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ELPP. It’s about TEAMWORK!. Little Champions… with Big Dreams!. Need … Great TEAMS!. ELPP Team. Other Agency Documentation. Parent. O & M. OT. Parent. ECSE Teacher. NURSE. PT. Little Champ. EI Service Coordinator. LEA Rep.

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  1. ELPP It’s about TEAMWORK!

  2. Little Champions…with Big Dreams! Need … GreatTEAMS!

  3. ELPP Team Other Agency Documentation Parent O & M OT Parent ECSE Teacher NURSE PT Little Champ EI Service Coordinator LEA Rep. Checklists, Observations, Assessments, Private Evaluations, FFI, NEO EC Teacher Physician, Medical Reports AT SLP

  4. Early Learning Progress Profile • A data gathering tool designed with guidance from OSEP TA center to measure progress in preschool children with disabilities • Developed in 2006 • Developed in response to Indicator 7 requirements for the SPP/APR • Data is reported: -To OSEP each February -In the SPP/APR Local Education Agency (LEA) Special Education Performance Profile

  5. Early Learning Progress Profile Indicator 7 LEA Performance Profile Alabama/National /LEA

  6. Indicator 7 (One of 3 OSEP Preschool Indicators) • Percent of preschool children age 3 through 5 with IEPs who demonstrate improved: A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language /communication and early literacy) C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs

  7. Child Outcome Summary FormELPP and the Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool Children are alignedwith the COSF ratings.COSF- An abstract tool with a seven point rating system for determining progress in preschool childrendeveloped by OSEP.

  8. ELPP Reminders • ELPP is based on preschool standards. • Old Standards – Developmental Standards for Preschool Children with Disabilities USE EETS SPREADSHEET – Very few left for 2013-14 • Current Standards – Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool Children – USE ELPP WEB-BASED PROGRAM Access standards at: (https://fp.auburn.edu/institute/elpp/)

  9. ELPP • All standards in the Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool Children are not ELPP standards. • ELPP standards are indicated by a diamond.

  10. Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool Children

  11. ELPP Entry Data: Where to Enter? ELPP Website

  12. ELPP Entry Data • Entrydata should be entered for all preschool students, except those whose initial IEP signature date is less that 45 days prior to the end of the school year and will enter kindergarten in the Fall. • Data should be gathered in a collaborative process from multiple sources, entered on the paper copy, then submitted. • ELPP entry should be completed within 45 days of the initiation of special education services. (Changed from 30 to 45 days). 45 days is automatically calculated based on the initial IEP meeting date(same as the initial IEP signature date). • Meaning of “initiation of special education services”: • “Services” means when the LEA actually begins special education services. • “Services” does not mean IEP meeting date , • eligibility date, third birthday, etc.

  13. ELPP Entry Data cont… • In most instances, the IEP begins immediately following the initial IEP meeting (signature) date. • Six months of services will automatically be calculated based on the “Initial IEP meeting (signature) date” field in the student folder for students who will exit the same year as entry.

  14. ELPP Exit Data: Where to Enter? • ELPP Website • EETS Spreadsheet

  15. ELPP Exit Data • Exit data should be entered for all preschool children who have received six months of services by the end of the school year and are going to kindergarten. • Six months of services will automatically be calculated based on the “Initial IEP Meeting date” field in the student folder. This date is the same as the initial IEP signature date. • If a child exits prior to end of year (moves to another state, parent withdraws child) and has received six months or more of services, exit ELPP should be completed within 30 days of exit.

  16. ELPP Exit Reminders • Complete Exit data between April 15-30. • Submit May 1-15. • No Exit data should be submitted before May 1st , unless child moves out of state or exits special education. • If the student’s name appears on the exit overdue list after the April 30th date, the ELPP should be entered at that time. (May 1st through the end of the school • year).

  17. ELPP Exit Exclusions • Child received less than six months of services and is exiting preschool. • Parent revoked consent for services (after receiving more than six months of services). • Parent chooses for child to attend preschool for another year rather than transitioning to kindergarten. The exit ELPP will be completed at the end of that year before the child goes to kindergarten.

  18. ELPP Exit Exclusions • Child is no longer eligible to receive services. • Child is deceased.

  19. ELPP Documentation: It’s about TEAMWORK!

  20. Collection of ELPP Data:A Collaborative Process from Multiple Sources Parent Other Agency Documentation O & M OT Parent ECSE Teacher NURSE EI Service Coordinator Little Champ PT LEA Rep. Checklists, Observations, Assessments, Private Evaluations, FFI, NEO Physician, Medical Reports EC Gen Ed Teacher AT SLP

  21. ELPP Documentation • Teachers and SLPs are • expected to maintain a • paper copy of the • entry and exit ELPP in • the child’s special • education file. • Paper copies will be • viewed during • monitoring. • Paper copies should • remain in the child’s • special education files.

  22. ELPP Documentation • Required to keep data for documentation to support each standard for the ELPP at Entry and Exit. • Keeping data for progress monitoring: • Helps to determine IEP goals • Provides documentation of progress toward IEP goals and ELPP standards • Should be completed on a routine basis

  23. ELPP Documentation • Collection of ELPP data should be a collaborative process from multiple sources. • Parent • Early childhood teacher • Early childhood special education teacher • EI service coordinator • Related service providers- SLP, O & M, PT., OT, Nurse, AT specialist, LEA representative • Reports- Eligibility, physicians/medical, checklists, observations, private evaluations, Family Focus Interview , Natural Environment Observation, assessments, curriculum evaluations • Other agency documentation

  24. ELPP Documentation Newly Released: ELPP Progress Monitoring Documentation Form • OK to use in draft format • Aligned with the Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool Children.

