin paying from 2nd award while paying balance of 1st award
Two Pell Grants In An Award Year • Students may be eligible for 2010-11 2nd Scheduled Award funds in SPRING 2011 • Semester school • If paid 2010-11 in summer 2010 and fall 2010 • Quarter school • If paid 2010-11 in summer 2010, fall 2010, and winter 2011
Student Enrollment Status For receipt of 1st Scheduled Award, student may be at any enrollment status For receipt of any part of 2nd Scheduled Award, student must be enrolled at least half-time
Academic Year Progression • To receive a 2nd Scheduled Award, student must be enrolled in credit or clock hours attributable to 2nd academic year in award year • Use your Title IV academic year definition • Must be at least • 24 semester/trimester credit hours • 36 quarter credit hours • 900 clock hours
Academic Year Progression • At least one credit or clock hour in payment period during which 2nd Scheduled Award will be paid must be attributable to the student’s 2nd academic year • Add earned credit hours from previous terms in award year to current enrollment to determine if total is greater than academic year definition
Academic Year Progression • In determining if student is in second academic year, may not count credit/clock hours earned through • Advanced Placement (AP) • International Baccalaureate (IB) • Testing out • Life experience • Other similar competency measures • Remedial credits DO count
Assumes Academic Year Defined as 24 Semester Hours Look At Academic Year Hours Earned Summer 2010 50% Paid 12 Hours Earned Fall 201050% Paid 12 Hours Earned (24 total, 100% paid) Spring 2011Enrolled in 15 Hours (39 total) > 24 Hours First Scheduled Award Half-time = Yes 2nd Academic Year = Yes Pay portion 2nd Scheduled Award Spring disbursement is 50% 0% 1st Scheduled Award remaining Pay 50% 2nd Scheduled Award
Look At Academic Year Hours Earned Assumes Academic Year Defined as 24 Semester Hours Summer 2010 25% Paid 6 Hours Earned Fall 201037.5% Paid 9 Hours Earned (15 total, 62.5% paid) Spring 2011Enrolled in 12 Hours (27 total) >24 Hours First Scheduled Award Half-time = Yes 2nd Academic Year = Yes Pay portion 2nd Scheduled Award Spring disbursement is 50% Pay 37.5% 1st Scheduled Award remaining Pay 12.5% 2nd Scheduled Award
Assumes Academic Year Defined as 24 Semester Hours Look At Academic Year Hours Earned Fall 2010 50% Paid 12 Hours Earned Spring 201150% Paid 15 Hours Earned (27 total, 100% paid) Summer 2011Enrolled in 6 Hours (33 total) > 24 Hours First Scheduled Award Half-time = Yes 2nd Academic Year = Yes Pay portion 2nd Scheduled Award Summer disbursement is 25% 0% 1st Scheduled Award remaining Pay 25% 2nd Scheduled Award
Assumes Academic Year Defined as 24 Semester Hours Look At Academic Year Hours Earned Fall 2010 37.5% Paid 9 Hours Earned Spring 201137.5% Paid 9 Hours Earned (18 total, 75% paid) Summer 2011Enrolled in 6 Hours (24 total) Not >24 First Scheduled Award Half-time = YES 2nd Academic Year = No 2nd Scheduled Award = N/E Summer disbursement is 25% Pay 25% 1st Scheduled Award remaining
Academic Year Progression • School may waive requirement of enrollment in hours attributable to second academic year only for special circumstances • Must be due to circumstances beyond the student’s control • Must be determined and documented on individual basis • May include special circumstances such as illness or required classes not offered by school • Does not include withdrawing to avoid a particular grade or failing to register for offered class
Crossover Payment Period • Payment period that includes June 30 and July 1 -- crosses over two award years • May be a term or a nonterm payment period • Pell must be assigned to one award year • Must have valid SAR/ISIR for assigned year • Pell may be awarded with EFC from different award year than other Title IV aid • Must use same EFC, COA, and need for all Title IV programs except Pell • For Pell must use EFC from award year from which student will be paid
Crossover Payment Period • Must assign a crossover payment period, for Pell purposes, to award year in which student receives greater payment of Pell for that payment period • Based upon information available at initial calculation • Must reassign payment period if receive information showing greater payment would result from “other” award year • Reassignment requirement stops with ED published deadline • Reassigning payment period after deadline at school’s option – ED will set “not later than” date
ACG & SMART Grant • Crossover payment period 2011 • Regulation states that ACG/SMART in cross-over period must be paid from same award year as Pell will be paid for that crossover period • No funds available in 2011-12 • Any ACG/SMART awarded must be paid from 2010-11 award year • Program ends after 2010-11 award year • If you pay 2011-12 Pell, there is no ACG/SMART
Revision Could Create Overaward School must resolve any overaward created by payment of Pell later in the payment period or after the payment period has ended
Which Year To Pay In Summer 2011? Semester School 10/11 100% Paid Summer 2011Enrolled in 6 Hours Assume eligible for 2nd Scheduled Award 10/11 Summer 6 Hours = 25% Scheduled Award Is there 25% of 10/11 remaining? Yes Compare payment dollars, not EFC’s or Scheduled Awards, and pay higher dollars 25% 10/11 Scheduled Award vs. 25% 11/12 Scheduled Award
Which Year To Pay In Summer 2011? Semester School 10/11 75% Paid Summer 2011Enrolled in 9 Hours Not eligible for 2nd Scheduled Award 10/11 Summer 9 Hours = 37.5% Scheduled Award Is there 37.5% of 10/11 remaining? No Compare payment dollars, not EFC’s or Scheduled Awards, and pay higher dollars 25% 10/11 Scheduled Award vs. 37.5% 11/12 Scheduled Award
Which Year To Pay In Summer 2011? Semester School 10/11 100% Paid Summer 2011Enrolled in 5 Hours Not eligible for 2nd Scheduled Award 10/11 Summer 5 Hours = 12.5% Scheduled Award Is there 12.5% of 10/11 remaining? No Compare payment dollars, not EFC’s or Scheduled Awards, and pay higher dollars 0% 10/11 Scheduled Award vs. 12.5% 11/12 Scheduled Award
Comparing Award Years For Summer 2011 Term dates 5-23-11 to 8-19-11 Initial 2010-11 calculation made prior to term start Summer census date 6-3-11 Student enrolled 12 hours at census date 2010-11 award finalized at full-time 6-16-11 student withdraws from 3 hour course 2011-12 ISIR processed on 6-27-11 How many hours used for 2011-12 Pell award?
Comparing Award Years For Summer 2011 Term dates 5-23-11 to 8-19-11 Summer census date 6-3-11 Student enrolled 6 hours at census date 2010-11 award calculated at census date, using half-time enrollment 6-27-11 student enrolls for additional 6 hours 2011-12 ISIR processed on 7-12-11 How many hours used for 2011-12 Pell award?
Comparing Award Years For Summer 2011 Term dates 5-23-11 to 8-19-11 Initial 2010-11 calculation made prior to term start Summer census date 6-3-11 Student enrolled 18 hours at census date 2010-11 award finalized at full-time 6-8-11 student withdraws from 4 hour course 8-19-11 grade for 4 hour course as “Unearned F” 2011-12 ISIR processed on 8-30-11 How many hours used for 2011-12 Pell award?
Comparing Award Years For Summer 2011 Term dates 5-23-11 to 8-19-11 Initial 2010-11 calculation made prior to term start Summer census date 6-3-11 Student enrolled 10 hours at census date 2010-11 award finalized at three-quarter time 6-8-11 student withdraws from 4 hour course 8-19-11 grade for 4 hour course as “Earned F” 2011-12 ISIR processed on 8-30-11 How many hours used for 2011-12 Pell award?
Two Pell Grants In An Award YearTransfer Students • Must determine completed hours in award year at other schools • If less than first Scheduled Award disbursed, two ways to determine hours earned • Assumption Method • Hours Earned Method • Method at option of school • Student by student • Same policy for all students
Transfer StudentsAssumption Method • Assume completed first academic year if first scheduled award fully disbursed at prior school(s) • Assume student completed the same ratio of the academic year as the % of Pell received • Prior school disbursed $1,784 of $5,350 • Your school’s academic year is defined as 24 credits • $1,784 X 24 / $5,350 = 8 credits earned at prior school • Add together result of calculation from each prior school • Student starts at your school with 8 credits • ALWAYS ROUND DOWN!!
Transfer Students - Hours Earned Method • Use transcripts to count actual hours earned at prior schools • Does not matter if hours transfer to your school • Must have information that includes time periods when hours were earned • Cannot count hours earned through • AP, IB, testing out, life experience, or other similar competency measures • Must count hours earned in crossover payment period as current award year
Hours Earned Example • Prior school disbursed $3,932 out of $5,550 Scheduled Award • Using Assumption method- • Your school’s academic year is defined as 24 credits • $3,932 X 24 / $5,550 = 17 credits earned at prior school • Using Hours earned method- • Actual transcript from prior school reflects 27 credits earned • Student will benefit from Hours Earned method, because it gives him 2nd Scheduled Award eligibility
Crossover Pell Reporting • If Pell disbursements must change award years due to requirement to pay largest payment then- • COD • Cancel disbursement from the incorrect year and re-originate and enter actual disbursement amount under the correct award year • G5 • Business Office will do a draw-down adjustment reassigning the Pell disbursement to the correct award year and draw down any additional Pell funds from the proper award year if necessary
Crossover Pell Reporting • If Pell disbursements must change award years due to requirement to pay largest payment then- • G5 • 2011-12 Pell Grant funds available within days of release of payment schedules • FISAP • Report Pell disbursement for award year from which Pell was paid • If FISAP already filed, adjustments made during Fall edit/correction process (by December 15) or post-adjustment