  25. New! ELPP Progress Monitoring Documentation Form

  26. ELPP: Transfer Students • If a child transfers to another LEA, a copy of the paper ELPP should be sent. • The child’s name will automatically populate to the new LEA’s ELPP Website list after: • Child is withdrawn from the previous LEA, • Enrolled in new LEA, and • Assigned a case manager in the new LEA

  27. ELPP Website • Collaboratively sponsored by: • Auburn Transition Leadership Institute • Alabama Department of Education • https://fp.auburn.edu/institute/elpp/ • collaboratively S[onsored by the Auburn Transition Leadership Institute

  28. ELPP Website Links at the Website: • Indicator 7 • Current and Past Webinars • ELPP FAQs • ELPP Website Overview • Collecting ELPP Data • Case Manager/Student Information Changes • Entry and Exit ELPP Forms • Email Questions for Assistance • Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool Children • collaboratively S[onsored by the Auburn Transition Leadership Institiet

  29. ELPP Website Password Administration • The LEA ELPP Administrator assigns and edits all case manager’s passwords • Contact your LEA ELPP Administrator to obtain login information

  30. ELPP Website: Case Manager Information Changes • Case manager names are added and removed through SETS. • To appear on the ELPP Website, a case manager must be assigned to one or more preschool students in SETS. • Case manager passwords for the ELPP Website are assigned and edited by each LEA’s ELPP Administrator.

  31. ELPP Website: Student Information Changes • Allow 1-2 days for changes made to student data in SETS to appear in the ELPP Website. ALSDE SETS database provides student information for the ELPP Website. • Change grade level codes in SETSWEB as the child ages. • 97 - 2 year olds • 98 - 3 year olds • 99 – 4 and 5 year olds

  32. ELPP Website: Missing Student Name from List • A missing student name is usually due to missing or incorrect data in the child’s SETS record. • Before sending an e-mail requesting help to find a student not listed on the ELPP Website pages, check that the student’s SETS record shows the following: • “Active” status in SETS • Enrolled (not registered) between the 3rd an 6th birthdays • Assigned to a case manager • A preschool destination of “97”, “98”, “99”, rather than “PK” • An exceptionality selected • An initial IEP meeting date (different from the ‘initial IEP date’) entered • Correct academic year ( “2013” for the 2013-2014 school year)

  33. ELPP Website: Helpful Features • E-mail feedback link • “Date of Initial IEP Meeting” column • “Past Due” column • Search feature for student name lists

  34. ELPP Website: Email Feedback

  35. ELPP Website: IEP Date Column The “Date of Initial IEP Meeting” column displays the dates from SETS, which are used as the start dates for: • the 45-day maximum period for submitting Entry data; and • the six-month minimum period for submitting Exit data.

  36. ELPP Website: Past Due Column The “Past Due” column shows a red exclamation mark if: • Entry data are not submitted within 45 days (Entry web page); and • Exit data are not submitted by May 1st (Exit web page).

  37. ELPP Website: Past Due Reminders • For students, whose Entry data were previously submitted on the EETS spreadsheet, e-mail the student names to Dr. Frank Buck. • Once the receipt of these students’ Entry data is confirmed, their names will be moved from the Entry web page to the Exit web page.

  38. ELPP Website: Search Feature 1 2 The search feature is included on all four ELPP Website pages that list student names. To use this feature, • Type in the first few letters of the student’s last name into the text box, and • Click the “Search” button.

  39. ELPP Website: Search Feature 3 4 From the search results list of students, any student may be selected to submit his or her Entry data (from the Entry web page) or Exit data (from the Exit web page). To enter data for a student, 3. Click on the radio button beside the student’s name, and 4. Click on the “Next” button to continue to the data input pages.

  40. ELPP Electronic Tracking System (EETS)Spreadsheet Preschool students whose Entry ELPP were entered into the online spreadsheet, prior to the 2011-12 school year, should use the same original ELPP forms and the (old) Developmental Standards for Preschool Children with Disabilities to conduct these students Exit ELPP evaluation. Once the paper form is filled out, enter the information on the EETS spreadsheet.

  41. ELPP Electronic Tracking System (EETS)Spreadsheet Only a few systems left with EETS spreadsheets. Do not transfer data on the spreadsheet to the ELPP website. For students exiting, whose Entry data were previously submitted on the EETS spreadsheet, e-mail the student names to Dr. Frank Buck. Frank.Buck@centurytel.net Once the receipt of these students’ Entry data is confirmed, their names will be moved from the Entry web page to the Exit web page to remind you when the Exit entry is due to be submitted on the spreadsheet.

  42. ELPP Electronic Tracking System (EETS)Spreadsheet ELPP spreadsheets will be submitted through the ELPP Share Point site. Complete Exit data between April 15-30. Submit the ELPP Spreadsheet by uploading the document between May 1-15. No ELPP data should be uploaded before May 1.

  43. Jan Enstrom Kay Spivey kspivey@alsde.edu (334) 242-8114 jane@alsde.edu (334) 242-8114

  44. HappyThanksgiving!

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